
Hi I'm Hi plz read my story

The_sparkle_Girls · Teen
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5 Chs

Hi ( chapter1)

Hi, I'm Hi plz don't make fun of my name. My mom couldn't think of a good name. I'm twelve and in the 7th grade. And people still talk smack about it. I tell them " Do you have a unique name like mine? (I wait for an answer) Oh, no you say? I didn't think so.

I did this last week and when I got to the corner of the hallway I turned and looked at her. Her mouth was wide openand was so mad that her face was completely red . She turned and her hair floated around her like in the movies. I ran to the restroom and broke out laughing. Anyway, now I have 10 minutes until school is over thankfully.

I'm outside waiting for my mom and the car monitor comes up to me and tells me that if my parent or guardian doesn't com in the next 20 minutes he will arrest me for pretending to be a student and just my luck she comes in 2 hours so it's 6:00 and I see her through the window. When she comes in and sees me she says " Unhandcuff my child this instant!" He mumbles "I don't get paid enough to do this maybe I should go some fun." She reaches out to touch me and the man chokes me and throws me across the room. She tries to come to me and the monitor chokes her and lifts her feet off the ground and kisses her with tounge and she must have liked it because he has her number.

Now we're in the car and she asked me what I wanted to eat and I say Power Mawer real quick. When we pull up she asked what I wanted I tell her the usual. By the way the usual is a 2 piece chicken strip with fries and a strawberry milkshake. After she tells them my older she says " You must not tell Kim about what happened at your school.(Kim is her wife ) So she tried to bribe me so I get out the front seat and move to the back and plug my headphones up to my phone and listen to a song called pyt. And we made it home I don't know what to do.

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