
Heroes and Ghosts

Clint Barton didn't expect visitors in Homestead. Especially teenagers stealing from him in the middle of the night. But when Clint confronts him and realizes he's not alone... well, what's he's supposed to do? The Avengers have everything, it seems, but a family man. Featuring fanboy Thor, Steve's overprotective nature, and twice the Jackson as you'd expect. (Percabeth later on.) I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide go check out the story on https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11493775/1/Heroes-and-Ghosts

SDIVAD · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Chapter 16: The Siege of Manhattan pt 2

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide

go check out the story on



Hey Guys! So, I need to clear away a few things before starting this next chapter:

Firstly, Percy is 6'0. The whole 'seven feet high' was supposed to be a joke so the B team would be impressed for half a second. Jody, I'm sorry for confusing you.

Secondly, I'm thinking of doing a series about Percy being thrown into the Arkham Asylum games, so plz help me with that, I want to know if its a good idea or not.

Thirdly, this is a Percabeth. People are concerned its not, it is. Ship it or ship out.

Fourthly, This isn't just Avengers anymore. Welcome to the PJO/MARVEL MOVIES Crossover! Woooo!

Fifthly, I want to thank you all soooo much for the support and love you have for this story! If any of you have heard of National Novel Writers Month, I've been actively writing my first full length novel! I can't wait to see it published (Crossing my fingers right now)!

Sixthly, shout out to Winter Wolf, MAL, Meg, Panda (I will free him), FavFan, Aviendhaphiragon, Cooljoanna15 and all those who have been reviewing Heroes & Ghosts for so long! I wish you guys to know I follow your stories intently!

Now, enough of this mushy and lengthy stuff! We have a story to read!

I am not Marvel, Rick, etc.


Terry had many questions.

Many were answered a few minutes after walking out the door.

When they exited their bunker, they were enclosed in darkness. Some sort of basement, or maybe it was just dark out. Either way, she wasn't happy.

"Where are we?" She asked carefully.

"What just a second, I've got a flashlight." Liam said, and Terry could hear him searching his stuff.

"I got it." Andrew said. There was the sound of a heavy inhale, then a tiny yellow light began to glow above Terry's head.

She had the foresight to duck, remembering the last time Andrew had made a tiny sun. Her old hunters jacket had melted right off her body in a tiny version of an imploding sun.

But after a while the sun began to drift around the room, like a big, shiny lightning bug. Only then did she see where they were. "Is this a clothing store?!" She asked in horror. Liam only nodded, making his way to the front door. The blinds were shut and he peek through them.

Danny was twitching slightly and picked up a pen from one of the clothing counters. Terry almost bit her nails as she snuck up next to Liam and looked through.

Terry had fought automatons before. In fact, she'd even witnessed two of the brutes fighting each other. But nothing prepared her for this.

Seven feet tall, bronze and steel. She remembered learning about Hitler, and seeing his S.S. Officers in heavy trench coats and steel pot helmets. That's what she saw. Their faces reminded Terry of a death mask, in the likeness of a skull. Two red, glowing eyes stared blankly into the distance. Worse, there were dozens of them.

"Hydra bots." Liam said, pulling out his pistol. He took a step away from the window. "We should be able to go from roof to roof if we're careful, but they might have them covered." He suggested. Terry nodded, already making her way towards the stairs.


They made it a block from the Empire State Building before it appeared.

There had been Hydrabots on the roofs, but Liam displayed a sense of knowledge about them, sneaking up behind them and stabbing their skull like faces. He shot one between the eyes, and he fell like a tree. Luckily they hadn't been spotted.

Now they were hiding behind an air conditioning unit, bows drawn, including one that Terry saw spring from a charm bracelet on Danny's wrist. She raised an eyebrow but didn't comment on it.

Liam took his time observing the situation, finally he grunted. "The doors are guarded. No surprise there, but... It's definitely a trap." He said.

Andrew frowned. "What do we do then?" He asked.

Liam got this look in his eyes right then. Even through his aviators Terry could see he had a plan.

"You said that Poseidon sent you on this quest, right?" He asked. Danny, the somewhat disputed leader of this quest nodded, still not seeing where this was going. "Pray for a wave." He said.

Without any warning he drew his sword and ran to the edge of the building.

The three of them all stared in shock, but watched as Liam landed on his feet. His sword was drawn, but dipped downwards. He didn't even try to hide himself, instead walking right up to the two Hydrabots.

The trap was sprung.

"Halt, enemy Halfblood. State your name." The bot said.

Suddenly a few dozen or so bots began coming out. Whether it was from the buildings, or from under the road itself, they were quick to surround Liam. "State your name." It demanded. As if those boys weren't bad enough, Terry had to grab Danny and Andrew from behind and pull them under cover when the megabot showed.

Terry had no idea what else to call it. It reminded her of the robot from War of the World's. A skull shaped head, painted a dark, nearly black red. It's undercarriage was simply dozens of robotic legs and tentacles that swayed from side to side. Even on the six story building, it was eye level with them.

In a more human like voice, it spoke. "Cease disturbing us, Halfblood, and maybe you will live another day." It said. Liam seemed unaffected, even bringing his sword up a little bit. As if in reaction, the Hydrabots began to raise their arms, as if they were going to punch Liam. Instead, three foot long blades shot out of their fists like claws.

Terry knew that Liam had been lying. That he was a fighter. One of the best she'd ever seen. Certainly no ordinary farm boy. Even when they'd fought minor monsters on their way east, he'd stuck behind, or only swung his sword once.

Now his blade cut through the Hydrabots like butter. Skulls went flying, evenly sliced at the neck. He parred a blade before it pierced his back, then cut the offender in half. At one point a Gatling gun began to chatter from the megabot, and Liam ducked behind a car.

When Terry went to look at her friends reactions, she realized Andrew was praying, eyes skyward.

Terry decided to not interrupt him, choosing to talk to Danny. "We need to help." She said, and Danny agreed. So, almost in sync, they stood and began firing arrows at any bot trying to hurt their friend.

Because they are my friends. Terry thought.

The megabot began turning towards Terry and Danny, but with a loud cry and a flash of bronze, a sword severed the gun from the craft, along with half a dozen legs. Liam was still pinned behind the car, weaponless, the chattering of gunfire still in the air. The Hydrabots advanced while a whole other squad was keeping Liam pinned.

"Go! Now!" He yelled, grabbing a Hydrabot and somehow picking it up. He tossed it like a rag doll towards the other bots and they fell like bowling pins.

Terry realized that the door to the Empire State Building was now unguarded. Liam had actually done it, distracting the robots and giving them a chance!

"C'mon." She said, ceasing fire and dragging her friends over the edge of the building.

The two demigods were lucky, tucking and rolling just in time. They were bruised, of course. But lucky still. As they ran to the doors, she could hear a whooshing noise somewhere far off. "Liam!" Danny yelled. "We need to go!" She said.

Currently he was struggling with a much larger bot, with the lapels of some sort of commander. Still swordless, he was dueling with a knife and gun, trying to get under his guard. Sadly he was bleeding, and judging by the way his gun hand was glued to his hip, Terry guessed it was bad.

"Go! Before the wave hits!" He said. "KEEP FIGHTING!" Terry was going to ask what he meant, but then saw it herself.

A wall of water, only noticeable by the way it hit and splashed upwards off of the buildings. She didn't have to be told twice. "We need to go." She said.

"But Liam-"

Terry dragged them both inside, all the way to the elevator until the roaring of water was evident outside of the doors. Then, wordlessly, she thanked Liam's last act of courage. There was no way he could've survived.

Again, I want some serious input on a Batman/PJO crossover. The idea has been stuck in my head for weeks now, since Arkham Knight made it's DLC releases. Read and Review!

(Brief side note: Can I just say that reading thru reviews is hilarious? Half of them are serious imput, the stuff that shows up above, and the rest is like FEELS FEELS FEELS OMG OMG MY GOSH WHY YOU DO DAT? JHFJDHFAHFWJKAEHFWAHKJ;B)

LHG :)