

A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Gearhawk · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 20

Aster: It sounds like All Might arrived!

Toru: That's great! I can also see the others at the entrance! Let's go there.

"Good thing the ice didn't break when Janus took Stalker. Otherwise I would have to find an excuse for his disappearance."

Aster: Right! You go first, I need to do something.

Toru: What? I'm not going to leave you alone.

Aster: Don't worry, I'll be right behind you, just go!

I gave her a thumbs up.

Toru: Fine, I'll be waiting for you.

Thankfully she took off without much fuss.

"I don't want to bring her there"

I was running towards the fight while explosions were heard. When I arrived, I saw All Might punching a big blue skinned humanoid with a beak full of teeth.

That thing kept getting punched everywhere but it didn't budge one bit.

Aster: All Might! I'm here to help!

All Might: Aster-shounen? No, just go, everything is fine!

Aster: I'll be ok! I have an idea! Just keep punching him for now and don't do anything reckless!

Shigaraki: Who is this guy?

A light blue haired guy that had hand props stuck all over his body and his face, asked nonchalantly.

Kurogiri: He is the one that the strange person wanted to fight.

Shigaraki: What? That strong looking guy failed?

Kurogiri: It appears so.

Shigaraki: Nomu, keep fighting All Might. I'll take care of this guy!

All Might: What? No-

All Might was about to come towards me but that Nomu thing started attacking him.

Aster: What, you want to give me a hand mr. Bad Guy? No thank you, I'm not here for you!

I sent a frost wave towards him and then threw an ice lance for good measure.

He jumped back and dodged the wave but he couldn't dodge the lance while he was in the air. Just before he was hit, a black portal appeared in front of the lance and protected him.

While that was happening, I was gathering my power.

Aster: All might, when I give you the signal, stop him from moving and jump back cause I can't control it yet.

All Might: Just be careful Aster-shounen!

I sent a big ice wave towards Nomu.

Aster: Now!

In less than one second, All Might grabbed that thing's legs and threw him face first in the ground and backed away.

The wave covered him from top to bottom but I knew this wouldn't stop him.

"It's time!"

Aster: Hey villain, have you ever heard these words?

I said to Nomu and unleashed my power. The surrounding temperature dropped at a quick rate. A gigantic, illusory-like image made of ice, of a figure that was similar to Frost but was visibly buffed and had horns at the side of his head, appeared behind me.

I brought my right fist back and the giant mimicked me.

Aster: Go beyond!

I threw a wide uppercut and the Harka Giant followed. His huge fist was made of extremely dense ice and the wind pressure created was overbearing. As it went towards that creature, it was grazing the ground forming a frozen river-like path. Everything that was close to it, earth, debris, cement, even the air itself froze as it collided with Nomu with the force of an avalanche.

Aster: Plus ULTRA!

The overwhelming momentum of the punch carried the creature and shot it upwards to the ceiling of the facility. It struck the roof and then froze, effectively being stuck.

Shigaraki: The hell?

All Might: What power...

Barely able to stand, I reverted to my normal form since that move took everything that I had. The Harka Giant also disappeared with my transformation.

Aster: Sorry I stole your catchphrase All...Might, but I always wanted to say that...

I was about to fall from over exhaustion but All Might appeared behind me, caught me and then laughed.

All Might: Hahahaha! It was a move worthy of that catchphrase!

He let me down slowly and turned to the villains.

All Might: Now, I don't really want to steal the young man's spotlight but my hands are tied. Prepare yourselves!

He said in an intimidating was while cracking his knuckles.

Shigaraki: Why? We should have won! It's all your fault! Your fault! All of it your fault! I will make you suffer!

Just as he was about to recklessly rush toward us, a black fog wall appeared between us.

Kurogiri: Shigaraki Tomura, we have to leave! There is always another day!

All Might charged at them but they disappeared as he reached them.

Aster: The...Nomu!

I pointed to the ceiling and All Might looked up. A portal formed there, trying to swallow the creature. It was encased in a large chunk of ice so the portal was slow and unfortunately for them, All Might acted fast. He threw a punch and the air pressure blew away the black fog and also broke the ice from the roof.

It fell with a big splash to the pool. The enemy left as no new portal appeared. All Might changed back and came near me.

All Might: I don't agree with you coming here Aster-shounen but...Thank you. Without you I would have had to push myself.

I felt happy with his words. It's like when someone you admire acknowledges you.

Aster: It's my genuine pleasure to be able to help you All Might.

Izuku: All Might, Aster!

All Might: Midoriya-shounen? Why did you come back?

Izuku: Quick, the others are coming! They will see you in this form.

All Might: Oh Shit!

He said and started running the other way. Izuku then looked towards me.

Izuku: Let me help you!

I put my weight on his shoulder as we walked. While we were going back, he told me that he was thankful for what I did and how he felt sorry that he couldn't help.

Aster: Izuku, a brave man once said 'A hero starts by saving one person'. I saw you help Minoru and Tsu-chan. We're still young so there a lot of time ahead of us to become better.

I left him with those words when we arrived to the entrance. Everyone asked me about the giant but I used the excuse of being too tired to save myself the trouble of answering a bunch of questions. It turned out though, that is wasn't an excuse as I passed out soon after everyone gathered.

I don't know if you got a good image about how the move with the giant looks cause it's hard to describe. I got the idea by mixing elements from a league of legends video where the images of the heroes appear behind them and shaman king. I added a pinch of Jojo and the Image of Frost's deluxe skin. So tell me what you think, is it bad that I made him say the catchphrase? and as always, thanks for reading!

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