

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · Video Games
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113 Chs

Survival Strategies: Same Goal, Different Approaches

Julie conveyed to Shroud that the mysterious figure not only identified itself as an angel but also bore the title of 'Herrscher,' the cause behind the devastating mass destruction.

"I see, Thee have my gratitude for imparting me this information," Shroud expressed his appreciation to Julie for bringing him this knowledge.

Having done so, Shroud beckoned Robert and his family to follow him. As he passed Julie, he leaned in and whispered into her ear, "Pray, that locale whereupon thy assembly intends to venture, doth bear not a sheltered haven."

Startled, Julie turned to look at Shroud, but he continued his path, his silhouette fading into the distance alongside Robert and his family.

"Sir Shroud?" Arie called out, tugging gently on his sleeves.

"Tell me, what ails thee, little one?" Shroud asked. However, Arie wasn't familiar with formal speech exchanges. She appeared puzzled, tilting her head, unsure of what Shroud meant.

"I mean, is something bothering you, Arie?" Shroud corrected himself, realizing that his formal tone might not align with modern times.

[Thou appearest to be immersed in thy pursuits at present, Autumn] It was when Shroud heard the whispers in his head as the whispers teased Shroud for being serious right now.

'*snort* "I do forever remain steadfast in my solemnity.' A faint scoff escaped Shroud's lips, and he retorted with unwavering confidence.

Yet, the whispers persisted, their tone laced with intrigue, [*tch* *tch* *tch*, No Autumn, although thou art usually composed, the present version, adorned with the spirit of Autumn, is one that I find most appealing. The esteemed Grand Duke of the Abyss, Autumn Korosten.]

'Thou dost exude an eerie aura whilst uttering such words,' Shroud responded, unsettled by the eerie nature of the whispers.

[Ho ho ho! Pray, is that truly the case? Methinks I ought to indulge in such merriment more frequently, then] The whisper chuckled darkly.

"Refrain from entertaining such notions," Shroud warned, cautioning the whispers against indulging in such thoughts.

"And how do you perceive a variance betwixt me current demeanour and me customary essence, from your vantage point?" Shroud asked the whispers, inquiring why the current him is different from how he normally is.

[Thy manner of speech is unpretentious, and the celerity with which thou dost assimilate information is truly commendable.] The whisper sneered, unable to hide its derisive tone.

Then, it elaborated on Shroud's peculiar manner of speaking compared to his usual self, offering unexpected praise for his swift analytical abilities.

The whisper then continued, [A mere moment past, when that assembly voiced their intent to traverse towards the city's storehouse, thou didst skillfully infer a sagacious supposition, deeming it plausible that other survivors may have already laid claim to its contents.]

The whisper continued to illustrate how Shroud adeptly made decisions and swiftly concluded that the location had likely been emptied by others.


Within the confines of New York's storage house, Leo took the lead, urging the group to gather provisions swiftly before any potential competitors arrived.

With a sense of urgency and adrenaline rushing through their veins, they decisively breached the imposing walls of the warehouse, bursting through its entrance.

Yet, to their surprise and disappointment, their eager eyes were met with nothing but vast emptiness, echoing with the silence of a place that once held secrets and mysteries.

"What? How can this be?" Leo exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief as he surveyed the barren interior of the warehouse.

He had been certain that their group was quick to arrive, but the realization that another faction had outpaced them caught him off guard.

"Leo, there's nothing here. Could it be that Julie's earlier warning was accurate?" questioned Rein, seeking an explanation from their resourceful companion.

Leo snorted in response, clearly harbouring animosity towards someone named Shroud. The memory of their encounters with Shroud seemed to ignite a fire of resentment within him.

The mere mention of the name elicited a mix of frustration and anger, evident in the tight clenching of his fists and the furrowed brows.

"Hah! Don't be foolish, Rein. Do you truly believe that Orca-like person's words about this place? Julie and Amelia were merely deceived by him." he declared, his distaste for Shroud evident in his words.

"Even if there's no food here, at least it provides us with a safe spot to establish our camp," he said, suggesting that they can use the warehouse as a temporary shelter.

Some time ago...

"Let us avoid that place. Shroud warned me that it might pose a threat," Julie cautioned the group, attempting to alert them to the potential danger.

"Come on, Julie, why should we trust that guy? He might just be deceiving us to secure resources for himself," Leo retorted with evident frustration in his voice.

"Are you being unreasonable, Leo? Shroud and his group headed in a different direction from the warehouse. Do not be quick to judge others," Julie scolded Leo firmly for his negative assumptions about Shroud.

Leo responded with an exasperated tch, countering, "Still, why should we believe him? Have you any proof that he speaks the truth?" Leo challenged Julie, seeking evidence that Shroud was not lying.

"I-I..." Julie faltered, unable to provide concrete evidence. However, after a brief pause, she managed to say, "Since I answered his questions earlier, he warned me about the potential dangers awaiting us there."

In essence, Julie emphasized that Shroud felt it was fair to offer a warning to the group since one of their members had assisted him with answering his questions.

"*Snort* Humph, I won't believe it. If you trust him so much, then why don't you go with that bastard?" Leo retorted, suggesting that Julie should leave the group.

"LEO!" Amelia's voice thundered with anger, the intensity of her emotions reverberating through the area. Her eyes blazed like a wildfire, fixated on Leo, as if trying to pierce through his very soul.

Though Leo shrunk back slightly under her intense glare, he knew he couldn't back down now. Summoning some courage, he stood his ground and accepted Amelia's stare.

"What? Are you also taking that bastard's side, Amelia?" Leo questioned, redirecting the attention of the group towards her. Doubts about her leadership skills began to arise among some of the members.

Amelia sensed Leo's manipulative tactics, realizing he had no intention of working together as a team. Instead, he sought to take command and ensure his own survival.

Gritting her teeth, Amelia couldn't contain her anger and lashed out at Leo, resulting in some bruises. It was only with the intervention of others that Amelia was eventually restrained.

"See, this is all because of that bastard! If we had never crossed paths with him, we wouldn't be stuck debating whether we should venture to the warehouse for food or not," Leo proclaimed, wincing as he got up, his bruise still painful.

Amelia, the supposed leader, found herself facing Leo's provocative question. "Amelia, aren't you supposed to be leading us? Attacking a member of your own group won't earn us trust in your leadership," he taunted, attempting to undermine her authority.

Indeed, Leo's question had merit, as any group member would feel uneasy when their leader lashes out due to an outsider's influence.

His shrewd plan had effectively displaced Amelia as the leader, and now he sought to secure his reign at the helm.

"Alright, let's suppose that what that guy said is true, and the warehouse is empty of food. Even so, can't we use it as a temporary base for the night?" Leo suggested, proposing they utilize the warehouse as a shelter.

In response, the other members began nodding in agreement, swayed by Leo's words. This shift in opinion cast Leo in a new light, and he found himself becoming the de facto leader of the group.

Amelia watched the scene unfold, her disappointment evident as she remained silent.

Observing how easily others fell for Leo's cunning scheme, she couldn't help but shake her head in disbelief.

The true colours of her former comrades were now exposed, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation for their uncertain future.

Observing the current state of the group, Amelia found herself disillusioned and saw no value in staying with them any longer.

She approached Julie and offered her an alternative path, suggesting they follow Shroud and the others. Julie hesitated initially but eventually nodded in agreement.

Thus, Amelia and Julie made their departure from the group, leaving Leo to ascend as the new leader.

In the present, Leo and his followers busied themselves setting up the area to serve as a shelter for the night.

"Good work, everyone. Carry on with this, and we'll have a place to rest," Leo commended the working members while conveniently avoiding any actual physical labour himself.

He sat back, asserting his role as the overseer, claiming that he needed to monitor the group to ensure everything proceeded according to his plans.

Under Leo's new leadership, the group worked diligently to prepare the shelter, unaware of the real reason for Amelia and Julie's departure.

Meanwhile, Amelia and Julie ventured towards Shroud and the others, uncertain of the challenges that awaited them, but determined to find a better path than the one left behind with Leo.

Back to Leo's group,

A sudden sound of hurried and faint footsteps echoed through the area. *Clip-clop-clip-clop*, the rhythmic pounding of shoes on the hard pavement grew louder as a figure emerged, running towards them.

"EVERYONE, WE ARE IN DANGER!" The newcomer, John, shouted with every fibre of his being. He had been part of the patrol responsible for surveying the nearby vicinity.

"Whoa, John, what happened? Why are you in such a state, and where are the others?" Rein inquired, taken aback by John's dishevelled appearance and obvious fear.

John's terrified voice trembled as he spoke, "T-the others... they are dead."

The revelation shocked Rein, and he, too, began to tremble with apprehension. Gathering his courage, he asked cautiously, "How did this happen?"

The group anxiously awaited John's harrowing account, their senses now heightened as they braced for the impending danger that had befallen their fellow patrollers.


In response to Rein's inquiry, a thunderous cacophony of roars reverberated through the air. Honkai beasts and zombies emerged on the horizon, forming an overwhelming and terrifying army.

Panic swept through the group, uncertainty gripping their minds as they turned to their leader for guidance.

However, where Leo once stood, there was now an empty space. Leo had abandoned his comrades, leaving them to face the impending danger alone.


The group's anguished cries and horrified screams filled the air as they were overrun by the relentless onslaught of Honkai beasts.

Meanwhile, Leo sought refuge in a secluded room within the warehouse, locking the door in a desperate attempt to protect himself. Trembling with fear, he prayed for his survival.


To Leo's surprise, a faint squeak echoed in the room. He turned to see an Archangel, and in a burst of adrenaline, he grabbed a bat and swung it at the creature relentlessly until it was lifeless.

Relief washed over him, like a soothing wave that engulfed his weary body. He let out a deep sigh, feeling the tension slowly dissipating from his muscles as the adrenaline rush subsided.

Leaning against the cool, rough surface of the wall, he relished the moment of respite. The weight of the recent encounter still lingered in his mind, replaying the intense moments like a vivid tapestry before his eyes.

As he slowly looked up, he noticed that the roof was missing, causing him to get up in alarm. But it was too late. A swarm of Archangels descended upon him, sealing his fate.


The massive swarm of Archangels descended through the open roof as Leo's screams of horror filled the air, "Ahhh!" However, his cries were swiftly silenced as the blade-like wings of the Archangels struck the cowardly leader.


In an instant, Leo met his end, and the group's former leader was no more, his reckless abandon and selfishness culminating in a tragic demise.

The Honkai beasts had claimed yet another life, leaving the remaining survivors to face the grim reality of their dire situation without his misguided leadership.


Back to Shroud...

[A short while past, when thou didst caution that young lady against venturing to that location, thou wert well aware of the perils that awaited therein] The whisper persisted, commending Shroud's foresight in warning others about the dangers lurking in the warehouse.

'Be silent and retire to rest, whisper,' Shroud sternly instructed, urging the whisper to quiet down and return to its perpetual slumber.

[Never] the whisper retorted defiantly, reluctant to comply with Shroud's demand.

'Shouldst thou slumber not, the OO shall come to claim thee.' Shroud responded with a phrase known only to him and the whisper. Gradually, the whisper relented, retreating back into its slumber.

However, just before succumbing to sleep, the whisper muttered in a fading voice, [I find myself disfavoring the usage of that particular phrase,] expressing its disapproval of the phrase that Shroud had just used.

The cryptic exchange between Shroud and the whisper hinted at a deeper connection and understanding shared only by the two of them.

Although the conversation between Shroud and the whisper appeared lengthy, only a few seconds had passed in the real world.

"Sir Shroud, when can we eat? I am hungry," Arie asked, voicing the collective hunger felt by everyone in the group.

Shroud smiled at Arie's plea and replied, "Whether we shall - Whether we will be hungry will all depend on whether your father can drive or not." His response puzzled the group, leaving them uncertain of his intentions.

Shroud then pointed to a minivan parked nearby, and finally, Robert and Emery understood what he meant. They were going to steal the van as a means of transportation. The kids, however, remained bewildered.

"A gas station should be about some kilometres ahead, we should be able to reach it before nightfall and secure some food," Shroud explained his straightforward plan.

"But wouldn't the sound of the engine attract the Honkai beasts and zombies?" Robert expressed concern.

"Robert, do you still remember where we first met after we rescued your family?" Shroud inquired.

"I believe it was Ridgewood," Robert replied, recalling the location of their previous encounter.

"After that, which direction did we go to?" Shroud inquired, this time asking about the path they had taken after their previous encounter.

"Southwest," Robert promptly replied, and Shroud nodded in confirmation.

"Then, if we continue on this path, where would we end up?" Shroud asked further, anticipating Robert's response.

"If I remember correctly, we would reach Fort Hamilton, where the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge is located," Robert responded, his voice trailing off as he mentioned the bridge. Shroud smirked, realizing that Robert had grasped his intentions.

"Wait, Shroud, are you trying to get us into New Jersey?" Robert questioned, seeking confirmation for his speculations.

Shroud nodded, affirming Robert's suspicions. "Alright, we cannot waste any more time here. Let's move," Shroud decisively said as he made his way towards the van and smashed the window open.

To be continued...


A/N: I hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.

I seem to have forgotten to post the image yesterday, sorry for that. I have posted it in the paragraph comments now, so you can check it out.

And if you are curious, yes, I gave Shroud a quirk. Whenever he is serious, he starts talking more formally than usual.