
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

The Monster(1.32)

Elizabeth sat staring at her hands, waiting for the school bell to ring, signaling the end of the school day. She felt as though the entire class was laughing at her sometimes, simply because she couldn't read.

The bell rang and she was grabbed her stuff, heading out to escape the hell that was this school. She wanted to go hit something, or someone.

Swan called for Elizabeth, dashing over with a sparkle in her eyes. Her puffy white hair fell in her face every once in a while, making her look frustrated with her hair.

"Perfect." Elizabeth smiled as Swan caught up to her, before punching her on the arm.

"Ow!" Swan stumbled backwards. "Why'd you hit me so hard??"

"That was the lightest I could."

"Huh.. well at least it got you to smile for once~"

"Shut your stupid face." Elizabeth said as she walked towards home, her hair tied in a beautiful french braid. Swan pranced after her.

Jaxon headed straight for patrol after school, climbing up onto the roof tops and surveying the area. He wanted to find whoever or whatever was killing people so mercilessly.

He searched for an entire hour without finding anything, sighing in annoyance that there was no sign of some murderous person killing people and instilling fear into the hearts of everyone in town. He growled and kicked a rock off the roof.

He noticed a man standing on the edge of a tall building next to the building he stood atop. It looked like he might jump, seeing the torn expression on his face.

Jaxon climbed to the roof of that building and began slowly walking over, trying not to startle the man. He called to him, worry filling him.

"Hey, uh, are you ok..?"

The man lifted his head and looked over. Between the time Jaxon had spotted him and climbed to the roof, he must've placed a mask on his face. He had white hair falling in his face, with green tips.

"What is on your face..?" The man narrowed his eyes.

This time, the man didn't seem to step back in fear like most other people did when they saw him. Instead he stepped towards Jaxon, his fists clenched.

"Umm.. a mask?" Jaxon tilted his head.

"Don't play stupid with me you fool." The man grabbed Jaxon by the arm, thankfully the one that wasn't injured and stared down at him. He had to have been at least seven feet tall, with hatred burning in his eyes. "Why are you wearing their symbol on your mask!?"

"I..I don't know what you're talking about." Jaxon tried to take a step back, his arm still in the man's grasp.

"What is your name?"

"I'm the blood hero.."

"No you are not, what is your real name!?" The man squeezed Jaxon's arm, it felt like he was trying to break it with his hand. "Or are you Darkshadow..?"

"Who is.. who's Darkshadow?" Was this his chance to get answers, or would the man react even worse? He guessed this would be the time to find out for sure.

"Don't play stupid." The man grabbed him by the collar of the shirt and lifted him up above the alleyway. "Answer my questions or I WILL kill you."

A grin slid across Jaxon's face under his mask, something came over him, some sort of happy feeling once he was in danger. 'We need to get out of here Jax.' He heard Phoenix and nodded. 'This guy is bad news and I'm not in the right state to bring you back as quickly as last time.'

Jaxon flipped himself upwards, not even realizing what he was doing and kicked the man in the face with flames shooting from his heels.

"Karma~" He taunted the man, before landing on his feet and dashing for safety.

"DARKSHADOW!!" Thorin screeched. Tears welled at his eyes as he realized he didn't even have any memories of him, he could tell.

Jaxon hid himself in a crowd, pulling his hoodie and mask off in order to make himself look natural. He walked along, trying to get as far away as possible without being spotted.

The sound of feet tapping against the ground, quickly and loudly was heard. Jaxon looked around, trying to figure out where it was coming from.

BANG! Everything went black and he woke up being dragged towards a beach. He had no clue where he was, but he had to struggle, he wouldn't let the man win.

"Who the hell are you!?" Jaxon cried, trying to distract him while he activated his abilities. Instead, when he activated his abilities, he was shocked with powerful electricity.

"I am Thorin." The man sighed and stopped at the water's edge. "And you will die for impersonating The Blood Hero."

Jaxon tried to struggle more, not even noticing the weight that he was tied to. He hit and kicked, trying everything he could without using his fire.

Before he knew it, he was sinking to the bottom of the lake, trying to swim upwards as the weight dragged him downwards.

He felt water pull at him as he sank, his eyes darting all around. He reached for his mask, but it was gone. No wonder he couldn't breath.

Jaxon felt himself start to pass out, before realizing the spell that had been shocking him wasn't working anymore.

He gained new energy and began heating up the chains that had him caught. Eventually he got his hand hot enough to break the chains and let him swim to the surface.

He shot upwards, trying his best to escape before he ran out of time.

Once he broke the surface, he was shoved under again. Not before he had taken a breath, but it was still ruining his strength. He thrashed under the water, burning at his attacker.

"Let me go!!" Jaxon cried, before attempting to punch Thorin in the face, only to have his own face shoved back under the water.