
Heroes and Ghosts

Clint Barton didn't expect visitors in Homestead. Especially teenagers stealing from him in the middle of the night. But when Clint confronts him and realizes he's not alone... well, what's he's supposed to do? The Avengers have everything, it seems, but a family man. Featuring fanboy Thor, Steve's overprotective nature, and twice the Jackson as you'd expect. (Percabeth later on.) I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide go check out the story on https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11493775/1/Heroes-and-Ghosts

SDIVAD · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Chapter 7: Hydra and the Halfblood

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide

go check out the story on




It was supposed to be a simple mission.

Hydra wasn't... Entirely dismantled like we thought. Little groups who escaped the net worming their way out of the dirt and into the light trying to build back what was destroyed. Fury would send Steve to check it out, sometimes with Natasha if she needed something to occupy herself with.

But today they weren't after worms. They struck a wasps nest.

A fully functioning drone factory. Steve didn't even know what a drone was until Natasha explained it to him. Seven feet of steel and wiring and a programming to kill. Or capture. Or make the Avengers look bad. Contrary to Steve's own beliefs, public opinion mattered greatly.

So, when Fury approached Steve with a simple surveillance mission, he knew he would be in for a handful. He called Natasha in, and when they realized Hydra was involved, Clint reluctantly joined in. After a long and tedious amount of time, they found the drone factory in Venezuela, far away from any other factories in the region.

You think that might've tipped them off.

The factory seemed to be abandoned. Wooden crates were rotting in the corner, longing to be opened. The conveyor belts above Clint's head did not appear stable in the slightest. The floor beneath them, crack and crumbling cement. The windows were all busted, and vines seemed to be clawing their way in.

They stayed together when they saw the first Hydrabot.

"How can the government just overlook this? Can't they see what's going on?" Steve whispered, his voice still carrying across the factory. Natasha shoved some vines out of her way.

"Satellites only saw this one yesterday, and if it's where your target was moving towards, I bet this is a trap."

"Why didn't you say anything before?"

"I did."

Clint, doing actual work while they bickered, found a series of boxes against the wall, each large enough to hold a washer-dryer combo. He felt along the edge when he couldn't see and... Yep. "Guys, I found something."

Nat and Steve checked it and confirmed. Yes, it was Hydra. "Should we open it?" Clint asked. "Or will it open itself for us?"

Bad timing.

There was a whirring sound and then a fist as big as Clint's head punched through the wood. "Never mind." He commented off handedly. He took his bow off his back and notched an arrow, backing up with Nat and Steve. The other two were on high alert, weapons drawn as they met the new enemy.

It was eight foot zero, and all black, as if in a glistening insect shell. It broke itself out of the box, and dust billowed out around it. It's figure vaguely reminded Steve of one of Hitler's elite soldiers back in word war two, and the red sensors seemed to project the same amount of malice.

"Targets confirmed. Initiating wake up protocol."

There was a much louder chorus of cracks and splintering wood as the few dozen or so boxes began to fall apart. Red beans of light focused in on the heavily outnumbered agents of SHIELD.

"Well crap." Natasha said, pressing her fists tighter. The electronic currents in her gloves engaged, and her suit glowed in its blue light dimly.

"You take the left, I've got the right. Cap, you've got the big guy, right?" Clint said, gesturing towards the much larger Hydrabot with the lapels of a senior officer. Steve nodded.

"Sure, old man. I'll even help you clean up the rest of yours afterwards." Steve said, trying to lighten the mood.

Clint looked over indignantly. "Old man? You're nearly one hundred!"

"Targets confirmed. Awaiting execution order." The bots said in unison.

Suddenly a door opened on the floor above them and someone walked onto the catwalk. He spoke in a heavy, German accent. "Orders are confirmed. You may fire when ready." He said.

He was handsome in an artificial way, he looked more like a businessman than a highly trained agent in his suit and tie, but his voice sounded familiar to Steve.

"John Smith, you are under arrest by the authority of-"

"Ah, yes. My dear olt friend, the Captain. It seems fate has brought us back to fight once again, eh?" The man said. He was the one they'd been tailing. And, clearly, he was going under a fake name.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, John." Steve said. Clearly this man was a sociopath. His demeanor reminded Steve of the many Hydra officers he'd fought.

"You wouldn't, I suppose. Of course, the doors being forced open did not affect you, as much as they did for me. That is of no consequence now. What matters is that I have guests! And as a good host, I should keep them entertained." The man gave his brightest smile towards the three of them. "Commandant, you may begin."

And with that, he turned to run as the few dozen bots opened fire with the guns on their arms.

Clint was the first in action, ducking for cover behind one of the steel crates of to the side. He quickly found a pattern of fire and launched his volley.

Natasha went straight up, catching the chains above her and swinging towards the nearest bots. Many of them did not look up.

Steve was quick to cover as well, throwing his shield as he went, watching as it simply glanced off the shell, barely a dent noticeable. He cursed, and Natasha instantly reprimanded him from the ceiling.

"These things are in sync! Hawk, can you find the pattern? Which one leads them?"

"I think that's your bot, Cap! Now let me do my job!" Clint yelled firing arrow after arrow into the only noticeable kink between the neck and shoulders of the bot. One by one, the soldiers began to sag haphazardly to the one side. Oil leaked to the ground.

Natasha would catch the stragglers, landing on their shoulders and overloading their hardware with her gloves. Eventually, Steve saw her take the arm of one drone and point it at another. The unfortunate bots shredded each other to bolts.

"I believe this enough of this. Commandant, execute tracking orders ZH562. Captain, be advised that this will not be the last time we meet." John spoke over the intercom, then his voice crackled out. The bots stopped firing, and the largest bot pointed to the three Avengers.

"Destined units apply cover fire. Destined units, begin tracking orders ZH562." In a nearly malicious, almost emotional way, the big guy glowered at the captain. "We will meet you at a later date. New targets selected: Barton family."

There was a noise like someone getting the wind knocked out of them, and Steve realized it was Clint.

The remaining bots split into two units, one applying cover fire while the second, the big guy in the lead, ran towards the exit, boots glowing with red heat. Steve desperately threw his shield, and watch with satisfaction as the commandant's 'helmet' fell from his head.

Natasha was quick to remove the remaining bots in the factory, even tossing one of her electrical grenades into the mix. Still, Steve distinctly heard the sound barrier being broken by what he guessed was the remaining drones.

The ones he guessed were heading towards Homestead.

"We have to move! Now!" Clint yelled, running for the exit, and the Quinjet beyond it. But when they got there, they found sparks shooting from the console. Clint cursed, but got to work. "They must've shot it up. Nat, go see if you can find anything from the remains of the bots. I think they've locked me out of the systems." He ordered.

"Steve, how the heck does this guy know about my family?" He nearly screamed, but never breaking focus. Steve shook his head.

"I really have no idea. John Smith appeared a year ago as a Hydra analyst. Fury wanted him caught. He wasn't supposed to know-"

"No one was supposed to know." Clint said through gritted teeth. Steve decided to change the subject.

"How long before she's back up?" He asked.

"I don't know. It's not like I'm hotwiring a car."

"Just a jet this time."

"Steve? Shut up."


They were in the air fifteen minutes later, and they were using a Hydrabot head to steer.

Autopilot was destroyed, and it seemed these robots had some sort of GPS installed, so Natasha played a hunch and hooked it in. Now they were nearly home.

Clint had tried to call Laura to warn them, but the Hydrabot head didn't like that. It fried the phones circuitry, causing poor Clint even more angst than before.

Steve just hoped they were alright.


When they got there, it looked like a war zone.

Charred and scorched earth, the green summer grass burnt to dirt. The remains of a pickup truck doused with water. The house itself had no noticeable damage, but everything was covered in water. Everything. And by Steve's knowledge, it hasn't rained recently.

Bits of drone littered the ground as well, red sensors unlit, and gun arms sliced perfectly in half. The shells were dented and dulled, the black gleam no longer there. The 'helmets' were, oddly enough, stacked perfectly on top of a single drone's head, like he was trying them all on at once.

Clint ran for the house, yelling at the top of his lungs. "Laura? Cooper? Lila? Are you there?!"

The silence almost cut into Steve's soul, but then Laura ran from the house, cradling... TWO babies?

How long had Steve been gone?

"Thank goodness! Clint, you have to help him!" She yelled, going into hysterics. Both babies cried in her arms, and one reached towards the barn longingly.

"What's wrong?" Clint asked, still clinging to his kids tightly. The moment was sweet, but Natasha spoke up.

"Where's Percy?" She asked urgently. Steve frowned. Who was Percy?

"He lead them to the barn! We didn't see anything, but honey, the things that we heard..."

Natasha wasn't listening, instead running towards the barn at full speed. Steve followed after, seeing her worried expression. Anything getting her worried scared Steve.

As they neared the barn, they could hear the telltale sound of a drone. And, sadly, when they opened the barn they saw the big (and now ugly) guy standing, his back facing them.

"Why are you here, huh? Leave them alone!" Someone yelled behind the drone. With a heavy heart Steve realized it was a teenager, and he looked unprepared for the big guy. Only armed with a baseball bat and words, he threw insults at the drone.

"Curious. Half bloods were not noted on file as allies to the Avengers or Barton Family. Identify yourself."

Steve didn't see how this kid could keep throwing insults (some in languages he couldn't understand) while the big guy stood stock still and sized up the teen. Suddenly the teen lunged, and Steve thought the kid was done for.

Big guy went to grab him, but the kid rolled up his arm and sliced the drone's left arm off with his baseball bat.

Wait. What?

Steve's eyes didn't see wrong. A baseball bat cut off the drone's arm. The kid didn't even flinch, instead wiping off the oil he got on his face. "What even are you? Who do you work for?" The kid asked.

There was another whirring sound and Steve heard a pop. He expected the kid, Percy, to fall down. Instead a holo screen popped out in front of him. "Halfblood appears to have obtained hearing impairment. Switching to visual communication."

On the screen, the words flashed.

Identify yourself, Halfblood.

Maybe the kid was reading impaired as well, because he squinted at the words before understanding dawned on his face. He kept the bat up warily, but answered anyway.

"Percy Jackson."

The whirring stopped. So did any other sound besides Steve's heartbeat as it thumped in his chest. Finally, the drone spoke.

But he didn't sound like the drone. It was more like an echo coming from inside the shell, as if it were hollow. With a start, Steve realized it was laughing.

"You are the one? The one who escaped death itself, and eluded my master?" It echoed. Percy must've heard it, because he winced and covered his ears. The voice seemed to mull over this in his mind. Steve was suddenly sure it had one. "Very well then! I shall be greatly rewarded, when your soul renters Tartarus and my master shall call you his champion!"

Percy didn't waver. "I know your voice... You're- you're the thing that was in my head! The one that... That tried to kill Jason." He suddenly sneered, and his sword lifted in challenge. "I'll kill you myself this time. Leo took my chance before." And many strange things happened at once.

The boy, Percy, jumped and vaulted towards the bot, bat raised. Only now it wasn't a bat. It was a glistening, bronze, leaf blade shaped sword. A deadly arc reaching towards his opponent. The drone pulled its right arm up, and the chatter of machine gun fire began. Natasha yelled in warning, but it was too late.

The robot's head was smashed on impact with the blade, cleaved in two. Percy's body was jerked backwards, and he flew all the way to the other end of the room. With a sickening crack, he hit the wall.


"We need him in medical! NOW!" Clint screamed, trying to keep the mask over Percy's face as they wheeled him in on a gurney.

Somehow, Percy was still breathing, if only a little. When they had picked him up off of the ground in the barn, he had a bullet in his side and was unconscious. Steve had picked them up, and then Clint had turned to his wife. She nodded, her face pale. "Go with him. We'll be alright." She'd said.

He tried to control his breathing when they got to the Quinjet. Natasha was already in the pilot's seat, cursing at the robot head hooked up to the dashboard. "He's going to die! Take us to Avenger's Tower in New York City, NOW!"

The robot didn't sound impressed. "Cannot comply. All routes to New York have been wiped from my memory base." He turned to face Clint. "Emergency protocol is noncompliant unless furthering the cause of Hydra."

Natasha cursed again. "Just take us to New York! The kid needs medical attention now!" She screamed. Steve had set Percy against one of the seats, and Clint noticed Percy putting his hand over the wound. His eyes were glazed over, but at least he was conscious.

"How you holding up?" Clint asked, as Steve watched from the sidelines. He seemed to be looking for something, anything, to help but coming up short. Clint felt the same way. Percy winced, but managed to smile anyway.

"W….Water." He said from far off. Steve stepped forward when Percy tried to stand.

"Kid, stay down. We're trying to help you right now." He turned to Clint. Grab some pain killers and help me sedate him. He won't last long if he keeps trying to move." Steve ordered, taking over as leader yet again. Clint nodded, hearing as Natasha still cursed out the robot head. Clint felt a heavy sense of dread overtake him. What was the point if the ship wouldn't take off?

One problem at a time. He thought, bringing out the first aid kit. He and Steve filled a syringe as Percy struggled, asking for water. "I can't, okay Percy? We have to get you to the tower, and you won't make it while you're awake." He injected him. "Sleep, okay? You'll feel better when you're awake."

When Percy had stopped moving, he left Steve to take care of him. Natasha was still struggling with the Hydrabot head. "The place you are describing has been set as the destination. Proof of compliance to Hydra's cause must be shown, then we will fly." It said, and Natasha cursed again. Clint frowned and Natasha explained.

"He's asking what's in it for him!" She yelled, smacking the top of it's head. It made an indignant sound of protest, but then stayed silent. Clint grit his teeth.

"If Percy Jackson doesn't survive, I will melt down your head and make a paperweight, you hear?!" He screamed.

There was a lot of whirring sounds, and then the eye shutters shrunk until there was only a pinprick of red light, then back to normal. Almost like it couldn't believe what it was hearing. Then it spoke, almost sounding like he didn't believe him. "Perseus Jackson was pronounced dead. He is not on this ship."

Clint blinked, wondering why the robot suddenly took an interest, but then decided to roll with it. He picked up the head, pointing it towards Percy in the back seat. "Well this is him, right here! And he's alive for now! If you want to keep him that way, take us to Avenger's tower!"

There was a lot more whirring, then a few clicks and the ship's engines began to whine. Miraculously, the ship took off, and they began to travel east. "Proof has been applied. The bounty of a living halfblood shall suffice. Perseus Jackson has been sought after by my master for months now. But only alive." It said, still studying Percy's face with it's sensors. Clint felt like they weren't talking about the master that the hollow sounding robot had been talking about. Was it just Clint, or were they suddenly going faster?

"Why does John Smith want Percy Jackson?" Steve demanded from the back seat. The Hydrabot focused on Steve, and spoke.

"Perseus Jackson: Betrayed by Olympian family. Extremely skilled in sword combat, hand to hand, and horse riding. Hydrokinetic. Telekinetic, but only with equestrian species. If found, exercise extreme caution. He will not come quietly." The robot recited, then Clint spoke up, almost blurting out his question.

"How do you know who he is? Why do you know this?" He demanded. The robot remained quiet, and only the noise of the engines whining from the strain could be heard. Finally, it spoke.

"Cannot inform high command. Frequencies have been changed. In answer to your question, Avenger, The Halfblood files are not privileged to you." It said.

"What can you tell me? What will you tell me about him?" Steve asked, and Clint suddenly felt sick. These were the questions he'd been asking for four months now, since he first met Percy. But now… This felt wrong. Too late, he was letting the robot speak.

"Perseus Jackson: age seventeen. black hair, green eyes. Last recorded at 5'8. Correction made: 6'0. Family: Sally Jackson, mother. Deceased. Paul Blofis, stepfather. Deceased. Father: Information is not privileged. Hope Jackson-Blofis, sister. Deceased. Disabilities: ADHD, Dyslexia. Correction: 80% deaf." He turned his head towards Clint. "His juvenile hall file fills two hundred and fifty pages of incident reports since age seven. See Halfblood files for his adventures since age 12."

Clint had to take a step back. What was a Halfblood? Clint wanted to ask, but suddenly he realized that they were almost to New York.

Thank you for supersonic air travel.

"We're almost there." Natasha said, and the robot hummed in what Clint assumed was agreement. As they approached, Clint could see the Tower already shining in the distance.

"I have already informed the Artificial Intelligence known as Jarvis that Perseus Jackson requires medical attention. Agent Barton, please be informed that our commandant was not supposed to kill Jackson. That would have to be the infiltration spectre that resided within him. Know this: That will not be the last time you hear from him. Or me." It said, and Clint didn't doubt his words. With that, the head popped and fizzled, then shut down completely.

There was an eerie silence that hung around Clint for a few seconds before Steve spoke up.

"So how did you meet Jackson?"

"How's the kid doing?"

They'd been in the tower for hours now, sitting just outside his room. Tony had met them when the jet landed with a gurney and the surgeons. They had immediately run to medical, and they quickly set to work.

When the surgeon had come out five hours later, they couldn't explain how Percy was still alive. Not to be rude, but that bullet had caused some real damage. They were baffled at how, when they had gone to clean the wound out, the water had done more than clean out blood.

"-and it just closed. Right after the bullet was out." He explained, taking a seat of his own. Natasha quickly excused herself, asking if she could be in the room now that Percy was going to be okay. Clint watched her retreating figure.

"So how long will he be in here? He's got a little sister halfway across the country, and he's going to try and leave as soon as possible." Clint reasoned. The surgeon shrugged.

"Could be a few weeks at the very least. He needs rest, and to build up strength again. I'm suggesting a few months of physical therapy." He said. After a few more discussions, the surgeon left. Clint sat alone for a few minutes before Steve sat beside him. They stayed in awkward silence before Clint broke it.

"You said Tony gathered as much information as he could on Percy?" Clint said, referring to what they'd been talking about before. Steve nodded.

"Did you know about the hydrokinesis? Or the fact he can apparently talk to horses?" Steve asked. They'd already discussed how Percy had stumbled on Homestead, and now needed to talk about the kids future.

"I didn't even suspect it. He was just a troubled kid and his baby sister running west without a plan." Clint looked over at the white, sterile wall across from him. "Laura and I realized that he was going to dump his sister off somewhere and then disappear. We expected for good. Instead, we gave him a home." He ran his hands over his tired eyes. "And it turns out Hydra wants him alive, so a robot head agreed to help save him."

"What do you think a halfblood is?" Steve asked no one in particular. Clint shrugged, but didn't offer an answer. He honestly didn't have one.

They waited for a few minutes, listening to the machines beeping in Percy's room. Finally, Clint stood. "I want to hear what Tony knows about him. If he's got red on his ledger, I want to know about it." He said. Steve nodded, standing with him and walking towards the labs.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide

go check out the story on


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