

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · Video Games
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111 Chs

The Looming Shadows

The soft morning light washed over the bustling city of New York, slowly illuminating its labyrinthine streets and towering buildings.

As dawn's gentle rays filtered through the cracks and windows, they roused the slumbering metropolis from its peaceful repose.

In a modest apartment nestled near the heart of the city, the curtains were drawn back, revealing a glimpse of a young man within.

The sun's rays cascaded through the windows of Shroud's apartment, bathing the room in a warm glow. "It's quite bright today, I must say," Shroud mused inwardly, squinting as he gazed at the dappled light that painted intricate patterns on the floor.

Shroud, with his hair slightly tousled, stood near the window. His unbuttoned shirt and comfortable pants spoke of a relaxed morning routine, a brief respite from the bustling energy of the city that never slept.

Shroud headed towards the bathroom, the anticipation of the day's adventures stirring within him. He followed his daily skincare routine with meticulous care, savouring the familiar rhythm of the ritual that prepared him to face the city's bustling embrace.

After his morning skincare routine, he donned a comfortable tracksuit, feeling the soft fabric against his skin. The city was already alive with the hustle and bustle of its inhabitants, each person on a unique journey of their own.

As he made his way through the streets, his thoughts wandered, contemplating the possibilities and uncertainties that lay ahead.

The decision to move to New York had been made after the mystique skill [Mystique Insight] guided him to do so.

However, even with the skill [Mistique Insight], Shroud couldn't find solace. His recent weakened state had caused the skill's effectiveness to decrease.

This left him unable to confidently decipher whether the glimpses of upcoming events or premonitions he received would lead to catastrophic outcomes or not.

The uncertainty weighed heavily on his mind, making him cautious and vigilant about the path he was about to tread in New York.

Eventually, while pondering this, his steps led him to Central Park, a green oasis nestled amidst the towering skyscrapers.

The park's tranquil beauty provided a welcome contrast to the urban chaos. Shroud relished the chance to escape into nature, even if only for a brief moment.

As Shroud stepped foot into Central Park, he appreciated the tranquillity that enveloped the vast green expanse. The park seemed like an oasis of calm amidst the pulsating heartbeat of the city. The peaceful ambience provided a perfect backdrop for his training regimen.

Noticing that the park was relatively quiet, Shroud found himself a secluded spot to begin his exercises. The solitude allowed him to focus solely on his training without distraction. He took a deep breath, centring himself, and then began his routine.

In the past, his training had been rigorous, but now he pushed himself even further. He had increased the difficulty of his exercises threefold, making each movement more precise and demanding, pushing his body and mind to their limits.

As he engaged in his intense routine, Shroud felt an exhilarating rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. The physical exertion melded with the buzzing energy of New York, creating a harmonious symphony that echoed through his being.

But even amidst the intense exertion, Shroud's mind remained sharp and focused. He knew that pushing himself too hard could lead to exhaustion and compromise his abilities in the long run.

So, with calculated wisdom, he decided against increasing the intensity further, opting to maintain his peak performance.

Shroud possessed a unique body constitution known as [Severed Meridians], which constantly fortified his physical prowess.

As a result, the overly intense exercises lacked significant impact on his body. On the contrary, they would only serve to deplete his energy reserves.

Thus, he approached his training with careful consideration, knowing the importance of balancing his efforts to maximize efficiency and avoid unnecessary exhaustion.

As Shroud delved deep into his training session, focused and determined, the tranquillity of Central Park was momentarily disturbed by the jarring sound of a blaring alarm.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

With a sigh, he reluctantly brought his training to an end, recognizing that it was time to head to school.

In truth, Shroud felt that attending school was not an absolute necessity for him. He believed that the knowledge he could acquire there was limited, especially considering his exceptional abilities.

However, he did attend classes related to Honkai Beast events, acknowledging that there were still some things he could learn from those sessions.

After his interrupted training session, Shroud stretched his body, preparing to embrace the day that lay ahead.

*pop pop pop*

Amidst a symphony of bones settling back into place, Shroud fought to suppress the pleasurable urge to let out a blissful moan.

With measured steps, he retraced his path, making his way back to the sanctuary of his apartment.

After a refreshing shower, Shroud settled down for his customary breakfast with the familiar tea set. As he reached for his cherished cup, a sudden and unexpected incident happned.


Shroud's favourite teacup's handle had snapped just as the hot, yet still drinkable tea threatened to spill all over him.

A typical reaction for most would be a yelp followed by a swift retreat, but not Shroud. Instead, he remained composed, raising his hands in a serene gesture before invoking his remarkable skill, the [Sky Capturing Net].


[Sky capturing net]

A binding move immobilizes the target, but the user must have extreme focus when using this move.

The keyword here is "target," meaning it could refer to single or multiple entities. Moreover, it also implies that the target can also be an object.


An otherworldly net, invisible to the naked eye, began to materialize, gently cradling the hot liquid and the fractured cup in mid-air. With practised finesse, Shroud expertly guided the suspended items towards the sink, their weightless dance captivating to witness.

Once safely nestled in the sink, Shroud released his power, allowing the stagnant liquid to flow away down the drain, while the shattered remnants of his beloved teacup rested on the porcelain surface. As he observed the broken cup, a thoughtful frown adorned his face.

"Could this be an ominous sign?" Shroud mused, contemplating the possible implications of the unexpected mishap. Time, however, was not on his side, and with an impending rush to make it to school, he had little opportunity to delve deeper into the matter.


With a breathless arrival at school, Shroud slipped into his classroom, seamlessly blending into the rhythm of another ordinary day.

As the day progressed, he found himself attending a supplementary history class, a subject that had been incorporated into the regular curriculum due to the pressing circumstances of their world.

The IEC (International Education Council) had deemed it vital to make history education mandatory for all students, supplementing their regular studies.

The reason behind this decision was the incessant Honkai rampages that continued to plague various parts of the world. These relentless attacks, veiled in shadows, posed a significant threat to humanity.

The IEC believed that imparting the knowledge of past calamities to the younger generation was crucial in preparing them for the uncertain future.

As the history class commenced, Shroud listened attentively, aware of the gravity of the information being shared.

The accounts of past Honkai incidents echoed through the classroom, weaving a tapestry of cautionary tales that both fascinated and alarmed the students.

As they absorbed the lessons of the past, an unspoken understanding swept through the room — the weight of history now rested on their shoulders, and it was their duty to ensure the world's survival in the face of these enigmatic dangers.

"You seem to enjoy my classes, Mr. Shroud," the history teacher, Robert, inquired with a warm smile.

Robert cut an imposing figure, standing tall with a hint of facial hair and a fit physique. Dressed in a simple yet presentable ensemble of a plain yellow shirt, pants, and shoes, he exuded the air of a quintessential high school teacher, someone you could find in any school.

"I just like history, that's all," Shroud replied to Robert's observation.

"I see," Robert acknowledged before delving back into the depths of the lesson.

As the day progressed, the lunch break arrived, and Shroud opted for a cup of tea accompanied by an assortment of snacks.

Seeking a peaceful and secluded spot with a pleasing view, he found a quiet corner where he could savour his meal undisturbed.

As Shroud reached for his cup, ready to savour a moment of solitude, his peace was suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice.

"May I sit here?" Robert asked, carrying a tray of food.

Shroud looked up at Robert, nodding in agreement. "Of course, please, help yourself, Mr. Robert," he replied in a monotonous tone, though his voice maintained a hint of welcoming.

As Robert settled into the seat, Shroud was once again about to pick up his cup, but something was on his mind.

He turned to Robert with a thoughtful expression, and curiosity filled his voice. "Mr. Robert, I've been wondering about something."

"Hmm, what is it?" Robert responded, his interest piqued.

"I have noticed that you don't seem particularly passionate about teaching here," Shroud stated gently.

Robert hesitated for a moment before answering, "It's the only job I have."

Shroud, however, sensed that there was more to it, and he continued, "You know, Mr. Robert, I believe it's essential to do a job that you are truly passionate about, rather than something you feel forced into."

At Shroud's words, Robert flinched slightly, caught off guard by the young student's perceptiveness. He looked at Shroud and uttered, "Since when... Since when did you know?"

"From the first day I met you, I could tell that teaching history isn't your true passion. My perception is quite high compared to other people," Shroud replied honestly.

Robert couldn't help but chuckle, finding the idea a bit unbelievable. "Well, you've got me there. Teaching isn't my true calling," he admitted.

"Then why don't you consider pursuing what you're truly passionate about?" Shroud suggested.

"Hahaha, now how could I? I have a family to look after. I cannot just quit because it's my responsibility to provide for them," Robert responded with a mix of resignation and responsibility in his tone.

Silent for a moment, Shroud mused about the complexities of life—the fine balance between personal aspirations and the duties one carries.

Robert's dedication resonated with Shroud's past; he knew the weight of responsibility that had once bound him to his job despite its lack of fulfilment.

"May I tell you a poem?" Shroud asked gently, looking at Robert with a hint of understanding in his eyes.

"I don't know how much of a great poem I can hear from a high school student, but I suppose there would be no harm in listening," Robert said with a faint smile, accepting Shroud's offer of insight.

"Within life's grand tapestry, fate weaves its threads, guiding our paths with an unyielding hand. In this intricate design, no escape, nor loophole lies, for destiny's decree shapes the dance of choices and roads ahead.

Sometimes, responsibility clasps us tightly, chains of duty anchoring our steps. Yet, amidst the weight of obligations, we find the courage to shatter those confines, embracing a destiny beyond others' boundaries set.

And at times, freedom's allure entwines us, bewitching us with its siren call. Yet, in the midst of boundless horizons, we must muster the strength to tether our desires, for within these constraints, true purpose often awaits.

Oh, the symphony of life's enigmas, where fate and will entangle like cosmic dancers, their steps choreographed by a celestial conductor.

With a mysterious hand, it crafts the very fabric of existence—deciding our entry into this world, mapping the course of our journey, and orchestrating the symphony of our departure.

In the depths of these interwoven threads, lies the revelation that our choices and paths are intertwined, each leading us towards profound revelations.

Amidst the grandeur of cosmic machinations, there lies a profound truth—our lives, like ancient constellations, must seek meaning. Purpose, guiding North Star, beckons us to navigate the vast oceans of existence with intent.

So embrace the hand of fate and seize the riddle of life's labyrinth, for in this delicate balance, lies the essence of our existence—a tapestry of resilience, courage, and the eternal quest for meaning."

Shroud, with wisdom reflecting in his eyes, shared a mesmerizingly crafted poem with Robert. Each line danced with vivid imagery, captivating Robert's imagination and stirring emotions.

In the eloquence of Shroud's words, Robert felt a stirring deep within, as if the universe had whispered secrets only the greatest poets would know.

The poem transcended time and space, drawing him into a realm where every step held purpose and every choice was a brushstroke upon the canvas of destiny.

As Shroud's voice ebbed, the echoes of his poetic wisdom lingered, forever etched upon Robert's soul. In that moment, he found solace and inspiration, realizing that fate's embrace was not a constricting hold, but a waltz of endless possibilities, waiting to be explored.

In that ethereal moment of poetic connection, Robert seemed to transcend the confines of the cafeteria, entering a realm where only he and Shroud coexisted. For a moment, in Robert's eyes, he saw Shroud as a divine entity of unfathomable wisdom.

The verses unfolded like a gentle embrace, offering a glimpse of enlightenment that stirred something profound within him.

As the poem concluded, Robert was left suspended in thought, lost in the poignant meaning behind the words. Shroud then picked up the cup and brought it close to his mouth when suddenly...


The tranquillity of the moment was interrupted yet again when the cup in Shroud's hand broke once more, shattering the brief sense of calm that had enveloped them.

A foreboding feeling washed over Shroud, a haunting reminder of the impending storm that loomed on the horizon.

"Oh dear," he whispered to himself, his voice scarcely audible to others. "Looks like a significant and ominous event is about to unfold."

To be continued...


A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.

Meaning of the poem Shroud said in this chapter(note not related to the story but for those who are curious you are welcome to read):

"Within life's grand tapestry, fate weaves its threads, guiding our paths with an unyielding hand. In this intricate design, no escape, nor loophole lies, for destiny's decree shapes the dance of choices and roads ahead."

=>This stanza sets the tone for the poem, likening life to a vast tapestry woven by fate. It portrays fate as an unyielding force that guides our journey, and there is no escaping its influence. The mention of "destiny's decree" implies that our choices and actions are shaped by a higher power, leading us down certain paths.

"Sometimes, responsibility clasps us tightly, chains of duty anchoring our steps. Yet, amidst the weight of obligations, we find the courage to shatter those confines, embracing a destiny beyond others' boundaries set."

=>Here, the poem explores the burden of responsibility and duty. It describes how these obligations can bind and limit us, but it also emphasizes our ability to break free from societal expectations and carve our own paths in life.

"And at times, freedom's allure entwines us, bewitching us with its siren call. Yet, in the midst of boundless horizons, we must muster the strength to tether our desires, for within these constraints, true purpose often awaits."

=>This stanza presents the allure of freedom, which can tempt us to pursue our desires without restraint. However, it also suggests that true purpose often lies within certain constraints. Finding balance and discipline within freedom can lead to a more meaningful and purposeful life.

"Oh, the symphony of life's enigmas, where fate and will entangle like cosmic dancers, their steps choreographed by a celestial conductor."

=>Here, the poem paints a vivid image of life as a grand symphony with fate and personal will entwining like dancers. The reference to a "celestial conductor" suggests the presence of a divine force orchestrating the unfolding of events.

"With a mysterious hand, it crafts the very fabric of existence—deciding our entry into this world, mapping the course of our journey, and orchestrating the symphony of our departure."

=>This stanza further emphasizes the idea of fate's role in shaping our lives. It highlights how fate determines our birth, charts the course of our life journey, and eventually orchestrates our departure from this world.

"In the depths of these interwoven threads, lies the revelation that our choices and paths are intertwined, each leading us towards profound revelations."

=>Here, the poem suggests that within the intricate tapestry of life, our choices and paths are interconnected. Each decision we make leads us to significant discoveries and revelations about ourselves and the world around us.

"Amidst the grandeur of cosmic machinations, there lies a profound truth—our lives, like ancient constellations, must seek meaning. Purpose, guiding North Star, beckons us to navigate the vast oceans of existence with intent."

=>This stanza urges us to find meaning and purpose in our lives. It compares our journey to navigating vast oceans, with purpose acting as the guiding North Star to steer us through the complexities of life.

"So embrace the hand of fate and seize the riddle of life's labyrinth, for in this delicate balance, lies the essence of our existence—a tapestry of resilience, courage, and the eternal quest for meaning."

=>The final stanza encourages embracing fate and the mysteries of life. It emphasizes that the essence of our existence lies in the delicate balance between fate and personal agency, representing a tapestry woven with qualities like resilience, courage, and the eternal pursuit of meaning.

What Shroud wanted to tell Robert was that he must find enough courage to escape from his current path and try going into a new one. Who knows if fate has a different and much better path for him? Overall, he wanted Robert to seek a path that brought meaning to his life.