
Hi I'm Hi plz read my story

The_sparkle_Girls · Teen
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5 Chs

I arrive home(chapter2)

Kim is sitting on the couch and when she sees me she says " Bonjour mademoiselle" which is French when translated it means hello mam . I reply "No, mademoiselle. " And broke out crying and ran to my room. My dog Chomper is sleep on my bed I look the door and lay on my spare blue blanket and play rock metal on my phone kinda loud so I can't hear my mom and Kim fighting my sister and brother share a room next to mine there is a door that we can walk right into each other room. I walk into theirs and look their door also.

Jd wakes up and says hey when he turns towards me and sees my face he looks at my neck and arms and body then asked me what happened. I tell him to come to my room, he does. I tell him everything he looks very mad he started to pace then he walked to his room and I heard him screaming " You son of a b**ch!" And he punched a hole through the wall.

I go to the door unlocked it and walked to the closet and walked Into it and slid down and broke out crying. Somebody just knocked on the door. Kim announced that it was her. She asked could she come in.I say yeah.