
Hey, I Need Your Blood

 With a mysterious disease, Stella, a magazine reporter found out that the most famous idol group of all time are vampires. While pretending that she did not know about their true identity, she became friends with them. Love blossomed between her and some members, however, her disease became threatening that her days became counted. How will she be able to survive? Will the love fully blossom or will it end earlier?

Yannaaaa · General
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7 Chs

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"What?" Stella asks with an annoyed face, "You let strangers in my apartment?"

Lucy frowns apologetically, "Yeah. I can't let you stay dead on the road!"

Stella sighs, "Anyways! At least I am fine and I'm alive, no worries," she said and smiles widely.

"Well, I think you know them or that they know you," Lucy follows Stella to the office.

"How?" Stella asks while looking through the files her manager asked her to do.

"One of them said: 'It's her,' then the other replied: 'I figured out.'"

"Oh, maybe. Here," Stella stops walking and handed Lucy a folder, "This is your work for the week Coraline said to me."

Lucy groaned and took the folder, "I hate this," she rolled her eyes and went to her desk.

Stella smiled, "Well… I have to work too," she went to her desk but shrieks and screams jolted her, making her accidentally spilled her coffee on the papers on her desk, "GOSH! WHAT THE HELL GUYS?!" she yelled.

"What's the problem?" she asks with irritation, but when she turned around, everyone's looking at the door where there are a lot of people.

She just scoffs and took a tissue to wipe her desk and piled the papers with coffee to dry them later.

"STELLA!!" her officemates screamed in unison, making her jolt once again.

"What?" she whispered without looking at them while wiping her desk.

Lucy ran to her, "Hey, they're here," she whispered with a meaningful smile.

"Who?" Stella stops wiping the desk and put alcohol on her hands to get rid of the stickiness.

"Your Keefe," Lucy replied and gestured at the door.

The shrieking stops as Stella hear footsteps walking towards her, Lucy then smiled widely and went away.

"Stella, right?" Everett popped out of nowhere with the widest smile.

He has the adventurous vide with him, he has this sun-kissed skin, a little messy hair, and fit built.

Stella nodded slowly, 'What is happening?' she thought.

"Can we do the interview NOW?" Keefe asks with a flat tone but no one can deny that his voice is so soft and low like he's serenading the person he's talking with.

Stella locked her eyes with Keefe, it's true, he's the most handsome guy she ever laid her eyes on.

His fair skin, jawline, blue eyes, and lips… Stella unconsciously smiles while staring at Keefe's lips.

Good thing he's focused on the spilled coffee on her desk or he might've freaked out with Stella's stares.

But the other three members noticed her action, making them smile at each other while Galen just looks back and forth at Stella and Keefe.

Paris smirks then stands in front of Stella, close enough for her to be pushed on her desk.

"Woah, dude," Stella raised her hands in front of her chest, "Too close," she said and softly pushes Paris away.

"The interview will be held on Monday according to your manager," Stella puts her hand on her hips and looks directly at Galen's eyes, "What are you doing here?" she asks.

Paris and Everett look at each other.

It's a first that a woman handled them professionally, even other interviewers lose their minds when their group stays too close to them.

Stella sighs when Galen just looks at her like he wasn't even listening to her.

"Okay," Stella crossed her arms on her chest and shakes her head, "If you want to be exposed in our company or whatever you guys are planning, then do it. I don't care. I have to work and there are a lot of papers I have to do. Okay?"

Stella turns around to fix the papers drenched by coffee when she heard Coraline's voice.

"STELAAAAA~" Coraline screamed, "Where are-- Oh! There you guys are!" Coraline walks swiftly like a cat towards the idol group when she saw sneakers beside the desk the boys are standing beside, "Stella," she called.

Paris stands aside to let Coraline talk with Stella, "Stella, interview in the conference room.

Manager Alex talked to me and for some reasons, these gentlemen wanted to be interviewed suddenly," Coraline wiggles her brows at the idol group since Manager Alex said that they just wanted to see Stella and thank her personally, "Go on. They even canceled their album signing."

"I have to do this," Stella raised the brown-tainted papers by the coffee, "It's due tomorrow."

Coraline took the papers from Stella, "No, let other useless workers do this," she said and walks away, "The conference room is waiting~" she shouted as she goes to a co-worker's desk and gave the papers.

Stella looks at Paris who's swaying his body left and right, looking at some people.

His expression goes from disgusted to an approval nod then he'll raise his eyebrows.

Not everyone has a good taste in fashion in Ford Collin's Magazine.

Some wear trendy clothes but it doesn't suit them.

Some wear agreeable clothes.

While some have a questionable mix of fashion.

Stella wears this regular clothes, sneakers, jeans and a blouse.

Paris has no comment on it since it lines with the regular clothes that anyone can wear fashion.

Galen's looking at the bookshelf full of novels, he's itchy to check it out and read at the bean bag chair beside the shelf.

Everett's skimming through a travel magazine he found in Stella's desk.

Keefe, who looks so seriously ill, is staring at her desk.

Stella turned her back and saw a little pond of coffee left on the side of her cat-designed pencil holder.

She took a tissue and wiped it clean.

"Okay, let me take my recorder and we're good to go," Stella said and took the things she needed, "Have you guys reviewed the questions?" she asks.

"Yeah," Paris answered while taking a selfie, "We did. It was a set of good questions."

Stella smiled with that flattering comment.

"Yep, it was so simple and respectful. Not everyone wants to learn about our favorite art pieces. Some would rather know if we like girls who have a body pillow with our faces printed on it," Everett whispers to Stella.

"What? That... that's weird and ... weird," Stella shakes her head while imagining her face on a body pillow with someone hugging it.

"No offense but some do inappropriate things with those poor body pillows," Paris whispered on the other ear of Stella.

Everett and Paris look at each other naughtily while they're close to Stella's ears, then at the same time, they blew air to her ears.

"CUPCAKE!" Stella screamed while covering both of her ears.

Paris and Everett high-fives each other with wide grins on their face.

Stella took a few steps back and accidentally trips on Keefe's shoes.

"Oh! Watch out!" Galen shouted as he tries to reach out to Stella's arms but Keefe caught her by her waist.

Stella's hand's holding Galen's arms while Keefe keeps her on her feet with his hand supporting her.

Paris and Everett looked at each other and made another high-five, then Paris took a photo to commemorate the moment of their leader and the third member saving the same girl.

Stella was stuck looking at the ceiling fan, 'What the hell happened?' she asks herself.

Her world was about to turn upside down but suddenly it stopped.

She felt a warm hand on her waist while her hand's holding unto something warm and soft.

She raised her head and saw Galen's wide-eyes, full of worry face then she turned to her right and there was this angelic but cold expression looking at her.

She adjusts her feet but she felt that she's stepping on something... like a person's feet.

"Oh my goodness," Stella regains her balance and steps away from Galen and Keefe, "I am sorry!" she said and covers her mouth with the questionnaires in embarrassment.

Keefe's white slip-on shoes have a dark print of her sneakers.

Paris and Everett who were snickering at each other went quiet when they saw Keefe's dirty shoes.

It was so clean that the shoe print ruins the shoes.

"Keefe..." Paris softly whispers with fear, "We can clean it--"

"How? Wash it? Where? Then what should I wear while it dries, huh?" Keefe's cold expression even turned scarier, his eyes are so sharp that when it landed in Stella, she felt as if she's being skinned alive.

"I'll call my P.A. to buy you other shoes," Everett tries to talk calmly to Keefe while he takes out his phone.

"Buy me another shoe? From the mall where the other shoe has been tried by numerous people?" Keefe's voice made everyone in the office quiet.

Afraid that those who heard him might react negatively, Paris put his arms around Keefe and laughs fakely, "Right! I even bought these shoes where the other pair was too big to be brand-new!"

Stella sighs, she remembered the shoes she bought for her older brother.

She went to the brand's shop to be sure it's authentic.

Both pairs are brand new and none of it was used to fit other people's size.

She pulled the cabinet under her desk and took the shoebox.

Keefe and her brother look like to be in the same size.

"Here, I think it'll fit you. Don't worry, I'm sure none of the pair were used to fit other guys feet," Stella said and handed the shoe box.

Keefe looks at her with a blank face, not believing her words since she looks like someone who will only buy shoes in malls.

"Listen, I am sorry I stepped on your shoes. And please take this, that's the same brand with your shoes. I bought it on Venus Street from the original shop, okay?"

Stella smiles, she wants to feel sorry, but Keefe's attitude just throws her off.

"Hey, that's where you bought those shoes!" Everett pointed at Keefe's shoes.

Stella raised her forehead, "Please," she whispered.

Galen pats Keefe's back, "Take it, people are staring. If you don't they'll fuss about it. We have to finish the interview."

Keefe shot an annoyed stare at Stella and took the box aggressively, "No thanks."

Keefe and Galen started to walk away while Everett, Paris, and Stella were left watching the two arrogant members.

"What was that?" Stella asks.

"OCD," Everett replied and returned the magazine on Stella's desk.

"Clean freak. He snaps when he sees something dirty or that something's not organized. He must've been stressed here," Paris explained and looks around the messy office.

Stella pouts, "That was rude and I was offended," she said and took her things and went on her way to the conference room.

Paris blew kisses on the women they pass by while Everett just smiles at them.

"Sorry about that," Everett said as he walks faster to catch up with Stella.

Paris then stops by the door and shouted, "Please support us in our concert this coming Wednesday!"

"No problem. I know how they feel. I had a friend who has an OCD too," Stella smiled at Everett.

Among the four, he seems to be the normal person.

Paris is weird as well.