

Author: 8thfiq76
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Read hfgjf novel written by the author 8thfiq76 on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Fantasy stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved



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Xgame:..:Death. DELETED!!!!

Chima Koniqua Andrews is a dull, uninspired, ambitionless girl whom is looked down on by all due to her shaming, uncompetitive and underachieving antics. With no obvious potential to survive by herself without her parents' wealth, always being exploited by fake friends and relations, being talked down to by everyone including her own parents, Chima is an adult barely in her early twenties whom just wanted to live without any expectations. Like that she lived her life not caring what others thought or said behind her back, playing along with gold digging fakers and living the highlife with her parents' wealth and power. one takes serious and no obvious potential to survive by herself without her parent's wealth and power. All that crumbled to the ground when one unfortunate queer afternoon finds herself at the gunpoint of a futuristic robot from the year 20***. A hole with blood flowing freely on her head later, she dies and is transported to the future where an alien species called the Repilis has invaded Earth and enslaved the human kind, where an arena called the Death Arena has been created. Players enter and play for power and for freedom from the clutches of the aliens. Chima's soul is reincarnated into the body of D.Kiran, an ever bloodied knuckle, overachieving, strong, motivated, helldog/player, a universal vast difference from what or who Chima is. D.Kiran is dead leaving Chima alone in the cold empty shell and free from the guilt of stealing her body and life. However Chima is in a fix as her new way of life unfolds before her eyes leaving her in the middle of a raging battle without the least of preparations. She now has to do everything like Kiran does in order to survive whether she likes it or not. [Be competitive and an overachiever] just like Kiran was. But luckily or unluckily, she finds a group of striving players and joins their team, because she needs someone to cling to to show her the ropes quickly and for a moment, the pace of life is tolerable but all that once again crashes as it turns out to just be the calm before the storm. The arena is updated twice too soon, death and so many new interfaces and 'improvements' are added to the game, death becomes permanent. Unfortunately for Chima following these alarming events, she is backstabber by a person whom she'd considered friend and is sold out as a lab rat or cannon fodder to an organisation specialising in tweaking with the human mind and body. And Chima helpless and pained 's fate is determined by a group of maddened and deranged scientists....... While all that, a universal war has broken out with all races including the humans, among the seven overlords, sides are being chosen. Unknown to all overlords, Chima is the tool of the World Dominator, the main antagonist in this story, to destroy and remake and redesign the entirety of the Galaxy. Will or can Chima be able to overcome the darkness, that comes from within, the call of the void, the haunting, hunting shadows that pursue her relentlessly.......To answer her call? Join forces with other races for a higher, brighter future for humanity? Will humanity put aside their greed, selfishness and false insecurities and join forces under a group of stable rulership to better themselves or will the ever looming doom and anti-illumination ever waiting in the shadows extinguish the small light of their existence forever........... P.s: If you love Sci-fi slash dark slash videogames slash weaktostrong slash reincarnation themed Novels, then you might need a glue to stick to this one. Enjoy Readers!!

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"Apa kamu bilang, Cia?? Kuli bangunan?? Apa Papa nggak salah dengar?? Kamu mau menikah dengannya??" "Memang apa salahnya menikah dengan kuli bangunan? Setidaknya dia tidak pernah menduakanku!" Felicia melirik ke arah adik tirinya yang tersenyum licik. "Mau dikasih makan apa kamu nanti?? Cinta??" Papa Rangga semakin meninggikan suaranya. "Makan nasilah, Pa, pakai sambel plus lalapan!! Makan cinta doang mana kenyang?!" Felicia menyahut pertanyaan sang Papa dengan ketus. Begitulah pertengkaran yang terjadi siang itu di kediaman Atmadja. Ratu Felicia yang baru saja ditendang oleh sang kekasih —karena memilih menikah dengan adik tiri Felicia— tak sengaja terlibat cinta satu malam dengan seorang kuli bangunan bernama Kaisar. Hubungan satu malam tanpa cinta dan juga kesadaran itu nyatanya telah membuahkan hasil di dalam rahim Felicia. Membuat hidup Felicia yang sempurna menjadi porak poranda. Syukurlah, Kaisar berjanji akan bertanggung jawab dan menikahi Felicia sampai anak itu lahir dan mendapatkan pengakuan sah negara. "Sadar diri sedikit! Gue dokter! Elo cuma kuli bangunan!" Felicia yang tersulut emosi tanpa sadar menghina Kaisar. "Ya, udah. Gue pergi!" "E ... tunggu!! Kalau elo pergi siapa yang jadi bapaknya?" Felicia menarik lengan Kaisar. "Cari aja sono di rumah sakit! Lo kan dokter, kali aja nemu orang yang mau jadi bapaknya!" seru Kaisar ketus. "Ihh ... kok gitu sih!! Makanya kalau punya telur jangan besar-besar kayak telur bebek, donk! Masa sekali doang langsung jadi!!" sahut Felicia. Wajah Kaisar sudah semerah kepiting rebus, memangnya waktu itu mereka lagi bikin martabak special, sampai telur bebek dibawa-bawa?! "Memangnya siapa yang minta duluan??" balas Kaisar. Jleb! Nancep banget di hati Felicia, kan' malam itu Felicia yang duluan yang minta. Kalau pas perjanjian nikah mereka saja sudah seribut ini, gimana kabar biduk rumah tangga setelah upacara pernikahan mereka, ya? Nambah kacau? Atau malah bakalan muncul benih-benih cinta? "Kok kamu enggak pernah pakai cincin kawin kita sih, Kai?! Kamu sebenernya cinta nggak sih sama aku?" ~ Ratu Felicia Atmadja. "Kamu nggak pernah pakai cincin kawin kita, Cia. Jadi aku sadar diri, aku nggak mau bikin kamu malu karena punya suami kuli bangunan kayak aku." ~ Kaisar Hero Samudera. Terus, gimana kalau ternyata ada rahasia besar di balik hidup Kaisar?? Lalu, balas dendam Felicia ke mantan pacarnya bakalan berjalan mulus enggak, ya?? — ***** — Hai, Bestie!! Othor datang dengan promosi novel othor yang baru. Ada ide tambahan enggak buat cerita ini?? Sweet, Belleame ~ Cover Milik Saya ~ Dilarang mengcopi paste novel ini dalam bentuk apa pun. Segala bentuk plagiat akan saya proses secara hukum. ~ Fiksi!! Kesamaan nama, tempat, dan kejadian adalah kebetulan semata. ~ Mature Content (21+) ~ Addiction, Drug Use, Violence, and Harsh words. Not for Kids!! ~ Seperti novel saya yang lain, genrenya dark ya. Jadi buat yang cari novel romantis dan sedikit wild, novel ini mungkin cocok. ~ WSA 2022 Happy reading … Bellecious. Hanya kisah cinta biasa, namun bisa membuatmu merasa luar biasa ^^

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