

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · Video Games
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113 Chs

Mysterious Abyssal Arts{Dark Arts}

I will be writing some info about the dark arts. If I put them in a chapter, I feel it would take more words to explain. Also, it wouldn't be nice to randomly add a skill description in the middle of the chapter. I mean I will give a little info on what it does. As for its capabilities and powers, I will be explaining all of them here.

Also, the mysterious Abyssal arts contain some techniques that the interrelated with each other. You will find some of them here. They all have a similar origin to them and will have similar names.

Dark Arts:

The Dark Arts are a part of the Mysterious Abyssal Arts and are associated with Yin energy. Despite their label as "dark," the arts themselves are not inherently evil. Their affinity with Yin energy is what earns them this name.

Dark Arts lean towards a more destructive side, unlike their counterpart, Light Arts, which prioritizes control over power. However, Dark Arts offer some moves that can deliver sure knockout blows if specific conditions are met.

1. {Dark Arts}: Karma Yin: Rebirth

Using Yin energy, this art allows the user to rebuild the physical body. The technique's success rate is influenced by one's Karma. It requires a sacrifice if Yin energy is lacking, but the sacrifice cannot be a material object.

2. Thousand Hands: Asura

In the realm of Dark Arts, where power and destruction reign supreme, "Thousand Hands Asura" stands as the embodiment of relentless force and annihilation. This technique channels Yin's energy to become a harbinger of devastation and unyielding power.

"Thousand Hands Asura" is a fearsome and destructive move, capable of demolishing any physical barrier obstructing its path.

This technique is specifically designed to annihilate defences, towers, or strongholds with unwavering force. Its key feature is its responsiveness to the user's inner fury and wrath.

When practitioners invoke this technique, their aura transforms into a storm of shadowy, ethereal hands, each representing a facet of destructive power. These hands radiate dark, ominous energy that surrounds the user, imbuing them with unparalleled strength.

Each hand has a specific purpose:

Hand of Fury: This hand draws upon the user's intense anger and fury, converting it into pure, destructive energy. The more intense the user's emotions, the greater the power of "Thousand Hands Asura" becomes.

Hand of Annihilation: This hand identifies the weak points of opponents, enabling the user to pinpoint vulnerabilities and strike with precision. It maximizes the destructive impact of the technique.

Hand of Breaker: This hand shatters physical barriers and defences, rendering them powerless in the face of unrelenting force.

Hand of Chaos: This hand introduces an element of chaos into the surrounding area, disrupting the harmony and organization of the opponent's forces.

Hand of Desolation: When activated, this hand exudes an aura of despair and hopelessness, striking fear into the hearts of adversaries and weakening their resolve.

As the user advances in the mastery of "Thousand Hands Asura," they gain the ability to manifest a greater number of hands, offering increased destructive power and precision.

Additionally, the technique can adapt to the user's intent. It can be deployed proactively, to unleash a relentless offensive onslaught, or reactively, to crush impending obstacles and threats.

The ultimate expression of this technique, known as "Asura's Wrath," empowers the user to bring about unparalleled destruction on a grand scale, tearing through entire armies and fortifications with ease.

"Thousand Hands: Asura" is a testament to the Dark Arts' focus on power and destruction, a relentless force that leaves a trail of devastation in its wake, fueled by the user's inner fury and wrath.

3. Call of the Depths: {Manicalcal Whispers}

A curse technique that inflicts opponents with nightmares and mental trauma. If the opponent is immune, it turns into a physical attack with a damage reduction.

4. Crown of Thorns

"Crown of Thorns" is a sure-hit move and a prominent example of causality arts. By harnessing a specific amount of mental power, this technique directly targets the opponent's thought process, inducing a temporary state of incapacitation.

Upon successful execution, the opponent will be rendered immobile and unable to employ any techniques for a duration of 1 seconds.

The effectiveness of "Crown of Thorns" remains constant, regardless of whether more or less mental power is exerted.

It is a precision technique that relies solely on the accuracy of mental energy control. Should the user fail to generate the required amount of mental power, the technique will self-cancel, preventing any unintended consequences.

This move epitomizes the strategic value of precise mental manipulation, allowing the user to momentarily subdue their adversaries and seize the advantage during critical moments of combat.

5. Call of the Depths: {Spiritual Constraints}

"Call of the Depths: Spiritual Constraints" stands apart from the majority of techniques within the Mysterious Abyssal Arts as it is self-directed, intended to bind the user's own spirit with inescapable chains.

While this move may appear disadvantageous at first, it possesses unique advantages that are not immediately apparent.

The primary benefit lies in the user's enhanced protection against external forces attempting to extract or manipulate their spirit/soul from their physical body.

The binding effect acts as an impregnable defence, preventing any unauthorized attempts to separate the spirit from its corporeal vessel.

In essence, "Call of the Depths: Spiritual Constraints" fortifies the user's spiritual integrity, ensuring their spirit remains securely anchored within their body.

This provides unparalleled security against potential threats seeking to exploit or harm the user's essence, making it a valuable technique for safeguarding against spiritual attacks or manipulations.

6. Call of the Depths: {Spiritual Departure}

Allows the user's soul to leave their physical body, while the body enters a false death state, preventing decay.

7. Call of the Depths: {Spiritual Return}

The opposite of Spiritual Departure, it allows the user to return to their physical body.

8. Mystique Samsara: {Call of Yama}

Legend speaks of a divine decree where, when Yama, the god of death, beckons, one must heed the call without choice or resistance.

Inspired by this fateful tale, "Mystique Samsara: Call of Yama" is a devastating K.O. move that ushers opponents into the afterlife, regardless of their origin within the Samsara.

Unlike other techniques, this move isn't bound by any limitations and can be used on beings of any origin residing within the Samsara.

However, wielding this formidable technique requires a strong connection with Naraka, the realm of Hell.

And the means to establish this connection remain obscure due to the vastness of Samsara, which houses multiple Naraka realms. As such, tapping into this power demands profound understanding and mastery.

9. Mystique Samsara: {Lethal Yin}

This move is one of the K.O. techniques that result in the dissolution of opponents' physical bodies. It utilizes concentrated yin energy to create a deadly poison, requiring various poisonous materials such as plants or venom glands from snakes.

The concentrated yin serves to amplify the poison to a level where it can melt any object it comes into contact with. However, the potency of this move can be nullified if the poison's progression is halted within the body.

Extreme caution is crucial during the creation of this poison, as even its residue can melt metals like Tungsten and cause damage to a neutral star if the materials used are of high quality. Handling and using this technique requires great skill and responsibility to prevent catastrophic consequences.

10. Mystique Samsara: {Regression}

"Mystique Samsara: Regression" is a peculiar technique that allows the user to manipulate time, albeit in a limited capacity.

When activated, this move can regress time by a small interval, approximately up to 3 hours. The user gains the ability to "trick" reality itself, smoothly rewinding the flow of time without attracting any attention from external entities or the natural order of the universe.

However, the price for this temporal manipulation is steep. Utilizing "Mystique Samsara: Regression" consumes a substantial amount of energy from the user, leaving them partially stunned or fatigued after its execution.

As a result, the user must refrain from employing this move again for some months, allowing their body and mind to recover from the strain.

Despite its drawbacks, "Mystique Samsara: Regression" offers unique advantages that outweigh its limitations.

The user gains the power to rectify minor errors, make strategic adjustments, or revisit past situations to glean crucial information or insights. By accessing a brief window of the past, the user can refine their decisions, actions, or responses with the advantage of hindsight.

Additionally, since the manipulation of time goes unnoticed by reality and all other beings, the user retains exclusive awareness of the temporal regression.

This ability allows the user to act with enhanced precision, anticipating events or countering opponents with knowledge of the immediate future.

In essence, "Mystique Samsara: Regression" is a rare and invaluable tool in the arsenal of the Mysterious Abyssal Arts.

Although its restricted usage and temporary repercussions must be carefully considered, the potential it holds for reshaping events and enhancing the user's capabilities make it a formidable asset in useful situations.

11. Sky Capturing Net

The technique known as "Sky Capturing Net" is a potent binding move within the Mysterious Abyssal Arts. When activated, it creates an ethereal net that envelops the target (targets), rendering them immobile and trapped within its confines.

After the targets are confined, the user can also drag them from their places, provided that the targets are much weaker compared to the user.

The effects of this technique persist as long as the user maintains focus and concentration, effectively keeping the target bound for as long as necessary.

However, there is a significant limitation to this move. While the user wields the "Sky Capturing Net," they are unable to move or employ any other techniques.

This temporary state of vulnerability leaves the user defenceless and unable to capitalize on the situation for offensive or defensive manoeuvres.

The primary means of escaping the "Sky Capturing Net" are through brute force or by utilizing other skills to break free from its confines.

The net's strength and resilience make it challenging for the target to break loose merely through physical struggles, requiring significant power to overcome its bindings.

On the other hand, if the user is forced to release the technique prematurely or loses focus, the net dissipates, freeing the target from its restraints.

It is essential for the user to weigh the risks and rewards of using this technique, as its effectiveness depends on proper timing, strategic positioning, and situational awareness.

Overall, the "Sky Capturing Net" is a valuable tool in the arsenal of the Mysterious Abyssal Arts, granting the user the ability to immobilize foes and create opportunities for follow-up attacks or tactical manoeuvres.

However, its drawbacks necessitate careful consideration and skilful execution to make the most of its binding capabilities

12. Ghostly Hands

The technique known as "Ghostly Hands" is an auxiliary skill within the Mysterious Abyssal Arts that grants the user an unpredictable and enigmatic edge in combat.

When activated, this technique imbues the user's hands with an ethereal and intangible quality, allowing their attacks to take on an elusive and ghostly nature.

With "Ghostly Hands" in effect, the user's strikes become incredibly challenging to predict and anticipate, making it challenging for opponents to defend against or counter their attacks effectively.

This unpredictability stems from the ethereal essence infused into the user's hands, causing their movements to be swift, elusive, and difficult to track.

However, it's crucial to note that "Ghostly Hands" can only be utilized when the user is employing their hands in combat.

Whether executing unarmed strikes or wielding hand-held weapons, the technique's influence is limited to the user's hand-based attacks.

This specialization emphasizes the importance of hand-to-hand combat and precision in unleashing the full potential of this skill.

By incorporating "Ghostly Hands" into their fighting style, practitioners of the Mysterious Abyssal Arts can confound opponents with a flurry of deceptive strikes and create openings for more significant offensive manoeuvres.

13. Enhanced Dexterity

The technique known as "Enhanced Dexterity" is an auxiliary skill within the Mysterious Abyssal Arts that bestows the user with a heightened level of dexterity and nimbleness.

When activated, this technique enhances the user's physical coordination, agility, and reflexes of anything related to their dexterity, allowing them to move with exceptional grace and precision.

With "Enhanced Dexterity" in effect, the user gains a remarkable level of control over their hand coordination, making them incredibly agile and capable of executing intricate strikes and movements with ease.

This heightened dexterity extends to various forms of physical activities, including combat, acrobatics, and evasion.

In combat scenarios, "Enhanced Dexterity" enables the user to react swiftly to their opponents' actions, blocking attacks with finesse and launching precise counterstrikes.

The improved coordination empowers them to execute complex combat techniques flawlessly, enhancing the overall effectiveness and versatility of their martial prowess.

Beyond combat, the heightened dexterity granted by this technique proves valuable in various situations.

The user can navigate through challenging environments with remarkable finesse, allowing them to traverse obstacles with ease and accomplish tasks that require precise movements.

Furthermore, "Enhanced Dexterity" enhances the user's overall physical performance, making them excel in activities that demand superior hand-eye coordination and nimbleness.

From sports and artistic pursuits to intricate tasks that require fine motor skills, the benefits of this technique extend to numerous facets of the user's life.

By harnessing the power of "Enhanced Dexterity," practitioners of the Mysterious Abyssal Arts can elevate their physical capabilities to new heights, gaining a significant advantage in both combat and everyday endeavours.

14. Phantom Rush

The skill known as "Phantom Rush" is a unique technique within the Mysterious Abyssal Arts that grants the user the ability to become akin to a phantom, enabling them to move through the world with unparalleled stealth and elusiveness.

When activated, this skill shrouds the user's body in an ethereal aura, making them practically imperceptible to the senses of others.

With "Phantom Rush" in effect, the user's movements become ghost-like, allowing them to traverse the terrain without leaving any noticeable traces behind.

This heightened stealth makes it incredibly difficult for opponents to detect the user's presence, granting them a significant advantage in ambushes, infiltrations, and reconnaissance missions.

The user gains the ability to blend seamlessly with the shadows, using the darkness as their ally to remain undetected even in well-lit environments.

Their footsteps become nearly soundless, and their presence becomes virtually indistinguishable, allowing them to manoeuvre stealthily through any situation.

However, this extraordinary stealth comes at a cost. While the user's body is enveloped in the phantom-like aura, their physical powers and strength are proportionately diminished.

This trade-off is necessary to maintain the balance of this technique, as it requires a redirection of energy from physical prowess to enhancing the user's stealth capabilities.

While in the "Phantom Rush" state, the user might find their physical attacks slightly weaker, and their combat abilities may be limited.

However, the advantage of being able to move undetected and take foes by surprise often outweighs the temporary decrease in raw power.

Mastering "Phantom Rush" requires a delicate balance between employing stealth for tactical advantage and knowing when to revert to full physical prowess during critical moments of combat.

15. Archaic Pain

The skill known as "Archaic Pain" is a powerful offensive technique within the Mysterious Abyssal Arts that allows the user to tap into a wellspring of inner strength, significantly augmenting their damage output and critical hit potential.

When activated, the user's attacks become infused with a surge of intense power, resulting in a remarkable 118% increase in damage inflicted upon their opponents.

Additionally, "Archaic Pain" bestows the user with a heightened critical hit rate, enabling them to land critical strikes with greater frequency.

This increase in critical hit chances allows the user to capitalize on their opponent's vulnerabilities, dealing devastating blows that can turn the tide of battle in their favour.

However, this tremendous boost in power comes at a cost. As the user channels the force of "Archaic Pain" into their attacks, they also bear the brunt of the technique's recoil.

With each strike empowered by this skill, the user receives a portion of the inflicted damage as a backlash, affecting their own physical well-being.

The recoil serves as a reminder of the immense strain "Archaic Pain" places on the user's body, making it essential for practitioners to weigh the risks and rewards carefully.

It demands a fine balance between offensive aggression and defensive prudence, as the user must consider the potential consequences of overextending themselves while unleashing the augmented attacks.

As the user gains proficiency in wielding "Archaic Pain," they learn to mitigate the recoil's effects, building resilience to withstand the physical toll.

Moreover, skilled practitioners strategically employ this technique during opportune moments, where the potential benefits of overpowering their adversaries outweigh the temporary drawbacks of recoil.

16. Arcane Sacrifice

The enhanced version of "Archaic Pain," known as "Arcane Sacrifice," takes the formidable power of its predecessor to new heights.

When activated, the user taps into an even deeper wellspring of strength, resulting in a staggering 312% increase in damage output and a dramatic boost to critical hit rate.

With such immense power at their disposal, the user's attacks become even more devastating, capable of overwhelming opponents with sheer force.

Yet, the true essence of "Arcane Sacrifice" lies in its ability to not only deal with the immediate target but also affect the battlefield as a whole.

Upon executing this technique, the user's strikes not only deal massive damage to the primary opponent but also transfer 50% of the inflicted damage to all of the opponent's allies within the vicinity.

This collateral damage inflicts chaos among the enemy ranks, weakening multiple adversaries simultaneously and disrupting their coordinated efforts.

However, wielding this level of power comes at a great price. The substantial increase in damage and the shockwave-like effect of harming multiple opponents impose an overwhelming recoil on the user's body.

The energy expenditure and physical strain leave the user immobilized for four seconds, rendering them vulnerable during this brief period.

To successfully utilize "Arcane Sacrifice," the user must be strategic in its application, choosing the right moment to unleash its tremendous potential while also considering the potential consequences of being temporarily incapacitated.

It requires a deep understanding of battlefield dynamics and the ability to seize opportunities for maximum impact while minimizing personal risk.

The decision to employ "Arcane Sacrifice" becomes a tactical one, involving a trade-off between dealing massive damage to multiple enemies at once and momentarily exposing oneself to counterattacks.

Expert practitioners of this technique master the art of timing, ensuring that the immobilization period does not leave them vulnerable to lethal strikes and that the devastating effects of "Arcane Sacrifice" can be fully capitalized upon.


A/N: I recently had an accident in which I injured my arms. My bike's brakes didn't work, and I slid and slammed on the ground. I scraped my keg and hit my hand hard on the concrete ground. So, yeah that was why I did not post any chapters.