
Chapter 12

Rod Stewart's shriveled little body chased me down an endless hallway telling me if I thought he was sexy I should let him know.

I ran as fast as I could but he kept getting closer and closer and just when his awful little skeletal hands grabbed my breasts. I woke up.

Oh, thank the goddess! It was just a dream.

But why could I still hear Rod Stewart's awful voice talking about being sexy? Please make it stop!

Then I realized through my sleepclouded haze it must be my cell phone. The damn ringtone had been changed again. And of course, it had to be Malone calling. It was always his ringtone playing some awful annoying song I hated and it usually had something to do with being sexy. Last time it was Right Said Fred's I'm Too Sexy, before that it had been the Devinyl's I Touch Myself. Arrg!

I wondered how he got a hold of my phone and changed the ringtones without me knowing. Hmmm.

Damn, Rod Stewart still screeched at me. Had. To. Make. It. Stop. Where was the phone?