
Hidden Academy The lost Charm

Almaya_Celeste · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

I woke up because of the unfamiliar smell of the surroundings. The scent of this room is different and my bed is also very soft. I slowly opened my eyes and I was shocked to realize I was not in my room. The bed is large and the surroundings are pure white and gold.

I feel like I am in the Royal Palace because of the extravagant surroundings. Am I dreaming?

"Oh hi, you're awake" greeted by a beautiful woman who I think is just my age. She is beautiful and white, she is also wearing glasses and her hair is navel. Gosh, I'm already in heaven because it looks like an angel in front of me.

"Ms. Adams, welcome to Hidden Academy" I looked at the woman who spoke. If I am not mistaken she is the woman mommy was talking to before I lose consciousness. Couldn't she have brought me here too? And what is that, Hidden Academy?

"W-who are you? And why am I here?" I asked them in surprise. They looked at each other for a moment before looking at me again. My mind is arguing now. Why does something bad seem to be happening?

"Look Amber, your mom transferred you here because you are safer here. We know it is not easy but that is the right thing to do" she explained but I don't get it.

"Don't force yourself, this is Cally and she is here to help you" she said and focused her gaze on the woman in front of me. So Cally is her name.

"By the way, I will leave you because I still have to take care of something, Cally you will take care of her," she said and walked out of the room. I followed her gaze until she closes the door.

"Hey, don't worry everything will be fine," Cally said while patting my shoulder.

"You sounds like my mom" I whispered and she laughed a little.

"Let me explain to you where you are. You are in the hidden academy. It is far from the city and it's located in the middle of the forest" what the heck? Is there a school in the middle of the forest?

"We have 2 dormitories here, for girls and boys. Their dorm is located in the west wing. We will have dinner together in the dining hall at exactly 7 pm. In the cafeteria you can have breakfast and lunch if you want but because there is a kitchen in this room you can also cook here." As she spoke, I looked around. I never thought that a school as prestigious as this will exist in the middle of the forest.

"The main building is located at the very front of the hidden academy and there are the classrooms. At the back is the field and at the north is where the small city of the Academy is located. There is a mall, park, and market" I was listening but my mind is still flying.

"And don't worry because there is no tuition fee here, it's all free" I was surprised by what she said so she laughed because of my reaction. Where else can you find a school that is so wealthy as this and there is no tuition fee after all? This is insane.

"By the way, before your tour, your mom gives this to you" she handed me the gold card. I read it and my eyes widened at the amount I saw on the card, 20M ?! How did mommy come up with such a huge amount?

"You must be kidding me," I said incredulously. How can mommy give me this much money?

"Hey, it's yours. Your mommy just gave that to Ms. Alice and me"

"I don't understand, why ... why did she suddenly send me here. She didn't mention anything to me about the hidden academy and my transfer here" I was confused by what was happening.

Yesterday was my birthday and when I woke up today I was in a place that was very out of this world. Maybe this is just a dream.

"I also don't know the exact reason why, but I'm here to help you," she said and smiled softly. Yeah maybe she's right I need to trust my mom for whatever reason. Maybe this is good too. For me to get away from my calvary life there.

Cally and I are currently walking in the hallway of the dorm. Almost everyone we passed looked at me badly. Some murmur and laugh. What is wrong with them? Is this the first time they saw a transfer?

"Don't mind them Amber" Cally whispered as we continued walking. I followed her and just let them look at me. We arrived at the main building and could tell that the place was very nice and large.

Today is Saturday and my class starts on Monday so I have 1 more day to memorize the place. If Cally had not said earlier that we were at the Academy, I would probably have thought I was in a palace.

We were in the hallway of the training room when Cally suddenly stopped. "Aish, I forgot," she said annoyed, and turned her gaze to me. "Amber, is it okay if I leave you for a while because the high power students called a meeting," she said. High power students? Are they here too? That's cool.

"All right, I'll just go back to the dorm then," I said and we parted ways.

I was currently walking down the hallway of the training room back to the dorm when I heard an explosion inside one of the rooms. I was worried so I looked for where it came from and I was shocked when suddenly something penetrated the wall. I could see how the training room wall creates a big hole in its opposite wall.

How did that happen?

Smoke enveloped the area so I was slightly felt heavy breathing. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the passage through the wall. My eyes widened at what I saw. A man with a burning hand is furiously walking out of the hole. Fck shit! What kind of school is this? Maybe I'm just hallucinating?

I was surprised when he looked my way so I slightly backed away when our eyes met. His eyes are orange if I'm not mistaken. He frowned slightly while still looking at me seriously. Later on, a fire suddenly appeared in his hand and he threw it away to me. My whole system was shocked. I'm dead! I could not get out of my position because of the extreme nervousness.

The fire was about to hit me so I just closed my eyes but a few minutes later I did not feel any heat on the skin. The smell of the surroundings also became familiar. The smell of the room? I slowly opened my eyes and I was shocked to see that I was already in the room and Cally hugged me.

"Oh shit!" That was the first thing I said and hurried away from her. I wondered looking at her, how did she do that? Why did we suddenly come here so fast?

"Amber calm down," she said calmly but I did not have time to calm down because of what I saw. You can see a man with a burning hand! And all of a sudden you move somewhere in the blink of an eye?

Maybe I'm not crazy, right?

"Cally how can I calm down?! T-the one I saw w-what ... what is that? Why does he have a freaking fire to his hand and you, how did we get here so quickly?" I can't take this. What kind of place is this!

"Ms. Alice told me that your parents did not tell you about your true identity. This is your world Amber, this is where you belong. You were born in the normal world so your charm did not come out but trust me, you are just like us. That just Ms. Alice and even your parents don't know what ability you have"

too much information to absorb! Gosh, what is going on in my life? How did my parents keep it a secret?

"What if nothing?" I asked worriedly. I've been living for 18 years but I never felt strange in myself.

"It is possible, you can be charmless" I was nervous about what Cally said. If I am charmless, how can I live here? The headache. It was just the first day but I immediately asked a lot of questions.

"According to the book I read, even if your parents have the same powers, it is still possible for them to have a charmless child but we are not sure if you are charmless, maybe it's just inside you waiting for a moment" I hope so cally.

I thought I would be fine. Why does my life seem to be more complicated here?

She went to the bookshelf and took a piece of paper there. She handed it to me before speaking again. "It's all about the powers here, just read it okay. If you don't understand some parts just ask me when I come back from the meeting so see you later" she said goodbye and left the room. I just sighed before going to bed and there read the paper.



- people who can make medicines and heal wounds.






Transform into animals




Elemental powers





I still can't believe that people like them exist. It seems like I only see things like this in the movie.

Lost charm


I frowned at the last thing I read. Lost charm? Why is that no information is written?

One by one if you read what their powers say and it is very amazing. All I need to do now is find out what powers I have but what if I am charmless? I just gasped.

I went back to where Cally had taken the papers and just arranged it myself. I also had no other place to go so I just did a room tour and when I got tired I just slept.

"Hey, Amber wakes up" I woke up because Cally shook me hard. I immediately woke up and was surprised to see her.

"What?" Drowsy if asked while still yawning.

"it's already 6:30 pm so, get ready because we are going to the dining hall for dinner," she said before going to the big full-length mirror. I looked out the bedroom window and it was dark outside. I had a good night's sleep.

"Cally about what I'm reading earlier" suddenly asked her while she's in the mirror. It looks like I got her attention because she looked at me.

"Yeah what about it?" She response.

"The lost charm, why is it called a lost charm? There is not as much information about it" I said without looking at her.

"Ah about lost charm, you know what even the school doesn't know what is there. As far as I know, it is stronger than elemental power. We do not know what kind of ability it is, we are still looking for it even dark powers are also looking but until now there is still nothing. " I stopped what I was doing and looked at her.

"Dark powers?" I repeat wondering.

"Yeah, they are our peers who possess dark powers that they use for malice. They are our mortal enemy because they have been planning to occupy the hidden academy for a long time because there are so many students here who have strong powers especially the elemental. they are also competing to find the lost charm because they will use it to cover the whole world "I just nodded. Whoever that is, I hope the dark powers can't find that person.

Cally used her ability which is teleportation because we were going to get late. In just a second we were in front of the giant double door of the dining hall.

"Remember, just relax okay? The dining hall is too messy when you haven't started eating yet so whatever you see don't scream because you might be bullied" Cally reminded before we went inside. There are also bullies here. I thought nothing.

And Cally was right, how quiet it was outside was the opposite noise inside. Seriously? It's like I'm in the wet market. People are chasing, there are flying things, there are people who transform themself into animals, crawling plants everywhere, there are freezing parts of the table and hays whatnot.

Someone else was stunned when Cally and I got inside. Some looked at me, some whispered while laughing, others did not pay attention. We got to the side where no one was sitting too much. It's okay to be away from the mess and noise.

"Hey, are you okay?" Cally asked, I just smiled and nodded in response.

"You'll get used to it, it's really like that riot," Cally said laughing. Yeah not only messy but very messy but I have no choice but to accept this kind of environment.

Suddenly the door opened which caused everyone to stop. No one was shouting and everyone was just staring at the door. I was about to ask Cally what was going on and why the surroundings were suddenly fixed when suddenly a group of people entered. Wow, this group has a grand entrance.

Six people went inside at the same time. Two girls and four boys. It looks like the two were a couple because the woman was holding the man's arm. In fairness they are all good looking, they look like Hollywood because of their perfect faces.

"That is the high power student," Cally said pointing to the group.

"Those 4 boys are the ones who have the elemental powers," she said to the boys. referring just owed them because they are so cool, for me they are gifted.

"The two women?" I asked while not taking my eyes off them.

"The girl with short hair is Devina, her power is electricity so even if it is not elemental power, she is one of the strong ones here in the academy. The one who looks like a leech is Heather, she can control any plants and she is very good there, another, she is also the hidden academy queen because she is beautiful, she also Zack's girlfriend who is the hidden academy king/leader" I laughed at the last thing Cally said. What? Do they still have a queen and a king here? That is corny.

"They are the top 6 of high power students here in academy and Zack is the consistent top 1" wow they are very lucky.

"How do you get into high power 10?" I asked her.

"Well of course you must be both academic and ability excellent. You must be smart in class and good at using your charm. Zack is the top 1 because he can almost always perfect the exams, then he also has the strongest power in the whole academy " mmmm sounds interesting.

"Who are the remaining four?" I asked her again.

"I'm the top 7, the top 8, 9, and 10 are also men and their colleagues. Maybe they just don't want to eat here in the dining hall so there are only six of them now" Cally said, I never thought that one of the strongest students in the whole Academy is my friend.

When Cally and I finished eating, we immediately went back to the dorm. We just talked about some things and soon fell asleep.