

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · Video Games
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113 Chs

Ominous Awakening

"Breath of a Pseudo Reborn—"

These were Autumn's final words before the beast's icy breath froze him. The freezing mist cascaded around him like a crystalline shroud, encasing him in a translucent prison.


The beast, as if revelling in its triumph, emitted a joyous growl. Its massive form quivered with anticipation. Snowflakes danced in the air as it readied itself for another attack, its frosty breath emanating from its mouth.

It charged toward Autumn with unrelenting vigour, each footfall sending tremors through the frozen ground.


The roar of the beast echoed through the icy chamber, reverberating like an impending avalanche. Its hoofed feet struck the ground with a rhythmic cadence—clop, clop, clop—creating a bone-chilling symphony of impending doom.

The ground trembled with each step, and with a deafening crash, the beast closed in on Autumn's frozen form —Crash... 



In the softly illuminated expanse of a high-class apartment bedroom, the chimes of the alarm resonated briefly before swiftly falling silent. Sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm, golden hue across the room.


With a hint of drowsiness, the young man stirred within the cosy embrace of his bed. He arched his body as he stretched, his limbs unfolding like a cat awakening from slumber.

The rumpled bedsheets rustled and fell into place as he moved, revealing the inviting disarray of his sanctuary.

His gaze drifted to the clock on the bedside table. "It's been a week now, huh?" he murmured, a touch of contemplation in his voice.

Shrugging his shoulders, the young man proceeded to the bathroom. He turned the faucet, and a swift splash of cold water cascaded over his face.

Droplets glistened like liquid diamonds before sliding down his skin, leaving a refreshing, tingling sensation. He couldn't help but think, 'Hmm, chilly.'



The man turned as the room filled with the excited bark of Cheems, his furry friend who had only recently become part of his life.

"Oh, you're up, Cheems," The Whisper, disguised as Shroud, greeted the pup with a smirk. It took a moment to dry his face with a fluffy towel, and then, with the tiny dog following closely, it made its way to the dining area.

Whisper opened the cabinet, revealing an assortment of pet supplies. It selected a small, gleaming bowl, specially reserved for Cheems, and filled it with nourishing kibble. The pup eagerly wagged his tail, his anticipation palpable.

With Cheems happily munching away, Whisper turned its attention to its own breakfast. Yet, today was different; a sense of leisure enveloped him.

Whisper reached for a brightly coloured cereal box and a container of milk, setting them beside a ceramic bowl.

Pouring the "milk" into the bowl and then adding the "cereal," it created a simple, no-fuss meal to kick off the day. The vibrant packaging of the cereal box added a splash of colour to the scene, contrasting with the tranquil surroundings.

'This is rather delicious, no wonder Autumn eats these on holidays,' Whisper mused inwardly as it continued to munch down on his cereal.

However, its attention was soon drawn to the TV remote lying within arm's reach. Curiosity got the better of it, and Whisper picked up the remote. With a simple press, the TV screen flickered to life.

Whisper couldn't help but wonder, 'I wonder what's on the news right now?' The soft glow of the television illuminated its face as it prepared to catch up on the latest happenings.


[A mysterious Manic Magical girl appears in Siberia and starts Terrorising the city. Is this perhaps the prophesied Teririst Uprisisng]


Whisper's eyes narrowed as it absorbed the headline on the TV screen. It couldn't help but muse, 'Hmm, so the second Herrscher has descended. But that picture...'

'Is the second Herrscher perhaps a child? Interesting.' Whisper's thoughts gravitated towards the image of the little girl featured on the TV screen.

As it continued to contemplate, it noted, 'It seems like Honkai isn't discriminatory when it comes to the host of the Herrscher core. They must choose them based on...' Whisper began pondering how the Honkai selected hosts for the Herrschers.

After a period of deep contemplation, he muttered, "Looks like Autumn was on the right track. It seems that the Honkai selects individuals with the weakest wills to become the hosts for the Herrscher core," he acknowledged.

The method employed by the Honkai for selecting a host for the Herrscher core was, in essence, quite straightforward.

They sought out individuals with intense desires or those who lacked desire but yearned for purpose. These individuals proved malleable, easily manipulated, and prime candidates to be controlled like puppets, a well-known fact among those in power.

Whisper continued to watch the scene unfold on the television. The Fire Moth's artillery, highly mechanized jets, and tanks unleashed a barrage of missiles upon the Herrscher, seemingly launching a formidable assault.

Yet, the Herrscher merely sneered at these weapons, considering them feeble. In response, multiple black circles with yellow borders manifested, and these circles more specifically pocket dimensions absorbed all the missiles aimed at the Herrscher.

Whisper's eyes flickered with intrigue as he muttered, "An interesting skill, or rather, authority. It appears to be an amalgamation of the vacant, domain, and idea, with an implementation of subtle ticking; Void."

However, soon Whisper couldn't help but shake his head as he muttered, "Such a shame, she is still immature and lacks a profound understanding of her powers, preventing her from harnessing them to their full potential."

His tone bore a sarcastic, pitying note as he regarded the girl on the television screen. She reminded him of a certain someone, an individual who possessed great power.

However, that individual didn't have control over those powers as they had been far beyond his grasp, something he could never fully comprehend or control.

It was as though they wielded forces from a realm that remained beyond his reach, a power forever destined to elude his understanding.

With a sigh, Whisper turned his attention back to his breakfast, taking another spoonful of cereal. The TV continued to showcase the unfolding battle, with the Herrscher opening portals to the pocket dimensions.

A momentary flash of crimson radiance followed, and the missiles, now within the pocket dimensions, were deftly redirected back toward the fighter jets and tanks, initiating a perilous counterattack.

The television screen depicted the scene vividly, the crimson radiance casting eerie, surreal hues across the room. The missiles spiralled and streaked through the pocket dimensions, creating an enthralling and chaotic visual spectacle.


The missiles collided with the heavy mechanized jets and tanks, setting off a series of powerful explosions. Black clouds billowed upwards, shrouding the battlefield in obscurity.

To any onlookers present, the scene would have evoked a sense of disappointment, as the Herrscher had effortlessly mounted a counterattack, however...


Amidst the chaos, a jet engine howled, and one of the jets managed to break free from the obscuring cloud.

It emerged into the open sky with a protective, blue sphere surrounding it. The sphere appeared to be some form of energy shield or defensive mechanism.

Yet, it wasn't the only jet that successfully escaped the shroud. The sounds of jet engines roared in unison, and the remaining jets also emerged into the open, their resolve undeterred.

The battlefield brimmed with a renewed intensity as the clash between forces continued —Grrrrumble!

Yet, another sound, this time of heavy machinery traversing rugged terrain, reverberated through the battlefield.

To everyone's astonishment, the Tanks MHT-3 Pax and MHT-3B emerged from the smokescreen with barely a scratch. Tsvetana couldn't believe her eyes, shocked by the resilience of the vehicles.

She had been unaware of the full extent of their capabilities, assuming that redirecting missiles back at them would suffice to eliminate these perceived nuisances. Getting annoyed her expression hardened.

"Hmph, so what? What if you survive my initial onslaught?" Tsvetana declared, her tone laced with confidence.

She opened yet another pocket dimension, this one she used to block/ absorb incoming missiles within its confines. Her defiance was evident, and the battle had only just commenced.

Tsvetana's gaze zeroed in on the Voltex Furywing that had just launched the missile at her.

Her eyes narrowed threateningly as she locked her focus on the jet, declaring, "Let's start with you." She extended her hands, causing the jet to halt in midair, rendering it motionless as if trapped in her supernatural grasp.

However, her concentration was suddenly shattered by the swift approach of another missile — swoosh. 

Tsvetana's attention abruptly shifted as she tracked the incoming projectile. The space around the locked jet swiftly returned to its original state as it broke free from the suspended state.

"You pesky moths, go away," Tsvetana growled in frustration. She promptly opened a pocket dimension, absorbing the incoming missiles once more.

Yet, instead of redirecting them immediately, she opened the pocket dimension extremely close to the jet and allowed the missiles to draw close to the jet before unleashing them.

However, this time, when the missiles hurtled towards their target, the Voltex Furywing had mysteriously vanished, leaving Tsvetana momentarily baffled by the unexpected turn of events.

"What?" Tsvetana exclaimed in utter shock as the jet reappeared before her.

It became clear that the jet possessed a functionality that allowed it to turn invisible for a brief duration, rendering it temporarily imperceptible. Hence, the missiles weren't able to lock onto the jet and attack it.

However, since Tsvetana was born in a very remote location where such high-tech creations of science didn't exist, she was unaware of concepts such as "camouflage."


Tsvetana clicked her tongue in annoyance, frustrated by the unexpected turn of events. She attempted to redirect the missiles toward the jet once more.

Yet, her efforts proved futile, as the moment the missiles drew near the jet, a forcefield sphere was activated, effectively shielding both the jet and its pilot from harm.

"Hey, that's cheating," Tsvetana protested, her frustration evident. Her inexperience and limited knowledge of modern science and technology were apparent.

She had been bestowed with powers but lacked the understanding of how to use them effectively, which became her Achilles' heel. She was akin to a frog in a well, or perhaps a dragon that had never ventured beyond its cave.

Swoosh - Swoosh - Swoosh 

Three missiles were consecutively launched at her. Tsvetana instinctively opened another pocket dimension to absorb them, although she could have just as readily launched them back.

She hadn't attempted to do it before, rendering her unable to use her powers effectively due to her lack of experience.

This was her second weakness: lack of coordination with her newfound powers. She simply hadn't had the time to fully familiarize herself with their capabilities.

While she comprehended how her powers functioned, her knowledge was limited, and she could only perform actions within the scope of her understanding unless they exceeded the boundaries set by her authority.

These were the only two factors that were her restrictions yet they played a pivotal role when Tsvetana found herself in life-and-death situations.

In the harsh reality of the battle for life; Knowledge equated to power, and experience acted as the stronghold for knowledge.

"You insects!" Tsvetana bellowed, her exasperation evident in the animated movement of her hands.

Multiple pocket dimensions unfurled behind her, unveiling a series of absorbed missiles. The atmosphere brimmed with anticipation and tension.

"Die!" she declared with a fiery determination. Each pocket dimension quivered with potential energy, waiting to be unleashed upon her adversaries. The spectacle was both awe-inspiring and menacing.

Yet, before she could set the missiles into motion, a resounding — pew — filled the air. A massive blast of red laser lanced through the battlefield, its destructive power evident in the fiery glow.

Tsvetana, although prepared, found herself momentarily at a loss, unable to open another pocket dimension to escape the imminent attack. Why?

Because she didn't know how, or rather, she hadn't learned the art of multitasking. She didn't know how to create an absorb pocket dimension in the midst of using a release pocket dimension.

Thus far, she had been focused on absorbing and releasing attacks individually.

Simultaneous use of her powers was a more complex and challenging endeavour, and her childlike mentality naturally inclined her toward the simpler, less strenuous approach.

And, this, was her third weakness—a mindset still in the process of development. And this weakness bore a heavy cost which was...


...her life. The high-powered laser made direct contact with Tsvetana, and the excruciating sensation of her skin burning filled the air.


She let out a piercing scream of agony as her flesh began to sear, her body cooking from the intense heat of the laser.

Her muscles were exposed as her blood vaporized into the atmosphere, and soon, even her skeletal frame was laid bare.

Despite her Herrscher abilities and robust physique, she proved unable to withstand the intense, overwhelming power of the 95MW laser.

The laser, unleashed by the MHT-3B, was potent enough to obliterate a portion of the continent.

However, this impressive display of power came at a steep cost—the destruction of the tank's core components, rendering it completely useless in the process.

This scene of this catastrophic event unfolded with Tsvetana's body in the throes of destruction and the tank's core components dissolving in a brilliant explosion...


"I guess that's the end," Whisper mused quietly as they watched the scene unfold on the TV. Whisper returned its focus to his meal, continuing to eat, but its thoughts drifted to Autumn.

'I wonder what Autumn is doing,' Whisper wondered, not out of deep concern for Autumn's well-being, but more out of curiosity regarding the whereabouts of its acquaintance. It pondered various scenarios, and its expression grew more serious.


Cheems's yap, breaking the silence, redirected Whisper's attention. The little pup seemed to be expressing concern, and Whisper addressed him with a monotone voice.

"Huh, are you perhaps worrying about me? Hmm, I was just thinking about something. Don't worry too much," Whisper assured the pup, who responded with enthusiastic tail-wagging and playful leaps, causing the table to shake.

"Oi! Don't do that," Whisper began to reprimand Cheems, but before he could, the empty ceramic bowl it had been eating from, fell to the ground, shattering into pieces with a resonating crash.

— Crash... 


In the icy chamber, the crash echoed and reverberated, amplified by the icy surroundings. The enormous ice block the beast had collided with now bore a mark from the impact.

Yet, as soon as the ice block met the beast's form, something unexpected occurred — Bang — 

— Whimper —

Cheems, startled by the loud noise, whimpered and cowered, having dropped the ceramic bowl in the first place.

Whisper, momentarily irritated, administered a small punishment, delivering a slap to Cheems' face, which elicited a whimper of pain from the pup. It then began to clean the floor, addressing the aftermath of the bowl's untimely fall.

"Hah, you are a really mischievous one," Whisper remarked to Cheems as it continued to clean up the mess on the floor.

Whisper glanced at the TV screen occasionally, observing the ongoing battle. The second Herrscher had been defeated, and yet, its thoughts kept returning to Autumn.

It couldn't help but wonder where Autumn was. However, it never showed concern for Autumn's safety. Why?

The reason was simple: "The OO" was with Autumn, and there was no way it would let anyone harm him. With that assurance in mind, Whisper resumed cleaning as the pup's whimpers persisted...


After being struck and receiving the small punishment, the beast let out soft whimpers as it struggled to regain its footing. Its once-imposing ice armour lay shattered into pieces, and it tumbled to the ground with a resounding — Thud.

Clack — Clack

Ominous, bone-chilling clacks reverberated throughout the icy cave. Autumn stood in the midst of it all, the winds howling ominously around him.

His eyes appeared hollower than ever, and his forehead was drenched in his own blood, creating a macabre and unsettling scene.

His clothes had been torn asunder, leaving him with only tattered remnants that barely covered his manhood.

However, that wasn't the most eerie part. A mysterious fog enveloped him, and black clouds encircled him, giving rise to an eerie transformation that altered his very being.

Autumn's transformation was nothing short of mesmerizing, or rather, utterly chilling. His once-white sclera had now turned completely black, while his once-greyish silver irises transformed into an unsettling crimson red.

Within the depths of his pupils, an umbrella-shaped mark took form, adding to the overall menacing aura.

A malevolent smirk graced his face as his body got completely enshrouded by a mysterious fog. Yet, in the blink of an eye, the fog dissipated, unveiling Autumn in a regal outfit of otherworldly design.

He donned flowing, obsidian attire, crafted for both concealment and agility, featuring a cowl, hood, and mask, all integrated into a sweeping robe.

Adorning his head was a striking crown adorned with twisted thorns and crafted from abyssal creature bones, adding an eerie mystique to his transformation.

These elements masked Autumn's features, making him a mysterious and enigmatic figure. The intricate, otherworldly patterns on his mask resembled a swirling abyssal void.

The colour scheme blended deep blacks, various shades of grey, and occasional hints of dark blue or deep purple, exuding an aura of dark elegance and regal authority.

Autumn's transformation was both awe-inspiring and fearsome, instilling an overwhelming sense of ominous majesty in those who dared to gaze upon him. (Here is a picture)


The beast, struggling to regain its footing, found itself facing Autumn. With lightning speed, Autumn appeared in front of it, delivering a bone-crushing punch to its head.

The impact forced the creature to kneel, creating a seismic shock that sent debris scattering and caused the ice cave's foundation to fracture.


Despite its weakened state, the beast managed to emit a feeble growl, its defiance evident. However, Autumn didn't give it a moment to recover. He unleashed his skill, [Energetica Accumulans], drawing upon a mysterious energy.


Energetica Accumulans (aka Energy Accumulation): This skill focuses on accumulating energy from the surroundings.


Quantum energy began to manifest as a swirling, ethereal substance, with hues of deep black, pulsating with otherworldly crimson and indigo lights. As this energy coalesced around him, it began to take a draconic form.

The dragon's body appeared as if it were a living void, absorbing and distorting the very space around it.

The abyssal dragon's form was both majestic and formidable, its presence dominating the icy chamber, and its body composed of energy exuded an air of dark power that sent shivers down the spine.


Vitali-Flux Infusio(aka Vitali-Flux Infusion): Users can infuse objects, any object with vitality, enhancing their "life force" and durability.


Autumn then proceeded to use [Vitali-Flux Infusio], and as if life had been ignited within the energy draconic creature, it let out a thunderous — Roar! 

The chamber shook with the intensity of the dragon's roar. The dragon, now infused with an extraordinary surge of life force, seemed to come to life before Autumn's very eyes.

As the creature unfurled its colossal form, its scales glimmered with an eerie energy, and its eyes gleamed with a malevolent intelligence.

It was a dramatic and awe-inspiring transformation, a symbol of Autumn's hidden power and command over the forces of nature.

The dragon's fearsome presence sent shivers down the spines of all who witnessed it, a harbinger of destruction and death. (Here is a picture)

The dragon presented itself to Autumn before he issued a chilling command, "Kill."

It responded immediately, as if the dragon itself was obeying Autumn's every will, its energy body twisting and contorting in a sinister dance of impending doom.


The energy dragon let out another earth-shattering roar as it surged toward the beast. Its colossal maw snapped down with unimaginable force, clamping onto the beast.

As the dragon's jaws closed around the beast's form, a cascade of sparks and dark energy erupted from the impact point.

The dragon's teeth bore down with immense pressure, and with each passing second, the beast's body began to dissolve.

Dark tendrils of energy snaked across the beast's form, causing it to disintegrate into a multitude of tiny particles. It was as if the ice beast was being torn apart at a molecular level.

As the dragon's jaws continued to exert pressure, the beast's essence unravelled further, reduced to a shimmering cloud of dark energy.

With one final, resonant crunch, its body ceased to exist, and the dragon swiftly expelled the remains, leaving behind only a carcass.

Then, as if it had served its purpose, the energy dragon began to disintegrate into dust, gradually fading away.

Simultaneously, the regal attire that had adorned Autumn also dissolved, leaving him collapsed on the ground beside the carcass of the vanquished creature, later to be known as Parvati.

The end of volume three...


A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.

I hope the readers liked the third volume, and do comment on your favourite chapter from the third volume. Was it good or bad? Mention that as well.