
Hey, I Just Met You, Let's Get Married

Casie is just your average, everyday fiction editor. She's just out here to enjoy life to its fullest. Most of her time consists of work, friends, her cat, and of course, online gaming. Her warm demeanor and charming smile can light up any room. On the other hand, Charles is a bit up tight and awkward in most social situations. He's inherited the position of CEO to his dad's software company. He's got a pretty big name in Silicon Valley. Many women have tried to make their way into his heart, but he's not very good at finding love. When these two souls meet for the first time, they decide right then and there that they should get married. Is it a mistake? Will they regret it? Are they too dissimilar to make it last? Read and find out! -- This is inspired by way too many CEO romance stories on this app, paired with the show Darma and Greg. I'm just shooting from the hip here, but hopefully it will have a good amount of comedy, drama, and romance to entertain! Let me know in the reviews and comments below what you think!

Shona_Gillard · Urban
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2 Chs

Getting to Know You

While Charles was cleaning up in the bathroom, Casie took the chance to call her friend, Amanda, who she had taken the Vegas trip with. Almost instantaneously, the call was answered.

"Where have you been!?!" Amanda screamed into the phone. "I have been worried sick about you! You didn't come back, and you weren't answering any of my messages!"

Casie had to hold her phone away from her ear to avoid hearing damage. "Hey, I didn't mean to scare you, but a lot happened last night."

"Oh really," Amanda wasn't really buying it. "So, what exactly happened? Last I saw you, you were chatting with some cute guy, but then you disappeared. I figured you'd be back here before long. But when you didn't tell me where you were going or when you were coming back, I got scared."

"I know, and I'm sorry." Casie said in an apologetic tone. "But I have some big news for you. Prepare yourself, because you're not going to believe it."

"I'm listening." Amanda sounded half amused.

"Well, the guy I ran off with last night, is now my husband. We got married last night after essentially our first date." Casie was pretty excited. She still hadn't quite gotten down from the high of last night.

There was silence for quite a while. Casie wasn't sure if Amanda had fainted or was just stunned silly. "Hey, it's true! And you can meet him when you bring my things over. I don't have anything to wear except my close from yesterday. I'll text you the details on where to find me."

Finally, Amanda responded. "You didn't get wasted, and get married to some bum, did you?"

Casie laughed softly, "No. Actually, we were totally sober when we got married. It was only after the ceremony that the drinking happened. And you'll never guess who my husband is, so you'll just have to meet him!"

"Alright," she relented, "but if this is some sort of scam or something, I'm getting you out of there quick!"

They said their goodbyes and hung up. Then Casie took off the towel she'd been wearing to then wear one of the plushy bath robes. She texted Amanda the details she found from the room key sleeve. Then she looked through a menu she found. She was feeling famished, but was a bit overwhelmed by the prices on the menu. Besides, everyone knows that the best food is always at the little hole in the wall types of places.

Charles came out of the bathroom dressed in some rather sleek slacks and and crisp shirt. Casie eyed him for head to toe, and chuckled softly. She patted the seat next to her at the table.

"Do you want to go out for some breakfast." She looked at him with pleading eyes.

"What's wrong with the room service options?" Charles asked as he took the menu.

She shook her head. He was definitely a spoiled rich boy!

"I invited my friend over. Since all of my clothes were in my hotel room, I don't have anything to wear now." She looked at him with a sly smile on her face. "When she gets here, we should go on the prowl!"

"I guess it couldn't hurt. I actually don't know many good spots. I'm usually dragged along by one of my friends. Actually, where do you live? I have a flight back to SFO. I live near Mountain View, to be near the company." He had only just realized that he didn't know much of anything about his new wife.

"Oh! That's pretty convenient then!" Casie jumped up. "I live in Palo Alto, so it wouldn't be too much trouble to travel together!"

"Alright," he continued, "we can pick up your stuff when we get back, and you can move in with me."

Casie nodded in agreement, but then she thought of something. "You aren't allergic to cats are you?"

"Uh, no." He answered flatly.

"Great! Then we can bring Mrs. Fluffers with us as well." She grabbed his hand that was on the table. "Actually, let me show you some pictures."

Casie browsed her phone until she got to an album dedicated to her cat. Mrs. Fluffers was a Maine Coon, so large and fluffy. Since the number of photos was quite expansive, it was quite clear that Mrs. Fluffers was very important to Casie. Charles has never really had a pet, so he was a bit hesitant. But seeing how much joy that it brings Casie, he decided to give it a shot.

"She looks like a very loved cat." Charles commented.

"Oh, that she is!" Casie shouted. "I rescued her when I found the poor thing wondering around near an overpass one night. So, from that moment on, I decided that she deserves to be spoiled to death!"

Charles nodded. He continued to look at the images. "Is she friendly?"

"Well," Casie said in a slightly higher pitch, "that depends on your definition of friendly. She isn't really aggressive, but she takes a while to warm up to new people."

"I guess that's better than being scratched to death." Charles thought out loud. "When is your flight back?"

"Uh," Casie thought for a moment. "I think Amanda and I leave around 2pm. Why?"

"I just figured it'd be easier if we were on the same flight. I can get you both on my flight. It leaves at 5pm." Charles offered.

"Are you sure about that?" Casie questioned. "I mean, our tickets are already paid for."

"Yeah, it's not like I don't have money to burn." Charles teased.

"Was that a joke?" Casie poked him. "I thought you were Mr. Serious, but I see that you actually have a fun side!"

Charles laughed at her. It seemed easy to be around her, so he let loose a little. They chatted a bit, and then he left to take care of the plane tickets. Before long, a knock was heard.

Casie opened the door, and engulfed Amanda in a bear hug. "I'm so happy that you're alive and well!" Amanda blurted out when she saw her best friend.

"Oh, come on!" Casie teased her friend. "You're being way too paranoid. But thanks for bringing my stuff!"

Amanda handed over the bag she brought. "So, where is this mysterious husband of yours?" Amanda looked all around the common area.

"He's in the bedroom." Casie gestured to the bedroom door. "He's booking tickets for us to fly back with him."

"Wait," Amanda looked at her with a piercing gaze. "Why is he booking us tickets? We already have tickets."

"He just wanted us to go back together!" Casie was already disassembling the contents of the bag. "Don't worry, he's also in the Bay Area. He's not taking us to some weird island in the middle of nowhere."

Suddenly, Charles came out of the bedroom. He had heard them talking, but wasn't paying too much attention. He moved over to Amanda, extending his hand.

"Hi, you must be Casie's friend." Charles flashed a smile. "My name is Charles Payne, Casie's husband. Nice to meet you."