
DARA cont.

Unknown to me, all this gestures were for me due to the lies that Nana had sold to her. I wouldn't blame her for believing Nana's lies since some of my actions had changed in the past few weeks and my mum had noticed and brought them to my attention, which I ignored.

Naturally, I loved good things and got nice tastes for them. My uniform was a skirt and a blouse which normally was ought to be to be a 'blown gown' as we jokingly called skirts that were way too long and too big. Being me, I had already amended mine to be a pencil skirt, but after I became close to Dara (too close if I may), I felt my uniform needed more upgrade and I made it a short pencil skirt. Men!, It was the trademark for the other girls to follow and gradually some girls in my class followed the trend including the so-called Nana.

Being close to Dara and having the chance to talk to him gave Nana an edge over others and since she lost that position, she would fight to gain it back. Nana's followers and admirers no longer looked up to her nor gave her the attention she normally enjoyed and it wasn't settling down well with her. She needed to top up her game and also judging from the fact that she wasn't really pretty as she would have loved.

Now, Nana had perfectly constructed the good lie and had brainwashed my mum into believing that I went after men and exposed myself in order to seduce my male teachers and attract other men. These among others were the lies she cooked up and my mum bought them all. This was because my senior examination was fast approaching and many had gone on to register while I wasn't taking it seriously and this was one of the things that made my mum more angry and refusing to listen to whatever I had to say.

I was disciplined but that didn't stop me from meeting Dara as I was now 'head over heels' for him and did I mention that at this point, we had become sexually active? And since Dara was my first and I gave the consent, it became very hard for me to leave him and definitely not in the arms of Nana. So I kept on meeting with Dara secretly and each time, he made me feel special and loved and that was all I needed.

Side talks gradually died down and Nana's jealousy reduced since Dara and I didn't meet during the day or at his workplace any longer but I had drafted out a plan on how and when we would be meeting. This new development was beneficial to me as it got so many monitoring eyes off my back and gave me more time to learn how to love Dara the more and make him love me as well.

I was having the best time of my life, unknown to me, I was already a month gone. I was so busy in my own world not knowing that I was unconsciously modeling my immediate younger sister in a negative way. My sister didn't grow up with us as she was taken to stay with my grandparents when she was five and had to come back to complete her higher education in the city with us.

Coming to the city, my sister wanted to prove that she was not a 'dummy' as we thought people that grew up in the village were and as such she challenged my every move and wanting to always look like me. There was a day we got into a really big fight due to the fact she wore my freshly washed and ironed dress that I kept aside for a planned date with Dara.

Being foolish but claiming to be wise, she got sexually active with one guy who was a footballer and came around our house on Saturdays after their football trainings. To make matters worse he was Nana's cousin; out of all the guys that she could have possibly fooled around with, it had to be this particular guy. His personality was described as rude, pompous, full of himself and feeling like a god.

Few weeks after finding out about Klara's (my immediate younger sister) involvement with Nana's cousin "Akin", we discovered that she was carrying his child. Here I was a month and few weeks gone with Dara's child and Klara also a month pregnant with Akin's child. I was so confused and didn't know how to handle the whole thing. I couldn't disclose this to anyone and it was a lot for me to handle...