
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · Fantasy
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36 Chs

First Blood (1.7)

Jaxon awoke with a horrible headache, he lay on the floor in his room and held his head in his hands.

He got up and went to the washroom to splash water in his face and get something for his headache. As he turned on the sink he noticed the red liquid on his hands.

"Another nightmare..?" Jaxon thought, but he felt calm here, as if nothing had happened.

He then looked up in the mirror and saw that his eyes had changed from blue with small red circles, to black with a larger red ring around his pupil.

The other horrifying detail, was the amount of what he could only assume was blood all over his face and clothes. He stumbled back from the mirror and fell to the ground. Why was he covered in blood?

He rushed out of the washroom, calling for his mother. No reply. He noticed the blood splatter all along the walls and the tears in the wallpaper.

He panicked and called for his parents again. "Mom!" Jaxon called out. No answer again. "Dad are you here?" Still no reply.

Panic was rising higher and higher as he looked through the rooms of the top floor. There was blood smeared by only what he could assume were his hands, and tears along the walls, as well as shattered windows and even scorch marks in some places.

That's when he decided to slowly, but carefully go down the stairs. "Mom, Dad, are you here?" He looked around. He couldn't see anything, not yet at least.

He slipped and fell down the stairs, crashing down loudly and holding his head in his hands to try and protect it. He blinked blood form his eyes and looked around the room, noticing the even larger amount of blood in the doorway to the kitchen.

He cautiously stood up and peeked inside, only to suppress a scream at the sight he'd just been giving. Jaxon fell to his knees as he saw his father tied up by his feet to the ceiling fan, his neck had almost completely been cut off and his stomach and wrists were slashed open.

Jaxon could see a few of his father's organs dangling and nearly passed out as realization hit him like a truck. He had killed his father, and possibly his mother, since he still hadn't found her.

He got up and walked over to his father, he walked passed and into the dining room. He didn't see anyone in there, only blood and few of what he though maybe were his father's organs strewn around as he walked past.

Jaxon walked into the livingroom and nearly threw up all over himself. His mother lay with horrible burns all over her body, she was also mangled with claw marks and stab wounds. Jaxon took a step back as every memory of what happened came back, he remembered exactly what he did to his parents, and this time he threw up.

Tears streamed down his face as he realized what he had done, he fell to his knees and cried out. "I'm so sorry.." He repeated this over and over again as his head began to explode with pain again.

The voice in his head's laughter rang out through his skull loudly and he held his head in his hands. The pain then shot through his head and he screamed, digging his nails into his own flesh to try and block out the horrible, painful laughter. He lay on the floor clenching his teeth and holding his head.

Then the voice stopped, almost instantly, no fading out or anything, it just stopped. Jaxon looked around, blood still covering his hands and face, he shakily stood up and leaned on the wall. Staring at the scene he contemplated what to do next, thinking about calling the police, he went to find his phone to try and turn himself in.

"No." The voice cut in. "Do NOT turn yourself in." The voice echoed and shot pain through Jaxon's head. Jaxon held his head in his hands and tried to cry for help but his voice wouldn't come through. He felt helpless against whatever was screaming at him and shooting pain through his skull.

"Why are you doing this!?" Jaxon screeched as he fell to the ground again. "I'd rather go to jail for murder than do something like this again!!" Jaxon lay screaming at himself, only to hear a knocking at the front door. He perked up and tried to dash for the door but his legs wouldn't move, he tried dragging himself to the door but it swung open and his neighbor saw him, drenched in his parent's blood and scared.

He heard sirens in the distance and realized what was going on. His neighbors had probably called for help when they heard his parents screams and then later his own. Jaxon was doomed to prison, he couldn't explain why he was covered in blood but uninjured, so he would immediately take the blame, which was the right assumption anyway.

Jaxon was finally able to get up and he and his neighbor stared at eachother for a good ten seconds, before Jaxon bolted past him and ran for the woods. His feet hitting solid pavement and letting out that clacking sound as he ran. But he didn't stop until he was deep in the woods, hidden by the leaves and trees that stood taller than he had ever thought of.

Jaxon felt the guilt of his parents death finally wash over him completely and he collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down his face as he tried to figure out what his next step was. He lay there for a few minutes trying to figure out what to do, and where to go. But the fact that he still had no memories made even more difficult.

Jaxon stood up and leaned against a tree, he remembered students in his class talking about sneaking into an abandoned mansion somewhere in the middle of the woods. He decided that would be where he would stay until his memories came back.