

A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Gearhawk · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 14

We got out of the monitor room and into the building with the bomb. The device was located on the fifth and last floor of the building.

Aster: I have a plan but I want to hear your thoughts on the situation.

I turned to the other two.

Mashirao: Shoto will be extremely dangerous to deal with inside the building. Mezo can also act as a tank. They have a good team composition.

Aster: Agreed! Toru, your turn.

Toru: That Eona will be their trump card. We know that she's a physical attacker but nothing else.

"That is also true. I can't even begin to imagine how's she going to act."

Aster: I will take her on then.

Toru: No! I-I mean...she's an upperclassman, even if you're strong, she has more experience than you.

"She seems flustered about something."

Aster: Fine, I won't. Now here's what I think will happen. Shoto is very powerful so he will probably try to freeze the whole floor and just come from the front door. Mezo will probably be forced to proceed slowly since Shoto's powers won't tell friend from foe. Mezo will act as a back-up and will "peel" for Shoto. Eona will most likely fly and swoop inside once the other two locate the bomb. There's also a chance that as Shoto and Mezo start from bottom, she will start from the top floor. Any questions till now?

"Thanks to my knowledge I can mostly prepare for whatever Shoto and Mezo are going to do but the problem is Eona."

Mashirao: If Shoto freezes the floor, how are we going to fight?

Aster: Leave that to me. I will encase the bomb inside a hardened ice globe to prevent any surprises. Then cover the whole floor with another kind of ice globe. This will prevent Shoto from using most of his powers and will also slow the three of them down. My powers will be able to differentiate between friend and foe so you won't be slowed. You'll still feel somewhat cold though so don't be surprised.

I looked towards Toru as I said that and she gave me a thumbs up.

Aster: Next, I'll show myself to the boys and while they're preoccupied with me, Toru will stealthily make a move to take down Shoto while my powers suppress his.

Toru: Got it!

Aster: Mashirao, you will stay near the bomb and engage Eona if you see her. You don't have to beat her, just keep her away from the hardened ice globe till we arrive.

Mashirao: Alright, sounds like a plan!

I pushed my fist towards them.

Aster: Let's do it!

Toru & Mashirao: Yeah!

They said as they bumped their fists onto mine.

I placed the ice globes and with Toru in tow, we went to a lower floor. I summon another ice globe on half of the floor and turned towards Toru.

Aster: Are you feeling ok? If you're too cold then tell me, ok? Your health is more important than any match.

She held my arm.

Toru: I'm alright! I know that your powers won't harm me.

She said and took her hand away.

"Uwaa For some reason I feel really happy right now!"

Aster: I...That's good to hear.

Toru: By the way Aster. This halo-ring thing on your head looks cool! Does it have a use? Cause it looks sharp.

I let out a small laugh.

Aster: It is sharp and durable but I don't really think it can be used like that.

Toru: Pity, I think it would be cool.

Aster: Hahaha maybe I'll try it sometime.

Toru: Really? I want to be there to see it.

I chuckled at her enthusiasm.

Aster: Ok then, it's a deal.

Toru: You know Aster, I-

Right as she was about to say something, the floor started freezing but stopped at the boundaries of my ice globe.

"It seems I was right. He still chose to go through like this. You'll find that it won't be easy with me as your opponent."

Aster: Yo! What took you so long? Did you get cold feet?

I chuckled a bit at my own joke.

Right then, Shoto appeared from the stairs. Mezo was behind him with his hands and tentacles wide open seemingly ready to fight.

Shoto: You can control ice too?

He said with a somewhat surprised tone

Aster: Oh I can do much more than that...

I created an ice trident and hurled it at him.

He conjured an ice shield and stopped my attack.

We kept staring at each other since I didn't want to exit my globe and he seemed that he didn't want to enter it.

Aster: You know that time is with us and against you right?

That seemed to spark them to action.

They both charged at me. Shoto used his powers and covered my globe with ice trying to keep me from seeing what they were doing.

Aster: Good idea but it won't work on me!

I made a finger pistol and aimed at the wall of the globe while a fist-size ice cube formed in front of it.

Aster: Bang!

The ice cube shot towards the globe. Upon making contact with it, the globe exploded outward, destroying the ice that covered it.

Then, I saw that Shoto was coming from the left side.

Aster: I see you!

I threw a big ice ninja star at Shoto and also started running towards him. He conjured an ice shield and blocked the star but the shield was destroyed.

Aster: You won't be able to stop me like that!

Shoto: I don't have to!

Mezo appeared behind me, ready to strike. Unfortunately for them, I had already noticed him and with a stomp, an ice wave froze his feet and immobilized him.

I threw a punch at Shoto who was defenceless. Just as I was about to hit him, I felt pain from my back and something sent me flying towards a wall.

I got up while holding my head.

Aster: Did anyone get the license plate of the truck that hit me?

Seeing something coming towards me, I managed to roll out of the way at the last second. The wall behind me exploded from a kick.

Eona: It's rude to compare a lady to a truck!

She said somewhat displeased.

Aster: How did you come here? And when?

Eona: I was here from the beginning silly!

"She was here from the-"

Realization hit me.

Aster: Of course!

I turned to look at Mezo who had his hands down.

Aster: You hid behind Mezo's arms!

"I must say, it's a clever strategy. Seeing him like that, I thought it was a battle stance."

Eona: Pim-Pom! Correct you are Aster! So, are you ready to give up? Except if you want to fight 3 against 1.

I morphed to Excalibur, summon the Exalted Blade and put it on my shoulder.

Aster: Heh! From where I stand it's 3 against two!

I spoke confidently.

They were initially confused about what I meant until they noticed that Shoto was on the ground unconscious.

"Toru did a good job. She went at the exact moment that no one was expecting and hit Shoto's neck"

As if on cue, Toru and Mashirao came down the stairs and stood beside me.

Aster: I have to admit, I didn't expect that you would be hiding behind Mezo. If we didn't have something in store for you then it would have been an uphill battle.

Eona: Hahahaha! Nicely done! But I hope you don't expect an easy battle Aster.

While Eona and I talked, Mezo broke free from the ice.

Eona: Ready for round two?

She got a big chunk of ice that was nearby and hurled it at Toru as Mezo engaged Mashirao in a fist-to-tail brawl.

I quickly got in front of Toru and slashed the chunk in two halves that flew by us from the sides.

Aster: I won't let you hurt my To- Teammate!

"Ahh I almost said her name!"

Eona's hair started floating as she charged up her energy and took a deep breath. I raised my blade high with a reverse grip, ready to plunge it to the ground. As I was about to move, a bell-like alarm sounded.

All Might's voice was heard from some speakers.

All Might: Time's up! Good job everyone! Teamwork, strategy and fighting was very good. Excellent! The results; Villains win!

I relaxed at the announcement and raised a hand as I shouted my tension away.

Aster: Yeah!

At that moment, Toru jumped on my back.

Toru: Yay! We won!

And with that, my tension returned.

And there's the fight you've been waiting for! I hope you didn't get disappointed! I actually flipped a coin when I was about to choose which team would be the villains. Shoto won so he got to be the hero xD Tell me how you feel about the chapter and as always, thanks for reading!

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