

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · Video Games
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111 Chs



The cacophony of roars echoed through the once-thriving streets of New York City. Honkai beasts and zombies alike ran rampant, turning the entire metropolis into a nightmarish spectacle.

The once bustling city was now a haunting landscape, overrun by these malevolent creatures. The Honkai's relentless pursuit of humans created a chilling scene straight out of a horror story.

Terrified survivors fled for their lives, seeking refuge from the ravenous monsters. But the terror didn't end there.

The plague that the Honkai had unleashed through the explosion earlier only worsened the nightmare, casting a shroud of despair upon the city.

Amidst the chaos, hope seemed like a distant memory, and the fight for survival had intensified into a desperate struggle for existence.

As the city's very foundation crumbled under the weight of fear and devastation, the survivors found themselves grappling with not only the monstrous threat of the Honkai but also the cruel aftermath of the cataclysmic explosion.

New York City had become a battleground between the forces of Honkai and the resilience of humanity, with the outcome hanging precariously in the balance.

"Quick, this way!" A voice called out, and the source of the voice was none other than Robert, a tall and imposing man.

"Honey, look ahead!" The cry of a woman, possibly his wife, echoed urgently as she warned Robert to be cautious.

Robert turned his gaze towards the front, only to confront an impending disaster—a Chariot, a fearsome creature, poised to strike him.

Seeing this dire sight, Robert muttered an expletive under his breath. He knew that evading the attack at such a close range would be futile.

Resigned to his fate, he motioned for his wife to escape, realizing that there was little time to spare.

Yet, amidst the chaotic upheaval, it appeared that fate had a different plan for Robert. A commanding voice pierced through the turmoil, instructing him to "Duck down" with authority.

Without conscious thought, Robert's body instinctively obeyed, swiftly avoiding a metal pipe that swung perilously close to him.

*THWACK!* The sound of the metal connecting with the Chariot's hard exoskeleton echoed, as the sheer force behind the swing pushed the menacing Honkai beast away.

As the Chariot was momentarily held at bay, Robert turned his gaze towards the source of the timely intervention, and to his surprise, it was someone he knew well—it was Shroud.

He was clutching a metal pipe in hand and with dried blood staining his clothes, evidence of his encounters with the zombies, Shroud stood before Robert as a saviour in this unforgiving world.

"Shroud?" Robert called out, his voice filled with both relief and surprise.

"You were late, so I suspected you might have encountered some troubles on the way," Shroud responded calmly before extending a helping hand to Robert, assisting him to his feet.

In an unexpected twist of fate, as Robert and his wife turned their attention towards the person who had come to their rescue, they were met with a heartwarming sight.

Behind Shroud, two familiar voices rang out in unison, crying out, "Mom, Dad!" Their eyes widened with astonishment and joy as they saw their children—a boy and a girl—running towards them, their eyes brimming with tears of relief and happiness.

"Ary, Dwin," Robert and his wife called out their children's names, overcome with emotion. They rushed to embrace their beloved kids, the warmth of their family bond overpowering the darkness that surrounded them.

"*sob* I am so glad that you all are okay," Robert said, his voice choked with emotion as tears streamed down his cheeks. The relief of having his children and wife safe was immeasurable.

However, the emotional reunion was short-lived, as a stern *cough* abruptly jolted them back to reality. It was Shroud who brought their attention back to their dire predicament.

"Although I don't want to be a party spoiler, I think it would be better if we ought to get out of this city, quickly," Shroud urged, his tone serious and resolute.

In the midst of their heartwarming embrace, the gravity of the situation loomed heavily. They couldn't afford to linger in the city any longer; the dangers that surrounded them were relentless and unforgiving.

The family quickly rose to their feet, offering their apologies to Shroud for the brief emotional interlude, which he graciously brushed aside.

With Robert's family reunited, they embarked on their journey towards the city's exit, their steps guided by a shared will to survive.

As they traversed the treacherous terrain, Robert introduced his wife, Emery, and their children—whom they affectionately called "Arie and Dwin."

Shroud was curious about the children's unique nicknames, but he respected their preference and didn't press further on the matter.

During their journey, Emery couldn't help but inquire about Shroud's identity. Robert replied, "He's a student from the high school where I teach." While the answer seemed simple, it left Emery with a sense of intrigue, as Shroud's presence and abilities were far from ordinary.

As they walked, Robert began to respectfully recount the events that unfolded just before their reunion, starting with the moment when the eruption was about to occur.


The mysterious pink light intensified, radiating with an eerie brilliance that permeated the surroundings.

A foreboding atmosphere settled over the surroundings as the people of New York observed this unnerving escalation.

Robert's intuition pricked at him, sensing an impending danger lurking within the pulsating glow. At the same time, Shroud's keen instincts guided him to anticipate the inevitable.

As Shroud silently counted down in his mind, '3, 2, 1...' BOOM—the eruption erupted with terrifying force.

The shockwave rippled through the heart of Manhattan, causing buildings to crumble and collapse within seconds.

The devastation spread like wildfire, extending beyond Manhattan's borders as the shockwave wreaked havoc on the neighbouring areas.

The once vibrant city now lay in ruins, consumed by the cataclysmic forces that had been unleashed.

The formidable eruption had altered the very landscape of New York City, leaving its inhabitants and the group grappling with the grim reality that lay before them.

The once familiar streets were now marred with destruction, and the magnitude of the disaster weighed heavily on their hearts.

Seeing the terrifying sight before him, Robert was momentarily stunned. However, Shroud's urgent cry, "Mr Robert," snapped him back to reality.

Responding to Shroud's knowing expression, Robert understood the gravity of the situation. Shroud signalled him to make an emergency announcement to alert everyone about the unfolding catastrophe.

Without hesitation, Robert sprang into action, rushing towards the security room with Shroud at his side. Upon entering the room, he took hold of the microphone and began to speak with an urgent tone.

[Attention everyone, this is not a drill. An unknown catastrophe has struck the city, and it is not safe. I urge everyone to exercise caution and follow the evacuation procedures immediately. Leave the building, and make your way out of the city. I repeat this is not a drill.]

Robert's voice echoed through the building, carrying the weight of the impending danger that now plagued the city.

His words reverberated with a sense of urgency, emphasizing the gravity of the situation they all faced.

As he delivered the warning, Robert hoped that his message would reach as many people as possible, giving them a chance to find safety amidst the chaos that had befallen their once-vibrant city.

The race for survival had become more critical than ever, and every second counted as they sought to escape the clutches of this nightmarish calamity.

As Robert and Shroud emerged from the security room, they were met with the sight of a vast crowd of students, teachers, and school staff hurriedly evacuating the building.

The urgent message had reached them in time, spurring them into action to seek safety outside the school's confines.

Shroud suggested that they should also begin their escape from the city, but Robert hesitated and firmly replied, "No."

"Are you worried about your family?" Shroud asked, and Robert nodded, his concern evident in his eyes. However, a formidable challenge lay before him.

His children were in school, while his wife was at home. Robert found himself torn between ensuring the safety of both his children and his wife. It was an impossible dilemma to resolve on his own.

In that moment of desperation, a glimmer of hope appeared as an idea took shape in Robert's mind. He looked at Shroud with a pleading expression, silently conveying his request for assistance.

With the fate of his family hanging in the balance, Robert hoped that Shroud could be the key to helping him navigate this heart-wrenching predicament.

Seeing the look in Robert's eyes, a desperate plea intertwined with hope and fear, Shroud felt an inexplicable tug at his heartstrings.

His initial instinct was to sternly refuse Robert's request, a decision that would have been entirely reasonable in the face of the crisis.

Yet, an unexplainable feeling tugged at him, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over him, causing him to pause.

It was as if an invisible force, like elusive hands, tugged at him, whispering that something wasn't right; the response he was about to give Robert seemed to lack empathy as a human.

The internal struggle between his instincts and his conscience left him questioning the moral implications of his choices—the same moral implications he once valued.

'Why was I so adamant about refusing to help someone almost immediately?' Shroud questioned himself, perplexed by the lack of hesitation that typically accompanied such decisions.

Shroud's demeanour had always been that of a calculated and focused individual, and some might even perceive him as being indifferent or even cruel.

However, beneath that exterior, he wasn't heartless. Yet, this particular situation seemed to unravel something within him, an intangible thread that urged him to hold back his stern refusal.

It was as if a forgotten memory hovered just beyond his grasp, teasing him with its elusive presence.

'Could it be that this is the doing of {Mystic Insight}, telling me to evacuate quickly?' Shroud pondered, considering the possibility that {Mystic Insight} was guiding his actions.

However, time was of the essence, and he couldn't afford to dwell on this mystery now. He decided to push these thoughts to the back of his mind for later contemplation.

With a renewed focus on the pressing matter at hand, he turned his attention to Robert and inquired, "Which school do your children go to?"

Hearing Shroud's willingness to help, Robert's face lit up with joy and gratitude. He shared the location of the school where his children were located, allowing Shroud to navigate through the chaos with a sense of purpose.

Before Shroud left, he thought of something that could help in identifying him to Robert's children.

He turned back to Robert and asked, "Can you give me something that your children might recognize?"

Without hesitation, Robert took off his watch and handed it to Shroud. It was a simple yet sentimental item, one that his children would surely recognize.

Shroud accepted it with a nod of appreciation, knowing that this small memento could be vital in the reunion that awaited them.

With the watch in his possession, Shroud set off on his mission to find Robert's children in the school.

He navigated through the streets, his heart driven by a sense of urgency and responsibility to find Robert's children and help them reunite.

As Shroud entered the school, his senses were heightened, and he remained alert for any sign of Robert's children.

The frantic atmosphere of the school was palpable, with frightened students and staff seeking safety amidst the chaos.

Meanwhile, Robert navigated through the streets, his mind solely focused on reaching his home to find his wife, Emery.

He braved through the debris and devastation that had consumed the city, his determination fueled by love and concern for his family.

The journey to his house felt like an eternity, each second stretched to its limit as he raced against time.

Worried thoughts swirled in his mind, but he clung to the hope of reuniting with Emery and ensuring her safety.

As he finally reached their home, Robert's heart clenched with both relief and anxiety. He rushed inside, calling out his wife's name, praying that she was safe amidst the chaos that had consumed the city.


Back to the present,

"I hope that Arie and Dwin didn't give you much trouble," Emery said, breaking the silence with a hint of concern in her voice.

Shroud's mind briefly flickered back to his encounter with Robert's children, recalling how they had been a handful.

He was grateful that he had taken Robert's watch to help identify himself to them; otherwise, it might have been a more challenging task to get them to trust and follow him.

With no hint of his internal thoughts and maintaining his stoic demeanour, Shroud replied, "These little ones proved themselves to not be too bothersome."

Emery was a bit taken aback by Shroud's peculiar manner of speaking, but she didn't dwell on it too much, attributing it to the stress and gravity of their situation.

"Mom, Dad, Sir Shroud, look in front, there are people," Arie's excited voice interrupted their conversation, directing their attention ahead.

Indeed, a group of people had come into view, and they seemed to have noticed Emery, Robert, and Shroud approaching their direction.

Whether this new group was friend or foe, only time would tell. The uncertainty of the situation added to the tension in the air, and the group remained cautious as they approached the strangers.

To be continued...


A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.

I know that the chapter may have seemed inconsistent recently, but I assure you that I am taking the time to carefully consider how to articulate my thoughts in words.

I already have a clear idea of how this volume will unfold, and currently, I am simply facing a minor writer's block in figuring out the best approach to ensure all readers can understand and enjoy it.

Also, does anyone have an idea as to what the Easter egg I was referring to in the beginning chapters of the volume?