
Heroes and Ghosts

Clint Barton didn't expect visitors in Homestead. Especially teenagers stealing from him in the middle of the night. But when Clint confronts him and realizes he's not alone... well, what's he's supposed to do? The Avengers have everything, it seems, but a family man. Featuring fanboy Thor, Steve's overprotective nature, and twice the Jackson as you'd expect. (Percabeth later on.) I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide go check out the story on https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11493775/1/Heroes-and-Ghosts

SDIVAD · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Chapter 10: Thor Meets an Idol

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide

go check out the story on



Yes, its shorter today. I'm trying to finish up another story, so I've been leaning weight in that direction more than this one. I just thought that this was a good idea to put in. Also, I agree that Steve and Fury are going to be the hardest to convince, but its going to probably happen.

I'm no one you've heard of. continue to watch Joss' masterpiece. Or go read the Mango Chee-, sorry, Magnus Chase exert over and over again.


The Lady Jane was not happy.

Thor had been trying to spend as much time with her as possible, but everything seemed to... Conflict. Dinner was ruined by a Frost

Giant last night. Jane had a 'breakthrough' last week while in Asia and had to stay longer last week. The list went on and on.

Worst still, the Frost Giant had damaged one of Jane's many instruments for anomaly reading. She had taken it in stride, but Thor saw how her smile had been both weary and strained. So, as any semi-immortal boyfriend should do, he was going to fix the instrument.

Or, better yet, ask Friend Stark to help fix it.

As he landed on the 'pad' as the Midgardians call it, he noticed the damage done to the Quinjet. He frowned slightly, glad that he had been able to spend time with his woman, but sad that they had not informed him of their mighty quests.

Shrugging off the usual lust he'd felt for battle, he walked into the penthouse, using the elevator until he was in Stark's lab.

As he entered he was enthralled by the 'technology' that Stark kept close to hand. Most of his inventions were petty and of no use to Thor, but he did enjoy the sparring bots Stark kept handy and stocked for Thor's training. Those were fun. And should Tony ever wish for an ear, Thor would be there (at least now that Bruce was gone).

He saw what appeared to be a metal skull with a pot shaped helmet sitting on the main table, and his curiosity was piked. He was just about to touch it when a hand (and sandwich) smacked his wrist.

"No touchy, Point Break." Stark said through a full mouth. He quickly shoved the rest of the sandwich down his throat and picked up the head, hugging it close. "This one's mine."

Thor, although a bit annoyed at his antics, put on a smile that would've made babies in Asgard smile. "Friend Stark! So good it is to see you. How have you been?"

Tony raised an eyebrow and then held out his hand. "Gimme whatever you broke. I'll fix it quick." He said. Thor dropped his smile and handed the half frozen- half zapped device. Tony raised an eyebrow but otherwise got to work quickly.

"So, you've been missing all the action, Thor." He said, putting the machine in one of his 'halo' screens. Thor nodded politely, but otherwise stayed quiet. Tony raised another eyebrow. "Aren't you going to ask?"

Thor shook his head, rubbing his eyes. "Lady Jane wishes this fixed quickly, so as to continue her research in Asia." He said, looking at the charred husk. "How long do you think it will take?"

Tony shrugged. "A few hours, maybe a day? Jarvis'll run some tests and try to copy the design."

Thor nodded, understanding most of what he'd said. "Thank you, Friend Stark."

"Anytime. Oh! You'll never guess who Fury is interrogating right now!" Tony said, smiling mischievously. He patted a box by the skull Thor hadn't seen, and Thor was sure the contents were fragile. He best stay away.

"Who?" He asked, trying to be a bit nice.

"This teenager, nearly eighteen, and he's a mutant or something like that. I don't know, but his juvie file? Rocks." Tony said.

Thor frowned. Teen years had been awkward for him, and the ones he'd met on Midgard were not very hospitable. But Thor enjoyed (fighting) mutants. "What power does he wield?"

"Eh? Oh right. Hydrokinesis- water with his mind kind of stuff, you know?- and apparently he talks to horses. Haven't seen that one yet, but it sounds cool."

Thor frowned. Horses and water. Where had he heard of that before? "Sounds like a worthy opponent. Should he join us it would be my privilege to spar with him."

Tony snapped his fingers. "Yeah. The kid was even using a sword when they brought him in. Maybe you guys could, like, fight elemental style. Sky vs. ocean."

Sky vs. ocean.

Thor was certain this was familiar. Deja vu, maybe? It didn't feel like it, though.

"I'm kinda hoping he joins the team, actually, but don't tell Steve because I think he's thinking the same thing..."

Something clicked in Thor's head, but he knew that wasn't possible. Still... "What was his name?"

Tony kept fiddling with the head and Thor had to repeat his question. "Percy Jackson, I think. Something like that."

Thor was stunned for a moment, because it wasn't possible.

But here was Tony, telling him it was true.

He stood quickly, running to the elevator and ignoring Tony's questioning look. Instead, he punched the button for interrogation level so hard it cracked.

He anxiously went down till he was on the correct floor, and he even turned sideways so as to get out of the elevator faster. "Percy? Is there a Percy on this floor?"

Someone popped their head out of an office door and Thor recognized Agent Hill. "Where is Percy Jackson?" He asked.

She raised an eyebrow. "As far as I know he's still in medical. Why do you-"

Thor ignored her (sorry!) and ran back to the elevator, getting in. He hit the button a bit more carefully, but then Agent Hill had entered with him.

This time when the door opened Thor could see the lights on at the end of the hallway alight. His pace quickened in anticipation. As he reached the door, he barely registered he'd torn it off its hinges before walking in.

He didn't regret it, though. Who ever regrets meeting their favorite story subject?

All doubt of this being a fares left his mind when he saw the scars. Gruesome, yes, but no one could fake that. His looks, build, posture... Just as described in the stories.

Thor vaguely recognized the others in the room staring at him, but his vision was tunneled.

And then he bowed.

"Great Warrior Perseus, it is a great honor to meet you. I am Thor, son of Odin, and I am a great admirer of your deeds." He said humbly.

Percy himself looked completely baffled, then scratched his head. "Er, hi? Are you here to interrogate me too?"

LHG :)