

A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Gearhawk · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 2

Waking up in an unfamiliar room I looked around.

Aster: It...doesn't seem like that was a dream.

The room was quite simple. A single bed with a nightstand under a dark window since it's nighttime and one simple desk next to a wardrobe along with a mirror.

Aster: Is this supposed to be the room of a teenager? There's no flare...

I noticed something flashing on the nightstand. It was a cellphone with a message icon on the screen. A voice was heard when I touched it.

???: This is a prerecorded message. This apartment is yours now. It's close to the Hero Academy. I have already made preparations for you to join. If you don't want to, just don't attend the entrance exam. You've been transmigrated a week before the entrance exam so that you can become familiar with this world. There's money in your bank account for your school but after that you'll have to find work. That's all I have to say, good luck!

Aster: Wow! I'm surprised that everything is ready for me. Thanks Janus!

At that moment familiar mechanical voice was heard.

???: Greetings Operator!

Aster: Wha! O-Ordis? Is that you? How did you end up here? And where exactly are you speaking from?

Ordis: The operator knows me? I'm flattered. I was tasked by <¡~*>\¿®®$ to accompany you and help you with information. Though the most I can do currently is keep you updated about your current powers. I am speaking directly to your mind though I don't know where my databanks are.

Ordis in the warframe games is a cephalon. Something like an AI that helps the Tenno/Players.

"This is strange...how come he only glitched at the name?"

Aster: I see, I'll be in your care then.

Ordis: As will I, operator.

As I was walking to the door, I saw my reflection on the mirror.

Aster: Wow, is this really me? I look nothing like my previous self!

The reflection that looked back at me was tall. I was around 1.70-1.75m. I had medium length brown hair, grayish blue eyes and it might be narcissistic but damn I was handsome!

Aster: It looks like I'm 17-18 but since I'm about to enter the UA I should almost be 16. Ladies beware! Hahahaha!

At this point I started feeling dumb so I stopped laughing. I checked the wardrobe. It's winter right now so I should wear heavy clothes. I found that there are a lot of clothes with white and blue colours. My favourite!

Aster: Aww Janus, you didn't have to do that but thanks anyway!

When I got ready and went outside I spoke to Ordis.

Aster: Ordis, what kind of powers do I have?

Ordis: You can transform to different warframes and use their power but for now you can only use Excalibur and even his use is with some limits.

"This does not put a smile on my face"

Aster: How come I can only use Excalibur?

Ordis: Right now your body simply cannot take the strain of using another warframe. And you should take to account that for every extra warframe that you unlock your body is burdened even more. But fear not operator, for every time you reach a certain power level you will be allowed to choose a new warframe from between 3 choices.

Aster: Well...you can't have everything handed to you so no complaints from me.

While Ordis kept talking about my powers I found a quiet building that was under construction and went inside. The floors hadn't been built yet but the columns will work nicely for what I planned.

Aster: So Ordis, how do I transform?

Ordis: Just think about being Excalibur.

I close my eyes and did just that. After I opened them again I found myself being taller than before.

Aster: I really became Excalibur! And the Umbra version at that!

My form was lean and my clothes were gone. I was wearing a black ninja-ish bodysuit and around my neck was a black scarf while on my head was a black helmet with a horn-like protrusion. The suit, scarf and helmet have the same gold tribal details that make me look rather badass.

Aster: This is SO cool. Ah! Even my voice sounds cooler and more manly!

I ran around the interior of the building, weaving between the columns at high speed.

Aster: If I'm this fast right now, imagine how fast I'll be with Volt or Gauss. Next phase!

I jumped to a column and thought to myself that I want to stay there.

The golden details in my suit began to glow in the dark making me look even cooler and I found myself sticking to the surface of the column. As I continue to stay there, I noticed that the gold details are dimming little by little and after some point I slipped and almost crashed but at the last moment I managed to twist my body and landed on my feet.

Aster: So the glow is like a timer, interesting. Let's up the difficulty!

I jumped on a column again and, when I landed there, I focused my power to my legs and rocket jumped to another column. I managed to reach the other and my face "softened" the impact and I crashed to the floor.

Aster: Good thing there's nobody here to see me. That would be embarrassing.

???: Not as embarrassing as talking to yourself. It seems you do that a lot.

A teasing female voice came from above.

Surprised, I jump on my feet and put my arms in a boxing stance while I look up to search for the source of the voice. After a few seconds a head popped from behind a steel beam.

Aster: Who are you?

The person in question jumped down and walked towards me.

I froze as I saw her. She was around my height. Long purple hair with seductive golden eyes and face sculpted by the gods using the finest clay. Her slender body and respectable chest couldn't be hidden by her simple yet elegant clothes. She wore a thick white turtleneck with tight black jeans. No other accessories were needed to accompany her beautiful visage.

As she came closer and stopped half a meter away from me, I noticed two things about her. Her ears were long and pointy like an elf's that were partially covered by sleek purple scales and on her back were two purple dragonic wings.

???: Hi! I'm Eona.

This chapter is longer than the previous one. I don't know if Eona's description is too much or not. Maybe I'm affected by the eastern genre. So what do you guys think about the chapter?

Gearhawkcreators' thoughts