
Heroine Support System

Leonard was another normal boy till a game pop up show in his sight. His role is simply to Support the heroes of other worlds and be of help to them. Nothing more. Excited by the possibilities the boy ignored the messages only to find out that there are more than one heroine on his surroundings. There's a part where they fall in love with him and this is where he is no helpful at all. -------------------------------------------------------- I do not own any of the images. The cover is a photoshop composition of: - Florescence by Karmen Loh. - Status Windows of Solo Leveling. - Black Tassel from Genshin Impact. - A red scarf.

ESH · Fantasy
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37 Chs

World and heroes

"So you want to start training?", miss Olivia asked to confirm.

"Yes.", he chose what looked like the most suitable one to teach.

"This weekend without fail.", she said. "I need to go back soon."

"How the time works between worlds?", he made a good question.

"Every day on a world is considered an hour on the other."

"So the incursions are about twelve days there and two weeks here.", he guessed.

"Most of the times. Being alone I can spend a month there.", she replied.

"What are we going to hunt?", he asked excited.

"Slimes.", she said. "You're too weak to face even goblins."

"Slimes?", he regretted a little to ask.

"There is a chance in one million that you find the Golden Slime.", she said.

"What does it have the special about it?"

"It increases your overall stats in ten.", she said.

The overall stats were the sum of all of them. So killing the Golden Slime would add ten to that amount. Different of the teacher that put the chance on full probability. Leo started thinking on how the Golden Slime came to life. What could produce Golden Slimes. He was a game maniac and a power player.

"They are inoffensive?", he asked.

"WHAT?", she returned. "Of course not. They are huge monster full of hungriness."

"Okay.", he kept thinking about how to use that in his favor.

"So here is my number and my email.", she passed her contacts. "I'll pass the location on the day. See you in class.", she left.

"I'll suppose that she will give a weapon at least.", he laid down and slept till the class start.

He continued with his training and as the time passed the woman started to look at him more and more while running. The Heroine Affection was making its part. The trained a little with the scarf on the playground. It had strength enough to swing around. When no one were around he used to test his spells too.

So the day came. He was with the scarf and sweatpants. He took a day off of his training to finally get the haircut. The place was on the downtown's food place. She was there with her teacher clothes but unlike in the school she was surrounded by men.

"Teacher.", he approached. The men were a little upset but as he called her teacher was enough to not take action. "Can we go?"

"Yeah. I was waiting you.", she left the money and went to the boy direction only to be grappled by one inconvenient man. "Can you let me go or I need to use force?", she said to the man.

"I'll let you go after a walk.", he said it but then his body was like floating up her and landing on the table.

"I'll be going now.", she said and left as no one but Leonard noticed what happened.

"With one arm?", he asked.

"I'm on the frontlines what I did now was nothing.", she explained. "Enter the alleyway." as they both were there she looked at the surroundings and a portal appeared. "Lets go."

Leo entered and on the otherside was a marvelous sight. The plains' grass were of a fresh green. The flowers were from multiple colors and gave life to the rest. The city on the end was simple but had a windmill that gave that place a postal card on his mind.

"Liked?", she appeared on his back.

"A lot.", he couldn't stop smiling.

"Welcome to Azuria.", she saw his excitment and she was like this on the first time as well. "Lets go. I live near the windmill. My equipment is there and we need to buy you some too."

"Okay.", he became more restrained. "What weapon do you think?", he asked. "The system gave spearsmanship."

"A spear?", she gave some thoughts. "It's a simple weapon and easy to use but very hard to master. I use a flail."

"It gave me marksmanship too. Maybe a bow?", he complemented the thought.

"I need a companion on the frontline. So ranged weapons are off.", she said and he questioned the system a little.

"If you use a flail I can't be too close to you either.", he said.

"That's not so true. My weapon is a magical one and I've using this kind of weapon for years now.", she explained. "You can be close that I won't hit you but the spear is more suitable for this situation."

"Okay.", he stared at his Status and his eyes passed through the Prana. "Do you know what Prana is?"

"Yes. It is how much power a god give to you use on their blessings. I'm a Prana user but I don't have a good relation with the gods so its limited.", she said.

"You're a Paladin without gods' help?", he questioned.

"You'll understand.", she gave a fake smile to him.

They went about a ten minute walk till arrive on the city. As she passed on the main street all of the people recongnized her and greeted. He notice how much of a hero she was but why the quarrel with the gods.

"There is my place but lemme show you something before.", she pointed to a simple house.

They walked a little more till a great statue of a man holding two swords on an 'X' above his head.

"This is the statue of the War God.", she took her time. "He was supposed to protect this village but didn't move or gave his power to anyone but the hero. Me."

"This is not how the things go?", as he said those words a woman on poor clothes passed them and put some foor on the altar on the statue's feet. The food vanished after while.

"Saw that?", she asked knowing that he saw. "They can give power to mundane people but chose not to."


"They say that power on the wrong hands can do a lot worse than the world end itself.", she responded.

"And the temples and monasteries?"

"One in a ten thousand is chosen if it is.", she returned. "This is only enough to heal the rich people and not to battle the Devil's Army."

"So the frontliners don't have any help of the deities?", he was astonished.

"Only me but is because they are forced too not because they really want after I declare my positioning on their actions.", she said it.

"Don't worry I'm here to help now with or without them as well."