

A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Gearhawk · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 8

While I was on the bus I thought of Natah.

"Was that just a vision, a dramatic way to unlock my powers that those deities thought of, or is Lotus real?"

"Ordis, can you contact Lotus?"

Ordis: I'm afraid not operator, some of my functions have been blocked.

Aster: Nothing is that easy I guess.

I shrugged.

"Now that I think about it, I see some familiar faces on this bus. In the seat behind me is the tape dude! What was his name again? Sero-something? Not that great powers but he'll have a cool suit! Should I talk to him? He seems really nervous and fidgety."

Aster: Chill out dude, you look like you're having a heart attack!

I turned and said jokingly.

Hanta: Sorry, it's just that I didn't do as well as I'd like to at the theoretical test and my quirk is not that suited for fighting big robots.

Aster: Relax you'll do fine and have some confidence in your quirk. It's not about power, it's about how you use it.

I said with a playful smile and he stood there for a second. Then he begun laughing.

Hanta: Is that supposed to be an innuendo?

Aster: I will neither confirm nor deny this.

I said with a straight face and then we both laughed.

Hanta: Thank you, I needed it. I'm Hanta Sero by the way.

He said a little bit more confidently and offered me a handshake and I reciprocated.

Aster: Aster Phoenix! Don't mention it!

We talked a little bit more about UA, and how we think it's going to be. It was mostly him though since I knew it already. Then we felt the bus stop.

Everyone walked out excitedly and before us stood a massive wall. I heard people around me talking about this whole exam, the test site etc. but I stopped paying attention.

"I think now it's a good time."

I walked a few steps away from the others and imagined transforming to Frost. Instantly, thick white mist started swirling around me like a hurricane, covering my whole body. After half a second, the mist exploded away from me.

And there I was, in all my chilling glory as I "breathed out" frosted air.

"Now THIS is how you make an entrance!"

My body was covered in a dark blue long coat that was closed from the neck to the navel. The tail of the coat continued till my calves.

The coat had white mist-looking patterns. And the inside of it that was shown by the tail was also white.

From the back of the head came out a halo-like ring same as Frost's Aurora Helmet.

Light blue metallic-looking details similar to Excalibur were around his shoulders, waist, back and head that reveal the orokin origin of Frost Prime. And on the upper side of my arms were two small attachments that were occasionally releasing frosty air.

Different reactions were heard around me. Some of amazement, some of jealousy and few girlish screams shouting things like 'Kyaa! He looks amazing' etc. My mind didn't even register the fact that there was a dude in the back that had a flush on his face when he saw me.

"Still, I have to admit that Frost is a really badass warframe"

While I was having the time of my life hearing praises and getting attention from girls, a shout got everyone's attention.

Present Mic: What are you all standing there for? The timer's already started!

As if gates of hell were opened, we ran like a tide and once we're inside, everyone scattered to look for robots to fight.

Finding two one-pointers, I formed an ice lance on each hand and hurled them. They pierced the robots' heads, freezing them in the process. The same happened with the two-pointers and three-pointers.

"Damn, that's powerful"

But since I knew that destroying robots isn't the only way to earn point I didn't take out every one that I encountered. I kept running around helping the others. My ice globe was kinda different from the game. I could still create the same one but there was also another version. I could make the walls of the globe harden so that not even physical attacks could pass through. Though that meant that nothing could enter or exit the sphere.

This new version was particularly useful in this situation. So sometimes I would protect people from attacks and other times I would use the regular globe to slow down what I designated as enemies.

This continued for 6 or 7 minutes when I felt something staring at me. A kind of aura mixed with killing intent. I quickly turned around to see what it was. And there I saw a silhouette hidden in the shadow of the building.

I just blinked once and it was gone. Vanished. I felt my blood freeze.

Aster: This is not possible! I must have imagined it! There's no way that he's here! Ordis did you see that?

Ordis: I don't understand operator, everything seems normal.

I shook my head and collected myself.

Aster: That's right it must have been my imagination. Forget it, I still have 2 minutes left till the exam ends.

I bolted from there, half anxious, half confused. Then I felt the ground shake.

Aster: Oh! How punctual!

A giant arm was raised above the buildings. The it's head popped up. The fourth kind of robot, the zero-pointer.

Aster: There's nothing I can do since it spawned too far from my position...It also looks like a pain in the ass to deal with and it's even bigger than an Eidolon!

As in the series, Midoriya-shounen destroyed it. Paying it no mind I started walking towards the entrance since the exam has almost reached its end.

Nothing unusual happened. After Recovery Girl came to heal the people that were hurt, they informed us that those who passed will receive a letter with more details and we were free to go home or wherever.

I called Toru and Kyoka to check if they want to go out for a coffee but they had to go home. Left with nothing else to do, I decided to go train and hit the road.

Ordis: Operator, it appears that you're in a situation called "not having a life"!

Aster: ...

Didn't actually want to write the practical exam cause it's kinda boring and it didn't really add anything (much) to the story so I used it to show off the appearance of Frost. So, what do you think?

Gearhawkcreators' thoughts