
Chapter 15

I had just grabbed my bag and my musthavewithmeatalltimes refillable coffee mug when someone knocked on my front door. I wasn't expecting anyone and my friends normally don't drop by unannounced.

Could be the UPS guy with the shoes I had ordered online.

I put my bag and mug down and opened the door hoping to find a hot guy in brown shorts with a box of shoes for me (hello, fantasy anyone?) and instead found something way better. Galen stood there like a naughty dream come true leaning against my porch rail with his long, dark hair looking windblown and finger combed, holding a cup of something that smelled deliciously like a mochaccino. Too bad he wasn't wearing a smile. Then it would have been perfect.

"Um, hi," I stammered as he pushed past me and came inside handing me the coffee. "Hey, don't vamps like need an invitation or something to come inside someone's house?"

"Nope, all a myth,"

"Problems with sunlight must be a myth too huh?"