
Heroes and Ghosts

Clint Barton didn't expect visitors in Homestead. Especially teenagers stealing from him in the middle of the night. But when Clint confronts him and realizes he's not alone... well, what's he's supposed to do? The Avengers have everything, it seems, but a family man. Featuring fanboy Thor, Steve's overprotective nature, and twice the Jackson as you'd expect. (Percabeth later on.) I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide go check out the story on https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11493775/1/Heroes-and-Ghosts

SDIVAD · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Chapter 5: Baby Nathaniel and The Stark Incident

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide

go check out the story on




Okay, Tony get a lot of strange things happening to him and the people he's associated with *cough* alien invasion *cough*, but if anyone had told him that Legolas would be bringing his wife to his awesome tower at four AM would've hit that bar pretty hard.

The fact that she was giving birth should've tipped him off as to why he was visiting.

"Sir, Agent Barton and company are currently in the medical ward. They requesting your presence immediately."

Tony groaned, sitting up in his bed. His hand reached out to see if Pepper was home, but duly remembered she was still out of town. He mumbled incoherently as he checked the time. "It's four o' five Jarvis. Why did you let them in? And why do they need me?" He asked angrily, still not quite awake.

"Agent Barton was already cleared by tower security. Agent Hill allowed them in, sir."

Tony rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "But why are they here? AT FOUR IN THE MORNING?"

His AI had always displayed what sounded like emotion, and took its opportunity now.

"I suspect it is because Mrs. Barton has gone into labor, sir."

Tony shot up in his bed faster than he'd had to in a while. "Jarvis, are they having a baby in my building?"

"It appears that way, sir."

Tony ran quickly into his closet and changed out of his (silk, fancy, and magical) pajamas and ran towards the elevator. "Jarvis, get me to medical. Now." He said. Was it just him, or was he going down faster than usual?

When the door opened he was greeted by an ear-piercing scream that left Tony's ears ringing. He readjusted his shirt and began to speed walk down the corridor.

But as soon as the screams had started, they began to stop. Just as Tony was about to go into the medical room that had the tinted windows on, the door abruptly opened.

There was a kid standing in front of him. A kid that matched Tony's height and seemed more muscles than fat. With eyes that were a strange shade of green and dark, nearly jet black hair. He would've been an impressive sight... But Tony only got a glimpse before he ran to the nearest trash can and hurled.

"It's a boy!" Someone said from inside the room. Unneeded, seeing as Clint and Laura already had the kids sex. Oh well. There were always urges to say stupid things.

"Why are you in my tower without me being told you're here?" He asked, interruption what was obviously a special moment. Clint looked up from- was that a loaf of bread? -in his wife's arms, and pointed at the machine in the corner.

"All your equipment is messed up, Tony. Where were you?" He asked, pointing to the techno advanced equipment that Tony spent a week making. It was basically a doctor, nurse, midwife, and number one fan all in one.

And it was currently broken.

Tony looked at how Agent Hill, two on call nurses, and a disgruntled woman in a bed gown now stared daggers at him. He tried to come up with a good excuse. "You guys were early! I thought the baby was due in a week!"

"He's late by a week!"

"But- you were going to use SHIELD medical!"

"You know what happened to SHIELD!"


"Oh, shut up!" Someone behind Tony screamed. He turned to see the boy from before, now looking only slightly shaky, as he stepped into the room. "I'm deaf, and I can still tell you're yelling. Clint! You have another kid! Go coddle your wife!" He turned on Tony. "Dude! You promised the Barton's you'd have your computers ready! Because you didn't, I had to help deliver a baby!"

He suddenly looked less than okay. His face paled as if realizing what he just said. He took a shaky breath, then turned to a nurse. "Anything else that I can do? When can we leave?" He asked.

The nurse began talking with the kid for a moment and Tony stepped towards Clint and Laura. Clint had taken the kids advice and was smothering his wife. Tony put a hand on his shoulder. "Great job, Katniss. Bullseye." He said. Laura rolled her eyes, then yawned lightly. She handed Clint her son, and he passed it to the nurse.

They all left the room so Laura could sleep, closing the door softly behind them. The kid went with the nurses and baby, ducking into another room. Tony and Clint were left alone in the hallway, and Clint looked distressed.

"Look, I'm sorry I snapped at you. The baby got out fine, and that's all that matters to me." Clint said, then looked at Tony expectantly.

He just shrugged. "You're forgiven, I guess." He replied nonchalantly. "Just don't come to my building to have another spawn and we'll call it even."

Clint, who suddenly look much more aggressive than a few seconds ago, was tapped on the shoulder by the kid again. Tony let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding.

"The nurses said that Laura needs to stay for a day at the very least, with her last labor going a bit iffy. And the baby has to get a check up, but besides that he's golden." The kid said, his hands still shaking slightly. Tony, for the most part, was concerned... For his lack of alcohol.

"Well, congrats. Drinks are on me." He said, guiding the two of them towards the elevator. Clint seemed okay with it, but the kid protested when he was given a glass.

"I don't drink. Not to mention I'm underage." He pointed out. Tony was happy to drink his shot for him.

Clint and Tony both started to talk about current events, including the strange storms that kept recurring over the past few months, but we're already starting to dwindle. The kid seemed interested for a few minutes, but quickly excused himself to medical again to check on the baby.

"So who's the new kid? Or did I miss count the last time I was at your place?" He asked, causing Clint to roll his eyes. He did that a lot around Tony.

"How could you miss count?" He retorted.

Tony Shrugged. "We had stuff going on. But seriously, is this kid cleared? Does he know who you are? Oh! Can I get out the shock therapy equipment and make him forget?" He asked excitedly. Clint snorted.

"Yes, he knows who I am. No, he isn't a threat. No, we aren't wiping his memory." He said, downing another shot (you need more than one when it comes to Tony). He wiped the spittle from his bottom lip. "He's my new farmhand, and he has been for a few months now. I thought Fury sent you an email."

Tony waved a hand dismissively. "Nah, Fury probably didn't want me to know about it." He snapped his fingers suddenly. "Wait… I deleted it. It was the one labeled URGENT, right?"

Clint was about to make another retort, but then the kid reentered the room. Tony did a double take when he saw the difference from ten minutes ago. He wasn't shaking anymore, but his hair had… golden glitter? Sand? anyway, he was gripping a pen in his right hand like it was a lifeline, and his eyes shifted towards the edges of the room.

"You okay Clint?" He asked, scanning the grates. Tony exchanged a look with Clint, then wondered vaguely if he would've found anything interesting on the email he was sent (and ignored).

"Yeah, I'm fine. Whats up Percy?" He asked, concerned. Percy looked between Clint and Tony, then gazed around the room. Finally, he nodded in satisfaction.

"Nothing. One of your nurses had to go home early, though. Just thought I'd let you know." He muttered.

Clint and Laura had to leave the next day with Nathaniel, and Tony noticed that among them all, Percy was the one looking at the city longingly.

Tony got a weird vibe off of the kid. It wasn't exactly menacing, so to speak, but... It wasn't that nice, either. As the Quinjet took off, he couldn't get his mind off it.

"Jarvis, find that email about the kid. Should be from one of Fury's accounts." He instructed.

"Already have, sir."

Tony nodded in satisfaction, reaching for the bottle again. Something told him he was in for a long haul tonight, and he didn't want to be sober for it.

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide

go check out the story on


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