

A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Gearhawk · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 11

I've found myself in a very tricky situation. Without having even been given the chance to explain, I was dragged to the police station for interrogation.

Aster: I'm telling you this is a mistake! I didn't even touch the guy!

I said as I begun to worry a little.

Police Woman: Fine, let's say I believe you, what about the knife?

Aster: It was his! He actually came and threatened me into giving him my wallet and the groceries that I had just bought!

Police Woman: But the knife was in your hands.

Before I could retort, a man wearing a suit came inside the interrogation room with a file in his hands. He was in his forties with sharp eyes, well-combed hair and a trimmed goatee. He spoke with a calm voice and projected an aura of experience.

???: Good job Angela but you still forgot something. Why is he still wearing his equipment?

Realising what it meant for me to still with my "equipment" she apologised.

Angela: Ah! I'm sorry, this won't happen again!

"Shit! In my panic I also forgot that I was still I my Excalibur form! Damn, if they knew I was a kid I might have been able to avoid a lot of trouble. Still, Ordis, doesn't it seem that this Angela is new to the force? Probably a trainee."

Ordis: Yes, they must have used you to train her in the art of extracting information from the unwilling.

"Don't be so dramatic!"

Ordis: Still, I fail to see the point of this observation.

"Just making small talk. It calms me down a bit."

"I'm sure if Ordis had eyes right now he would have rolled them"

???: Now, could I ask you to remove your helmet? And as a suggestion, don't do anything stupid cause it won't end well for you.

The man's voice brought me back to reality and as if on cue, the handcuffs were unlocked by themselves.

Aster: This is not a suit, it's a transformation so please don't misunderstand when I transform back.

He nodded and kept looking at me. I took a deep breath and morphed back.

Angela: Wait what? You're a kid?

Angela was very surprised. The man didn't look any different than before and if he was surprised then he hid it very well.

???: This is quite unexpected.

Aster: I'm sorry but in my panic I forgot that I was still transformed.

???: Hmm...It's ok. Just to confirm, please give me your hand.

I stretched my arm with my palm facing up and he grabbed my wrist. His hand started glowing neon blue.

???: Now tell me, what is your name?

Aster: Aster Phoenix.

The glow turned green and then blue again.

"Is his quirk a lie detector?"

???: How old are you?

Aster: I'm almost 16.

The light turned green again.

???: What happened with that man?

Aster: I was returning home from grocery shopping. At some point he approached me and threatened me. I transformed to scare him off and he threw me his knife. After that you know the rest.

Same thing happened again with the light.

???: Hmm...what do you think Angela?

He turned to look at her with inquisitive eyes.

Angela: He told the truth but he could be withholding information.

???: You're right. Now take a look at this.

He passed her the file. And then checked his phone as it seemed he received a message.

After reading the file, Angela avoided my gaze and looked down.

"Oh? The plot thickens"

Aster: So what happens now?

???: Do not worry, you're clear. The knife had the other guy's prints all over it. There was also a lady that saw you and testified as a witness.

Aster: Oh! May I know her name? I'd like to thank her for helping me.

"Maybe get her a cake as a thank you? I should repay kindness after all"

???: Unfortunately she wanted to remain anonymous. I would also like to apologise for dragging you through all this. Angela here is still new to the force and she's eager to help. I'm sure an aspiring hero like you understands.

"They probably got the information when I said my name..."

Aster: It's ok, I know all too well how that's like.

???: Thank you for your understanding mr Phoenix. Now, allow me to escort you out.

We went through the police station. If you make an exception with a few policemen who had a quirk that changed part of their appearance then it didn't look so differently than a normal police station. When we reached the doors he stood there along with Angela as she apologised. They had even collected my groceries and returned them to me.

As I took a few steps, the man called out to me from the door.

???: Mr Phoenix! We got word of person that looks like a ninja that's been "apprehending" some thugs lately. You wouldn't happen to know anything, would you?

Ordis: Oh, he got you!

Ordis said mockingly.

I managed to stay calm and answer.

Aster: No, this is the first time I've heard of this.

???: I thought so. Thank you again for your cooperation.

Aster: No problem!

What I didn't notice as I walked away, was that his hand was glowing red behind his back.

Fortunately or unfortunately, nothing eventful happened after that, since I decided to lay low for a while and stop being a vigilante. And thus, the days passed like the wind. I also received the letter of acceptance to the UA. Toru, Kyoka and me celebrated for passing the exams but I still kept going to train with Taketora and Toru would be there almost every single time. That led to us having some time to ourselves as we talked after each training session. Thanks to that, we became a lot closer but I haven't managed to ask her out before the lessons at the UA officially begun.

Ordis: You didn't ask her out cause you were scared!

Aster: Shut up Ordis!

I feel like some events are motion, what do you think will happen later? Anyway, that's all from me and as always, thanks for reading!

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