

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · Video Games
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111 Chs

City Lights and Hidden Smiles

Several days had passed since Kevin and Su had extended an invitation to Shroud for a city tour.

The school week had unfolded without major incidents, although inquisitive glances and murmurs seemed to trail Shroud wherever he went.

The school's hallways buzzed with quiet conversations as students and faculty traversed the corridors, while chalk dust hung in the air in classrooms where teachers inscribed equations, historical dates, and literary quotes on the blackboards.

Students diligently took notes, the soft scratching of pens on paper accompanying their absorption of knowledge, or perhaps their daydreaming about the impending weekend.

With each passing day, the anticipation for the weekend's arrival mounted. Some students made plans to socialize with friends, while others eagerly anticipated moments of solitude and relaxation.

The promise of a two-day break from schoolwork and the chance to explore hidden gems within the city hung tantalizingly in the air.

As the weekend neared, a growing sense of anticipation enveloped the school. Even Kevin and Su were covertly devising plans to provide Shroud with the best city tour possible.

Conversely, Shroud appeared outwardly unperturbed by the mounting excitement, maintaining his customary passive demeanour.

Yet beneath the surface, he too was looking forward to the upcoming tour, recognizing the potential for gaining insights into the ordinary lives of those who spend time with their friends.


The weekend had dawned with a brilliant sun casting its warm rays upon the city. The azure sky stretched far and wide, creating a perfect canvas for their day of exploration.

People filled the streets, their steps animated with excitement and anticipation. Laughter and chatter floated through the air, mixing with the sounds of street vendors hawking their wares and the occasional busker playing a lively tune.

The city's buildings stood tall and proud, each telling a story of its own. The bustling shops, the fragrant food stalls, and the vibrant colours of street art added to the lively atmosphere.

One of the busiest places in the city, Nagazora Metro Station was like any other day filled with people. The Nagazora Metro station was alive with the movement of people.

Commuters flowed like a river, moving quickly to catch their trains, while the station's overhead announcements provided a constant soundtrack to the scene.

The sound of footsteps, conversations, and the occasional ringing of a train's arrival chime filled the air. Kevin and Su, dressed casually for their day out, waited impatiently on the platform.

The digital display boards overhead showed the arrival times for various trains, their bright screens contrasting with the grey, industrial surroundings. Kevin frequently checked his watch, his growing frustration evident on his face, while Su wore a concerned expression.

"When will he arrive?" Kevin vented in frustration. It had been nearly ten minutes since they arrived, and there was still no sign of Shroud.

Su shared a furrowed brow as another train passed by. The next scheduled train was the one they had booked tickets for. "It's taking quite a while. I hope Shroud hasn't had a change of heart," Su mused, his gaze darting around the station.

As another train rumbled into the station, Su glanced at his watch once more. It was the train they had tickets for, and Shroud was still nowhere in sight.

"Should we give Shroud a call?" Su suggested, sensing the need to reach out and ensure their plans weren't unravelling.

Just as they contemplated reaching out, a calm voice sounded from behind them. "My apologies for my tardiness."

Startled, Kevin and Su spun around, their expressions shifting from frustration to astonishment as Shroud suddenly materialized behind them.

"Whoa!" Su stepped back in surprise, his heart racing from Shroud's unexpected appearance.

Finally, Shroud had arrived. Kevin, while relieved, couldn't resist a playful jab, "Took you long enough, didn't it?"

Shroud, maintaining his characteristic composure, nodded in acknowledgement. "I got a bit turned around on the way."

Although this was the reason Shroud gave for his delay, the truth was he had been uncertain about his attire for the occasion.

In the end, he opted for clean and matching clothes. As the three of them began chatting casually, Shroud's enigmatic presence added a unique dimension to the trio's dynamic.

Su had a good-natured smile on his face as he added, "It happens to the best of us, Shroud. We're just glad you're here."

As they stood near the metro station's ticket machines, the bustling crowd around them couldn't help but notice the intriguing dynamic among the three friends—one exuding unshakable confidence, one radiating serenity, and the other cloaked in an air of mystery and intrigue.

"Shall we head to our first destination?" Su asked.

Shroud and Kevin nodded in agreement, their anticipation building as the trio approached the ticket machines to secure their passes. The promise of an exhilarating day in Nagazora City lay ahead, and the group eagerly looked forward to their adventure in the city.

When their train arrived, they boarded, and the journey began. Along the way, they encountered a plethora of landmarks and tourist attractions, each contributing to the enchantment of their day.

As Kevin and Su fervently elaborated on the historical landmarks, tourist attractions, and hidden gems they planned to visit, Shroud maintained his characteristic stoic demeanour.

Shroud listened attentively but gave no visible indication of enthusiasm, a response that began to concern both Kevin and Su. They worried that Shroud might not be enjoying the tour as much as they had hoped.

Nonetheless, the tour persisted throughout the day, with Kevin and Su putting in every effort to create an enjoyable experience for Shroud.

They explored renowned landmarks, took part in cultural activities, and made stops at various points of interest. Yet, Shroud remained stoic.

Soon lunchtime arrived, and they settled on a meal at a local restaurant known for its exceptional cuisine.

This provided them with an opportunity to relax and engage in more casual conversation, and Kevin and Su inquired about how Shroud was feeling about the tour thus far.

"So, Shroud, what do you think of the tour thus far?" Su initiated the conversation.

"Hmm, it was indeed enlightening," Shroud promptly replied in his usual monotonous voice. Though he positively meant this, Kevin and Su interpreted Shroud's unenthusiastic response as a matter of concern.

The two exchanged glances, their faces conveying the shared sentiment of, 'Is he perhaps not enjoying this?'

"Kevin, Su," Shroud called out to them, which made them look back at him before Shroud said, "Are you two full?"

To this, both of them answered in unison, "Yes, we are full." Upon hearing their answers, Shroud nodded before he offered to pay, but Kevin declined Shroud's generosity and suggested that they split the bill.

Su also agreed with Kevin's sentiment. Although Shroud wanted to cover the entire bill as a gesture of appreciation, upon hearing their unwillingness to let him do so, he relented.

As the day wore on, Kevin and Su couldn't help but feel somewhat disheartened by Shroud's unresponsive demeanour. Despite their best efforts, they couldn't seem to elicit any emotional response from him.

Soon, the city began to darken as the sun settled down. Kevin and Su had already resigned themselves to the fact that breaking through Shroud's poker face was an uphill battle.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows over the city, Kevin hesitated before speaking up, "Alright, since dusk is approaching, and I think every one of us might be a bit tired... how about we end our tour here?"

Kevin and Su exchanged glances with Shroud, who replied in a somewhat subdued tone, "I am fine with that."

Their hopes of making Shroud smile deflated, and both Kevin and Su couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment, their earlier enthusiasm dampened by Shroud's apparent lack of enjoyment.

'So, he didn't enjoy it,' both Kevin and Su thought in unison, their shoulders slumping as they shared a silent, resigned moment, understanding that they had not managed to break through Shroud's stoic facade.

"Alright, let's head to the station," Kevin suggested, his voice tinged with a hint of fatigue. "It's just downhill from here,". However, everything changed in the evening when an unexpected accident occurred.

A stumble, a tumble, and all three ended up in a rather dramatic and comical situation.

The moment was akin to a scene from a slapstick comedy. Kevin, with his tousled hair and a sheepish grin, staggered to his feet, his balance temporarily skewed by the sudden fall, leaving him feeling a bit dizzy.

"Well, that was embarrassing," Kevin admitted, his voice tinged with self-deprecating humour as he regained his composure.

Su, on the other hand, clutched his arm, wincing ever so slightly, feeling a twinge of discomfort. He surveyed his limb, half expecting to find a massive bruise.

"Agreed," Su chimed in, his smile mixed with a hint of ruefulness. "I feel like I might've bruised my arm."

Shroud, who had ungracefully tumbled alongside them, found himself lost in a moment of introspection amidst the laughter.

As he dusted himself off, his thoughts revealed a rare vulnerability, 'That was so anti-climatic. Never would I have expected that the tour would end like this, but... I don't hate it.' he thought to himself.

Shroud genuinely meant this, and for the first time, his normally stoic expression gave way to a hint of a smile, a sight that took Kevin and Su by surprise.

"Haha," Shroud let out soft chuckles, barely audible at first, but they grew louder as Kevin and Su exchanged bewildered glances. Laughter filled the air, as the absurdity of the situation washed over them, becoming a shared moment of camaraderie.

"Shroud, are you laughing?" Kevin asked, his bewilderment evident.

To which Shroud replied with a sly smirk, "Does my laugh right now seem fake to you?"

"N-No," Kevin stammered, clearly caught off guard, and then Shroud's snickers prompted him to join in, and even Su couldn't help but chuckle softly.

The laughter was contagious, and it swept over them, turning the accident into a catalyst for their camaraderie.

The atmosphere lightened significantly, as they realized that even Shroud could find amusement in unexpected moments, and the setting sun bathed their spontaneous laughter in a warm, golden glow.

As the sun set, casting a warm and serene ambience, they found themselves at a scenic viewpoint, watching the city's lights gradually come to life. The smile on Shroud's face remained undiminished.

The city, now bathed in the soft hues of evening, underwent a mesmerizing transformation. Multicoloured lights began to emerge, illuminating the urban landscape like a canvas suddenly painted with vibrant strokes.

Skyscrapers shimmered with a multitude of colours, resembling towering beacons of the night. The streets below were aglow with the warm, inviting light of street lamps, while the city's intricate web of roads and pathways twinkled like an intricate tapestry.

It was a breathtaking sight, and Kevin and Su couldn't help but share astonished glances as they beheld the city's metamorphosis into a breathtaking dreamscape.

Kevin's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions. This tour had been his idea, his way of helping Shroud open his heart to the world, and it had certainly been an unexpected journey.

As he gazed at the city, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, gratitude, and the unmistakable connection that had grown between them. He took a deep breath, savouring the moment, and then turned his attention to Shroud.

"So, Shroud," Kevin began, breaking the awed silence that had enveloped them, "how did you find the tour?"

Shroud's serene smile remained, and his voice was soft but certain, "I didn't hate it." His response, though brief, carried a world of meaning. It was an affirmation that, despite his stoic exterior, Shroud had appreciated the day and the genuine effort Kevin and Su had put into the tour.

Su, who had been silently taking in the beauty of the city, turned to Shroud. He sensed that this was a pivotal moment, a moment when their bond could either deepen or remain stagnant.

"So, Shroud," Su said, his voice tinged with anticipation and a hint of vulnerability, "we'd like to ask you something."

Shroud's eyes met Su's, his expression a blend of curiosity and thoughtfulness. In unison, Kevin and Su posed their question, their voices merging in a single, heartfelt inquiry, "Can we be friends?"

The question hung in the air, a silent plea for acceptance. Shroud, for a moment, appeared taken aback by their request.

He raised a hand to his chin, his gaze drifting towards the distant horizon as if contemplating an answer of great consequence. Kevin and Su waited in a hushed, expectant silence, their hopes and fears intertwined.

Inside, Shroud grappled with a whirlwind of emotions. Initially, he had contemplated making friends as a strategic move, hoping to divert the Fire Moth's attention away from himself. But now, after spending a full day with Kevin and Su, he found himself wrestling with unexpected feelings.

'So, this is what being friends is like,' Shroud pondered. In his previous world and within the abyss, his existence had been characterized by seclusion, where everyone constantly vied for supremacy, and friendship had been a foreign concept.

Yet, now, as he looked at the two, who bore nervous expressions, Shroud felt a strange realization dawn upon him. He was beginning to understand the true essence of friendship: a bond with someone with whom you could share time without ill will or ulterior motives.

His internal musings culminated in a moment that took both Kevin and Su by surprise. Shroud, with a teasing glint in his eye, finally answered, "I refuse."

Both Kevin and Su looked down, their expressions a mix of disappointment and understanding, as Shroud's words settled in. The rejection stung, but it wasn't the end. Shroud's next statement caught their attention.

"You two have spared your valuable time to give me a tour. At least let me play the gracious host by treating you two to dinner before we become friends," Shroud proposed, his smile still intact, a silent promise that this was merely a pause in their journey.

Hearing this, Kevin and Su's initially darkened faces brightened with surprise and gratitude. It was a gesture that held great significance to them. Shroud then directed their attention, saying, "Let's head to the station; we might miss the train."

Kevin quickly checked his watch and exclaimed, "We only have 5 minutes, guys, let's hurry up!" With that, the three of them sprinted toward the station as the dusk settled in, although Shroud made sure not to run at full sprint, maintaining his usual composed pace.

Their laughter echoed through the dimming cityscape as they raced toward the station to catch their train, a moment of camaraderie that seemed to cement their budding friendship. 



A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.


Huge time skip ahead.