

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · Video Games
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113 Chs

The Crimson Square

Warning: This chapter contains graphic depictions of violence, gore, and intense scenes that may be distressing to some readers. Reader discretion is advised. If you are sensitive to such content, it is recommended to read this chapter slowly or skip it if it could be distressing for you.


"Shroud!" Julie's cry pierced the air, her realization hitting like a lightning bolt.

Driven by a surge of desperation, she sprinted toward the imposing barrier and pounded it relentlessly. Yet, before the towering, unyielding wall, her blows seemed feeble, her hand turning a furious shade of red.

"Julie, please, cease this. You're risking harm to yourself," Amelia intervened urgently, her voice edged with concern. She stepped in, gently restraining Julie's flailing arms, saving her from the potential harm of her own anguish.

Gradually, Julie's frantic energy subsided under Amelia's firm yet comforting grip. Her eyes, heavy with a mix of emotions, met Amelia's gaze.

In that shared moment, without the need for words, Amelia understood the weight of Julie's guilt. She shook her head, her expression resolute, and uttered, "It's not on you, Julie."

Despite Amelia's consoling words, Julie's countenance remained clouded by a storm of emotions. The weight of her hesitation gnawed at her; she knew that if only she had acted a moment sooner, Shroud wouldn't now be ensnared and imprisoned inside the huge wall.

Beside her, Robert and Emery approached, their faces etched with regret. Shroud had been their steadfast ally, guiding them through perilous moments, and assisting their escapes from the clutches of danger.

Yet there they stood, impotent in the face of the towering wall, powerless to aid Shroud in return. Everyone was feeling down due to Shroud being trapped inside, but...


Just then, a chime resonated through the air as Robert's phone illuminated with an incoming message.

The unexpected sound caught them all off guard, but Robert's curiosity propelled him to glance at the screen. As his eyes scanned the message, a mix of astonishment and relief painted across his features.

Observing this rapid shift in Robert's expression, Emery leaned in, concern knitting their brows. "Is Everything alright?" she queried.

With a blend of surprise and anticipation, Robert replied, "Guys, gather around, you won't believe this."

Intrigued by his urgency, the group converged around Robert, their eyes drawn to the screen he held. On the display, a message glowed – the sender's name, none other than Shroud.

The contents were simple, yet they carried a single meaning: [I will be okay]. This succinct assurance from Shroud ignited a spark of hope within them all that their leader would be alright.

Beyond the expanse of the towering wall, Shroud's gaze was fixed upon it, a whisper escaping his lips, "That message should have reached them by now."

"However," he continued, his voice a quiet determination, "for the moment, my focus must remain on you." Shroud's eyes lowered to his open palm where a small white creature was, his thoughts gathering like storm clouds.

Then, his gaze lifted, sweeping across the horizon, tracing the path to where the Empire State Building stood.


The Empire State Building, a majestic 102-story Art Deco skyscraper, graced the western side of Fifth Avenue in the heart of Midtown Manhattan, New York City.

This architectural masterpiece not only stood as a physical structure but also served as an enduring emblem of New York City itself—a towering testament to America's ascent to worldwide financial supremacy during the 20th century.

Its initial construction was driven by the purpose of housing corporate offices, reflecting the bustling commercial pursuits of the era. However, it soon became a symbol of pride for the Americans.

Flashback to the 20th century, during the inception of the first Honkai Outbreak. Governments worldwide mobilized substantial resources in a united effort to quell the outbreak's havoc.

The combined financial investments were substantial, yet they succeeded in stemming the relentless tide of the Honkai beasts.

However, this victory came at a steep cost. The vast utilization of resources triggered a global economic turmoil, the repercussions of which were deeply felt by nations like the United States, the United Kingdom, and China.

These economic powerhouses bore the brunt of the aftermath, their stability shaken by the consequences of their determined struggle against the outbreak.

In the aftermath of the Honkai Outbreak, America plunged into a harrowing phase that would come to be known as the Great Depression. The nation's economy hit rock bottom, marked by a staggering increase in unemployment rates.

However, amid these dire circumstances, the Empire State Building emerged as a beacon of resilience and hope.

Despite the prevailing hardships, its towering presence stood as a symbol of unwavering pride, managing to uplift the spirits of countless Americans during those depressed times.

However, on today's date, January 15, 2002, tragedy struck this iconic historical landmark. A colossal eruption erupted from within its walls, unleashing devastation that swept through Upper Manhattan.

The aftermath of this cataclysmic event cast a shadow over the very symbol that had once stood as a testament to the nation's strength and willpower.

A few hours earlier...

"Humph," the Herrscher scoffed, his tone dripping with disdain. "Pathetic and insignificant insects dare to defy the will of god." With a look of unmistakable disgust, he gazed upon the humans before him.

Having extinguished the life of the courageous young woman who had dared to stand against him, the Herrscher's gaze fell upon her lifeless form with a chilling detachment.

His indifference to her demise was palpable as he then turned his attention to the cluster of individuals assembled before him. Among the crowd, a spectrum of reactions played out.

Some stood in shell-shocked silence, the gruesome manner of their comrade's demise etched into their minds.

A sense of hopelessness began to settle in for a few, contemplating surrender in the face of such overwhelming power. Yet, there were also those who harboured a steely determination, their hearts steeled for retaliation despite the odds stacked against them.

Yet, at that very moment, a piercing cry shattered the heavy silence, slicing through the aftermath of the slaughter.

"Sister!" The anguished exclamation carried an intense wave of emotion, rupturing the stillness that had settled.

A girl with raven-black hair surged forward, her every step bearing a mixture of urgency and despair. Her eyes, a striking shade of yellow, glistened with unshed tears. It was Julie.

She reached the fallen form of the woman, her hands trembling as they touched the lifeless body. With a desperation born of hope, she shook the lifeless figure, her voice a broken plea, yet there was no response, no hint of life returned.

The Herrscher observed the heart-wrenching tableau with an eerie detachment, their demeanour untouched by any trace of emotion. With a curt gesture, he signalled to one of the beasts, a silent command for it to eliminate her as well.


Responding to its master's directive, the Honkai beast began to advance, its massive form bearing down on the girl. Raising one colossal leg, it prepared to deliver a fatal blow. But in that pivotal moment, a sharp sound pierced the air.


A gunshot reverberated, a bullet altering the course of the beast's impending strike. The massive leg's trajectory shifted, the deadly swing narrowly missing the girl's head by a hair's breadth.

Startled by the deafening sound of the gunshot, the girl snapped back to reality, the gravity of the danger narrowly averted registering in her mind. Her eyes sought out the one who had fired the shot.

"Save your tears for later. We need to evacuate. Everyone, fall back," the gunner's voice cut through the tension, urgency lacing his words.

Without hesitation, he set off, joined by a group of others who took to their heels, retreating from the perilous scene.

Julie's gaze lingered on her sister's lifeless form for one final, painful moment. Infused with a mixture of grief and simmering hatred, she fixed a glare upon the Herrscher.

Biting her lips in frustration, she turned away from the scene of death and followed the retreating group.

Observing the retreat of the crowd, the Herrscher's lips curled into a sneer, a cold amusement gleaming in their eyes. Without hesitation, he issued a ruthless command to his forces: mow them down.

As the beasts prepared to heed this command, urgency surged through Julie. She recognized the impending danger and her voice rang out urgently, "Everyone, we should make for the sewers. It might be our chance to escape."

Her words sparked a flurry of reactions. Some nodded in agreement, recognizing the potential refuge the sewers could offer. However, not all were convinced, as arguments sprouted that the confined space would hinder their movement.

In this moment of decision, the group splintered. One faction made a beeline for the sewers, hastily prying open a manhole cover before descending into its depths.

Meanwhile, the others opted for sheer speed, their desperation driving them to sprint in a frantic bid for survival.

Unfortunately, the faction that chose not to seek refuge in the sewers soon found itself facing a dire turn of events.

A poor decision led to grave consequences as a relentless barrage of arrows, unleashed by the archer zombie, descended from the sky. The deadly rain of projectiles struck members of the group, inflicting injuries and leaving them vulnerable.

Before long, a grim realization settled in as they found themselves encircled, their avenues of escape closed off. The ominous atmosphere thickened with a sense of impending doom. Then, in a nightmarish crescendo, the Honkai beasts unleashed their brutality.


The massacre commenced, a horrifying symphony of destruction as the beasts descended upon their prey with ruthless efficiency. The desperate cries of the ambushed group echoed in the air, an agonizing counterpoint to the chaos that ensued.

"Argh!" A man's anguished scream pierced the air, a guttural cry of pain as his hands were violently torn away. Blood gushed from the horrific wounds, splattering onto the person standing beside him.

In a macabre twist of fate, the person close to him was wearing glasses. The splattering of blood obscured the lenses, casting a crimson haze over his vision.

This unfortunate accident proved to be a catalyst for further tragedy as a scythe-wielding zombie materialized from the shadows, its blade arcing with deadly intent.

The obscured individual, robbed of clear sight, stood defenceless against the imminent danger. In a cruel and swift motion, the scythe found its mark, ending his life in a chilling display of carnage.

The surviving members were now facing the grim reality of no viable escape. Yet, a spark of defiance ignited within the remaining survivors.

In an act of collective courage, they resolved to turn the tide by mounting a counteroffensive. With fierce determination, they engaged their adversaries, targeting zombies and archangels, and even managing to fall a handful of Chariots.

However, the narrative of bravery shifted abruptly when...


A sudden impact reverberated through the battleground. The relentless attacks of the survivors met an unyielding obstruction.

Emerging before them was a formidable amalgamation—an imposing fusion of a shield and an Honkai beast. It was as a Templar, a member of the formidable Templar-class Honkai beasts, its very presence altering the course of the battle.

The man, who had bravely swung a baton at the Honkai beast, felt the impact resonate up his arms, causing a numbing sensation that forced him to relinquish his weapon.

In this vulnerable moment, defenceless against the looming threat, the Templar seized its opportunity. With a swift, merciless motion, its lance impaled the man's abdomen, creating a gaping wound that marked the end of his struggle.

Yet, the Templar's onslaught didn't halt there. Fueled by unstoppable momentum, it surged forward with lethal intent.

Its lance cleaved through the air, piercing through every unfortunate soul unfortunate enough to be in its path. The chilling aftermath was a tableau of devastation, punctuated by the haunting echoes of the Templar's relentless charge.

As the Templar Honkai beast cleared a path through its forceful dash, a glimmer of opportunity emerged—a small gap in the encirclement on the place where the Templer stood before had appeared.

Those who were in close proximity to this opening seized the chance, sprinting for their lives. Their desperation fueled their escape, granting them a fleeting chance at survival.

However, fate's hand was cruelly dealt to those who found themselves distanced from this slim chance.

Enduring the ruthless onslaught of the Honkai army, the unfortunate few fought valiantly, their efforts ultimately leading them to a tragic fate. As the battle raged on, victory for the Honkai forces seemed inevitable.

But amid the chaos, a sliver of hope presented itself once more. The remaining survivors managed to escape anew, splintering into two groups. Some sought refuge within a narrow alleyway, a decision fraught with both desperation and hope.

Yet, this brief glimmer of relief was short-lived, as two towering figures appeared on either end of the alleyway—Ganeshas, Emperor-class Honkai Beasts, each an embodiment of implacable danger.

With unsettling agility, the Ganeshas leapt into motion, their massive forms contorting and folding in on themselves until they resembled enormous wheels.

The confined alleyway hardly hindered their momentum as they began to roll forward with an unstoppable force, defying the limitations of space.

Their formidable bodies bulldozed through the narrow passageway, obliterating any obstacle in their path with sheer brute strength. The unfortunate individuals who had sought refuge in this alleyway were caught in a merciless fate.

The deafening cracks of bones and the heart-wrenching chorus of terrified cries painted a horrifying tableau as the Ganeshas' relentless advance overcame all opposition.

The eyes of those trapped within this gruesome spectacle mirrored their horror and desperation. The crushing weight of the Honkai beasts bore down on them, extinguishing their lives under an unbearable weight.

As for the survivors who continued to flee in the open expanse, they were met with another grim fate.

The Templar Honkai beasts surged forward with a sense of purpose, their shields forming an impenetrable barrier that enclosed the group. The desperate hope of escape was extinguished, replaced by the stark reality of entrapment.

Among the remnants of the initial 400, a mere eight individuals remained. They found themselves ensnared within a cruel circle, the encroaching Templars casting an ominous shadow over their resolve.

As the Honkai beasts closed in, their spirits wavered, faced with overwhelming odds. Yet, a shift in the atmosphere caught their attention.

A presence, larger and more imposing, drew their gazes skyward. A shadow eclipsed the fading evening sun, an unexpected interruption that diverted their attention from the encroaching doom.

The colossal shadow above them captured their attention, causing their gazes to ascend.

Eyes widening with a mix of disbelief and dread, they beheld the Herrscher, whose power had materialized a massive stone platform of the same dimensions as the encircling trap they were caught in.

A voice, cold and resolute, pierced the air as the Herrscher pronounced, "This is the god's order."

The declaration hung heavy in the air, a chilling testament to the Honkai's unyielding authority. In a moment that defied all hope, the stone platform plummeted, its crushing weight bearing down upon the trapped individuals below.

The impact was swift and merciless, the stone platform sealing their fate in a horrific cacophony of shattering bones and anguished cries.

The Herrscher remained aloft, an indifferent observer perched above the macabre tableau they had orchestrated. The massacre was complete, an unfathomable demonstration of the extent of their power.

The Longacre Square, once a bustling area, now bore witness to a grim transformation. It had become a haunting tableau of death and devastation, where lifeless bodies and those on the cusp of death lay strewn across the ground.

Among the survivors who clung to a vestige of consciousness, some found themselves maimed and incapacitated, their limbs severed and their bodies shattered.

In the midst of this harrowing scene, the voices of those who could still plead for mercy rose in desperate crescendo. "N-No, please! I beg you, let me go," they implored, their pleas a last-ditch effort to evade the grasp of death.

But the Herrscher remained unmoved, their sadistic glee evident in a sinister grin that twisted their features. Mercy was a foreign concept in the presence of such cruelty, a horrifying spectacle that marked the nadir of their power.

In the aftermath of the blood-soaked masterpiece he had painted across the heart of the city, the Herrscher's laughter echoed manically.

The crimson tapestry he had woven seemed to delight his dark sensibilities. However, his attention then shifted toward the group that had managed to escape through the sewers, a new canvas awaiting his malevolent artistry.

Understanding the limitations the sewers imposed on the size of his forces, the Herrscher commanded the zombies to pursue the survivors who had taken refuge below.

However, anticipating the potential insufficiency of mere zombies, a change rippled through the Herrscher's demeanour. With an eerie calm, he began to channel Honkai's energy into his palm, a growing resonance filling the air.

*Buzzing noise.*

In response to his command, a horde of Honkai flies materialized, their drone-like forms taking to the air.

These creatures, while resembling ordinary flies, bore the unmistakable mark of Honkai manifestation.

Their sturdy white bodies, adorned with pink-veined wings and eerie pink eyes, marked them as drone-type Honkai beasts—a new type of never-before-seen Honkai beasts. (Here is a picture)

"Go," the Herrscher's command resonated, urging the Honkai flies into action.


With a velocity beyond human perception, the swarm of Honkai flies surged forward, infiltrating the entrance to the sewers.

Their movements were almost a blur as they navigated the confined space, reaching the group that had recently escaped through the underground passages.

As the Honkai flies alighted upon the members of the escaping group, their presence remained nearly imperceptible.

The malevolent nature of these tracker-like creatures revealed itself as they selected their targets with eerie precision. And among those who were marked by their stealthy touch was Julie.

To be continued…


A/N: I hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.

I was reading the previous chapters and came to the conclusion that the way Shroud and his group managed to escape smoothly with just one casualty and the sudden emergence of a wall in the last chapter seemed to be a plot hole in the story. So, I am going to fix them.

For that, I've decided to write a side story of sorts. But while writing, I remembered a comment saying that even if this volume covers the First Eruption where the apocalypse happens, it doesn't have enough blood to showcase itself as a true apocalypse event. So, I took that as inspiration and decided to write this chapter. I hope that this is satisfactory.