
Heterochromia Vampire

Alicia is an ordinary girl who has fallen victim to the ferocity of a bloodthirsty beast lurking in the darkness. Her entire village and family were killed, and only she survived. But her luck didn't last long. She, who had lost the purpose of leaving, was kidnapped by the Holy Kingdom to become a sacrifice for the Evil Dragon. But who would have thought that in a small, dark and lonely little prison, the girl met a cute little monster who was suddenly in her prison? And her meeting with the little creature turned out to change Alicia's entire life, even though her death was in sight. She should be happy that she survived death twice, but what if her savior was a beast hiding behind the darkness? Will she stay happy, or will she take revenge for the crimes committed by the Beast?

Warf · Fantasy
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156 Chs

Repeated Time or Nightmare

"Elder Brother!" With a body covered in sweat of a girl jumping off her bed, she felt bad for some reason.

"Haa, haa, haa. The wolf?" A girl with short white hair panted while checking the area around her looking for a pack of wolves that might prey on her in place of the fainted wolves.

"Eh!" She was surprised because she was not in the forest anymore, but she was already in a bright room with several dim lights on. Her memory of being in the forest was suddenly changed in an instant when she woke up.

Alicia was confused for a moment while looking at her palms. She had thought that time had been repeated, because when she first woke up in that room she also had a strange dream.

She didn't know what happened after she lost consciousness due to the forest wolf's attack. What is clear now she feels at the starting point again before she fled into the forest.

She still intended to run away again, but when she looked at the gap in the curtain, her desire to run away again immediately disappeared.

"It's very dark outside." She still clearly remembered the fear she felt when she saw the hundreds of pairs of bright red eyes stalking her in the dark forest.

Not having the ability to fight and her weak state makes her think twice if she wants to run away. If she did it again, it is possible that this time she would die.

Even though her hands were not handcuffed and she wasn't thrown into the small prison, according to her, this place was far more terrifying than her previous small prison. She felt that way because it was very dark outside and there were wild beasts in the forest surrounding this palace waiting for anyone who tried to escape.

While she was still considering escaping, the double door to her room slowly opened. And a man with long purple hair came into her room.

"Ah, miss. Are you awake?"

The same thing happened again, the healer came into her room and said the same thing when she met him for the first time. She was quite sure that time had been repeated, but she was quite skeptical of that guess when she saw that the man was not pushing the shelf trolley anymore.

She just looked at him without giving an answer, because she still suspected the healer. When the healer entered, there was a girl pushing a shelf trolley following the healer.

With that girl, making her guess about the time that has been repeated was refuted, because the healer should have come alone carrying a shelf trolley.

The two of them walked over and stopped on the edge of the bed.

"Miss, can we examine your wounds? Don't worry, my assistant will be examining you. Her name is Belle." Because Alicia gave a frightened response, the healer immediately explained the arrival of the girl who was with him.

Belle gave a greeting while pinching both sides of her skirt. "I'm Belle, I hope you're not afraid if I take care of you."

When looking closely, Alicia was quite mesmerized by Belle's beautiful appearance. She wore a black and white dress with detached black sleeves.

Belle is a short girl with an hourglass figure. She has chin-length iris-colored hair and bangs that frame her face.

"What are you saying, Belle! Don't make me look evil in front of the young master's guests." The healer looked annoyed and hit Belle on the head.

"Aww, isn't that what young master said. That's why he asked me to help you. Hemph!" Belle stroked her head and grumbled to the healer.

The healer simply responded to Belle casually. And unprovoked by the annoyed Belle.

"Y-young master?" Alicia didn't notice that her inner voice was coming out, and she immediately covered her mouth and looked down.

She was quite panicked because she shouldn't be able to speak because of her dry throat. But she felt that she said it smoothly.

The two people in front of her immediately fell silent and that made her even more panicked, because she didn't know who they were talking about.

"Looks like it worked. Belle! Immediately check her condition and confirm some of the things I said earlier. I'll be waiting for you outside." The healer's tone sounded pleased when he heard Alicia speak. And immediately asked Belle to act.

"Okay." Belle also sounded pleased and answered the healer's orders quickly as if they had forgotten their quarrel.

After the healer left the chamber, Belle took the bag on the shelf trolley and took out some medical equipment and placed it on the bed.

"Erm, can you get out of your blankets? I'll be in trouble if you keep hiding like that." Belle who was ready with scissors in her hands was confused when she saw Alicia who was still covering her body with a blanket and holding it tightly.

She still remembers when she first woke up in that chamber, she didn't wear clothes at all. Even though her whole body from neck to toe was wrapped in bandages, but it still made her embarrassed to be seen by other people, especially men.

Since now Belle would take care of her wound, Alicia nodded and immediately removed the blanket covering her body.

Belle climbed onto the bed and crawled over to Alicia's feet. She started to remove the bandage from her leg.

One thing that surprised Alicia was, all of her bandages looked new. The bandage around her leg should have been torn off by the thorny bushes. But after seeing it several times the bandage still looks good and there was no tear at all, as if her departure into the forest was a mere nightmare.