
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · Movies
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Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Hiccup Pov:

After lunch I head back down and decide to manage my classes. My only classes are Flight suit stuff and Blacksmithing. Since blacksmithing is hot it is two classes, 1 at around about 9am-12pm or lunch and the second 4pm-7pm.

The flight class I have 2 classes, 1 from 8-9am and it is intro to flight where we go over beginning flight above a lake. The 2nd is 2-4pm and it is Flight suit management and Advanced Flight.

The first blacksmithing is the intro class where we go over basics and safety. The second class we are doing Advanced where we go over more complicated designs. The reason for the 4 hour gap is for the cave to cool down.

The first flight class we go over safety and then basics of Flight suits and usage. It is an intro level course. The second class is for people who have used flight suits and plan to build and or own them. It also is about how to take care and manage them. The rest of the class is Advanced flying where we go over maneuvers and other stuff.

By the time I finish getting my classes ready for school in one week it is almost dinner and I see Hannah walking into my office. "Can I help you, Hannah?" I say trying not to be rude.

"Yeah, I was wondering if I could either be a teacher or student here since I don't know a lot of the stuff here." She says. "Well, we have a multitude of classes. What were you looking for?" I respond.

"I was looking for stuff like your flight suit and teaching how to cook since mom taught me and to be Honest Astrid's cooking was not that great." She says as Astrid who was on the other side says. "I can hear you; you know." This surprises Hannah.

"I will see if I can fit you into the lessons and it will be hard to get that lesson plan in since School starts up in a week. Though I will see what I can do Hannah, also please note that we treat everyone equal ok." I say. "Got it, Headmaster."

The next day we were holding a meeting with all the Chiefs and some of the teachers, along with Scribbler and Mutism. After the normal school talk, I said. "You guys know my sister Hannah, she was talking about doing a cooking class. What do you guys think?"

They talked for a bit before Scribbler said. "We think it is a great idea, especially after Astrid's cooking." "HEY!" Astrid said to the comment since she was being criticized, who wouldn't.

"Then it is decided, Who wants to go tell her?" I ask and they all look at me. "Fine, she is my sister and I am the headmaster." And I go off to find Hannah.

As I am going around the village, I see her looking at a statue of our father. "Amazing, isn't he." I say surprising her. "Yeah, he is, I never got to know him, what did you know about him." She asks.

"Well for the first 12 years of my life he was criticizing since I was not your normal Viking. But then when he thought about making Snotlout chief I went on a journey to prove myself and then School. I learned a lot and Askeladd and Bjørn were actually teachers there, they made the school. Viggo was also a teacher though I doubt he remembers me even if I was his biggest competitor. At the end of school, we were attacked by the same people that we fought the war with last. It was their children and they were after me and I evaded unconsciously until the end of school. There we were in a battle and I lost my leg. From there we went back to my island and my friends went their separate ways, also telling my father that I was missing." I say.

"Wait you had your friends tell your father that you were missing and possibly dead?!" Hannah asks.

"Yeah, but please don't interrupt. The reason being is then no one would link me to Ryder then. I went on missions freeing dragons with friends that joined me along the way until I was about 15 to 16 during that time though some people tried to invade the berserkers. At that encounter we stopped the assassins and Astrid joined us feigning death in battle. We continued on after that for a year before I was shot down on berk and Astrid went to get help from Thorfinn though got caught as well. We were trialed but escaped after puzzling them for a second and after we got back we decided to come back somehow. We got reports of another red death and killed that one while Scribbler pretended that we was taking care of Me for the past few years due to serious injuries, same for Astrid but shorter time. Then Stoick was a bit more like a father you would need. When we went in search of you after they died a similar thing happened on berk like when I was shot down and we escaped and found you." I finish.

"I see thank you. Though that was not why you came here was its Brother." Hannah says. "No it was not, your idea was brought before the school council and it was accepted Hannah, or should I say Professor Hannah." I say.