
HH System

I was a young man on earth, living a normal life until one day I woke up as the princess of the Pergrande kingdom of Earthland, Lina Pergrand. Fairy Tail... That was not all, however, I had a system of sorts as expected; HH System... Human Harem System. As it says, the system was designed by some omnipotent entity to help humans get harems... Every target I made fall in love with me would give me a shard, and every shard could give me things from the store; From powers to body modification to universe traveling... Everything was possible. And my first target was... Erza Scarlet. How was I supposed to make her fall for me while I was in a girl's body?! Sigh... I decided to chase magic, hoping for the best.

MystiC · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Looking at the name the system had given my magic made me sure what it was.

[--Name: Lina Pergrand


Princess of the Pergrande Kingdom (Earthland)

Lonely Princess

Greatest Beauty of Pergrande

Political Tool


--Physical Status:

Age: 18

Strength: C-Class

Stamina: B-Class

Speed: C-Class

Looks: S-Class

--Magical Status:

Magic Power: S-Class

Magic: Ether Make

--Current Target: Erza Scarlet

--Harem Members: 0

--Available Shards: 0]

'Ether make? What does that even mean? Ethernano is magical energy, which makes ether some sort of energy that is related to it. I guess it is energy manipulation of some kind... ' I concluded and looked at the energy construct, no, ether construct in my hand.

I closed my eyes and imagined the construct changing shape into a bow, it moved a little but didn't change much.

'There is more to it than just imagination and will, as expected.' I realized and slashed around with the ether sword. It felt exhilarating...

The sword looked like a simple one-handed sword except that all of it was made of pure energy.

As I randomly swung the sword around, I thought about what I was supposed to do, 'I need to master my magic, figure out all there is to it, and also learn how to fight with it. Then, get out of here.'

I stopped the flow of magic to see what would happen, the word vanished instantly. I tried summoning it again and it reappeared without delay.

I tried to change its shape but it didn't work. I sat on the bed and decided to find a different approach to it.

I imagined a bow this time instead of the sword and let my magic do its thing, I felt a strange pulse that seemed to resonate with my mind through my body. It felt unique, very hard to describe, almost like the feeling when one finally learns a complicated thing and it all just fits together.

And when I opened my eyes, a bow-shaped ether construct like what I had imagined laid in my hand. I figured out a few things from this, 'Once the magic forms the construct, it can't change shape. The clearer the image in my mind, the more detailed the construct will be. It takes time to create one but with enough training, I should be able to make it happen instantly.'

I took a deep breath and dismissed the bow, a second later, the sword appeared in my hand. I focused as hard as I could and tried to move the magic power away from my body, hoping to control the sword with my mind.

It worked for a moment before I lost control of the magic power, 'I need much more control over my magic power to make a weapon and let it fly around and control it with my mind, it is possible though. Great!'

I couldn't help but imagine flying on a construct and just rain countless ether arrows on the enemies from above, I was nowhere close to that level though.

I began experimenting more.

I tried making the smallest construct possible, the limit was my sight. I couldn't make a construct smaller than something I could see.

On the other hand, the question of how big it could be was easy to figure out. I walked to the biggest room in the palace and made a ball with a decent amount of magic power, a gigantic ball of ether energy formed. The limit seemed to be my magic power. I felt no weight at all, I could see that it would be easy to cause great destruction by swinging a giant weapon. I didn't try to make anything bigger though, it was dangerous in the palace.

By this point, night had come and as expected, no meal arrived. My anger began returning but I calmed myself, my magic was there and it was time to improve and run away.

The next day, I tried making constructs away from my body. I succeded easily; I managed to make walls and some statues and such... I then tried to see how much a construct would last before it gave out.

Not to my surprise, that also depended on the magic power initially used to make it, but I discovered the most important thing in maker magic. Density.

The amount of magic power could either increase the size of a construct or make it much denser and thus stronger.

If I had a construct with defined size, the more magic power I put into it, the harder and stronger it would get. On the outside, the more magic power was in a construct, the brighter it got. If I imagine a giant construct and used little magic power, it would be very fragile and shatter easily.

So Density was the most important factor. It also impacted how strong the effect of a construct was, I quickly realized I could make my constructs do few things.

The normal state was very similar to a solid material, the denser it was the harder. It felt warm though. It weighed according to the density it had, but I felt no weight at all, I discovered this when I saw cracks on the ground when I put down a very dense construct to see if it would disappear, it didn't. This meant extreme combat potential. This normal state was named by me as the base form.

I could make them extremely hot and yet contained, like a lightsaber. This was my favorite. The Denser it was, the more dangerous. This was a very lethal form. I called this killer mode.

It was also possible to make it blast away whatever touched it. This coupled with the weight advantage and my own swinging strength, would make a very heavy and terrifying blow. This was perhaps the best mode to fight with, I could use this to deliver non-lethal attacks. This was combat mode.

I could make the magic power inside become chaotic and make it explode, the denser, the greater the explosion. I tried with a pebble-sized construct with low density that blew a hole in a wall. I named this destruction mode.

Despite the fact that I couldn't change the shape after constructing something, I could change the mode with just my will.

As for defense, just being able to make constructs like walls was plenty, the only downside was perhaps the fact that the constructs could not float without me focusing on them really hard thus needed something to stick to that could support the relative weight. I could use it to run on walls but not defense mid-air, for mid-air, I decided to just make a shield if needed.

I had to define density levels for myself to better control how much magic I used on constructs.

1. Low Density, the lowest level needed for a construct to form. Needed very little magic power, to the point I hardly noticed my magic moving.

2. Mid Density, the moderate level that would make a construct as hard as steel at least, the 1st sword I made was of this level.

3. High Density, a decent chunk of my magic power would make these ones. I had no idea how strong they were, it seemed unstoppable so I had no idea. I needed a very powerful thing to test it on and see just what they were capable of.

4. Super Density, this was when I put all the magic power I had into a construct, It glowed so brightly it lit up the biggest room in the palace. It didn't hurt my eyes or obstruct my vision for some magical reason but it was obvious it would do that for an enemy coming at me. I had no idea what it could do at all power-wise.

These levels would remain the same, the stronger I got these levels would also get stronger. I used them to define my construct's power.

I didn't have the control over my magic or the required knowledge to make flashy or strong spells and such, but I could work with what I already had discovered and what I could do. I knew there was more but this was already good enough.

I had learned all this by the end of the 3rd day, my stomach was going crazy with hunger and I was constantly pissed off. Thanks to that, I managed to learn that emotions seemed to affect my magic power and by extension, my constructs got more chaotic. Being calm seemed to be a necessity to prevent them from exploding and harming me... But I knew if I managed to direct and control my anger, I could make some stronger explosions compared to just willing it.

I had trained a lot, thankfully, so my stamina was very good, and thus despite the lack of food, I could still survive for a few days at least without feeling much different ignoring my stomach.

I ignored the hunger and summoned 2 High-Density swords, one in each hand, on the morning of the 4th day.

And began training on how to use them till late at night, I continued that on the 5th day. On the evening of the 6th day, I noticed my body getting weaker, and I knew that the time had come.

"It's time... to get out of here."

I was confident enough, I knew what I could do, the mostly destroyed walls of the empty palace said it all. No one had visited me, obviously due to the king isolating me more, this had made the situation perfect.

My preparations were completed on the early morning of the 7th day I had gone without food. I had been transmigrated for more than 4 months. I had managed to push through with determination and willpower and I was going to start my adventure at last.