
The forest

I woke up in the morning with a strange feeling. I shook it off and put on the outfit my uncle gave me. I walked down the stairs to see my mother setting the table for breakfast. "Good morning mother what's for breakfast?"

"Good morning sweetheart we are having eggs and bacon. After you are done hurry off Alexander is waiting for you."

"Ok mother I will." I ate my breakfast and headed out in search of my uncle. I walked through the town to get to the forest as it was the easiest way to enter.

"Hello welcome to town what are you here for. My name is Amelia what is yours." I swiftly turn around to see my neighbor.

Hoping she didn't noticed it was me I got up some courage and said, "Hello as well miss I am headed to meet up with my teacher in the forest I overslept a bit. Oh and my name is Ross by the way."

" Ok Ross thank you for visiting our tiny village and I hope you find you teacher. Good bye I bid you good luck."

"Good bye to you as well miss." We waved and went our separate ways.

I walked through the forest looking for my uncle until, suddenly he walked up behind me. When he appeared I jumped and then proceeded to trip on a tree root. I nearly hit the ground when suddenly I stopped. I looked around and nothing was holding. Alexander seemed as confused as me. So he walked over and helped me out of my predicament placing me on the forest ground.

" Well that's new." My uncle said in a befuddled tone.