
Heroes and Ghosts

Clint Barton didn't expect visitors in Homestead. Especially teenagers stealing from him in the middle of the night. But when Clint confronts him and realizes he's not alone... well, what's he's supposed to do? The Avengers have everything, it seems, but a family man. Featuring fanboy Thor, Steve's overprotective nature, and twice the Jackson as you'd expect. (Percabeth later on.) I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide go check out the story on https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11493775/1/Heroes-and-Ghosts

SDIVAD · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

22. The Truth Comes To Light

I just want to let you know that I have permission from the author LostHeroGuide

go check out the story on





How am I at... holy... Wow. Just wow.

Thank you guys so much for all the love and support of this story! I've never gotten this much love from anyone from any story I've ever done before... Really, thank you. I appreciate it all so much. I think its the PJO POV, to be honest... But I'm 100% fine with that. Things in Stark Tower, however, are about to heat up. The Avengers are about to get a wake up call to who Percy used to be. Keep in mind, I wasn't going to print the whole book down, so... yeah.

Enjoy! Lets go for 40 reviews, even though you doubled the last goal! I hope you know I read all of the comments, and sometimes its a real ego boost.

I just want to make something clear tho: I'm a guy, for those of you who always put boy/girl in the comments!

Disclaimer: I'm not Rick.



She had been sitting in the same uncomfortable chair for the past two hours, but it was better than any bed she'd been in for the past day. Especially since they had Perseus Jackson's location.

Everyone had been bedridden for a full day, under the watchful eye of Marie Hill. It'd taken twelve hours for them to break Tony Stark out of his molten metal cocoon, and everyone was treated for at least ten or so separate injuries.

Wanda winced, rubbing the still sore bruise on her left temple. Her doctor had cleared her of any serious injury, including concussion, but she'd been having headaches since waking up. Metal fists crashing into her head were going to haunt her nightmares for more than a few nights.

And the man in red, or how she'd looked into his head… He had to be delusional. He had to be. The thinks she saw couldn't be true. Even the ideas he had… They were baseless. He was just a madman.

Gods didn't exist.

The Vision, one of the few friends she had here, came from around the corner with a cup in his hands. His voice was calm and neutral when he spoke. "Drink." He said, handing her the cup.

The styrofoam was warm in her cold hands, and the first sip of hot chocolate was heavenly. Vision had systems for everything. Really, he was as predictable as the sunrise. If he was sad, he would be alone. If he was happy, he'd be with Wanda. If he saw his friends in distress, he was there to reassure with hot chocolate he could make to perfection.

Emotions weren't his strong point, understanding or displaying, that is, but Wanda liked to think the son of Ultron was as normal as the rest of them.

So, not at all.

"Thank you." She said, taking another sip. "It's been awhile since you've made this." She commented.

"Since Percy's first disappearance." He admitted.

Wanda instantly regretted speaking. Those three months thinking his life had been lost… Not even a body to bury. It had shaken them all. "He's fine. He'll be fine this time, too." She said.

The red skinned, synthetic human was looking straight ahead, but turned as she spoke. He had a strange expression on his face. The one Stark would describe as 'buffering'. "He's surprised me. Since we first met him, in fact." He admitted. "He holds a certain power I cannot place in anyone else. Even my father."

Wanda took another sip. Vision referred to Ultron as his father often enough that it wasn't a surprise anymore. For a brief period of time, she thought the same way about the automaton.

Then he'd tried to destroy all human life on earth, of course. She'd lost her brother to that… that scoundrel. He was nothing to her.

The fact though that Percy was stronger than Ultron wasn't new to her, either. She'd seen him take on robots, mutants, mercenaries, marines, and even the Avengers as a whole (friendly sparring matches, of course). She'd never had to get into his head to know what he was thinking about. People over analyzing him was normal, while all he seemed to be was a collection of simple thoughts. Stab, and, destroy seemed to be his most basic functions.

"Who's to say that he isn't more powerful?" She jested, knocking her elbow slightly against Vision. He didn't appear to have noticed.

There were a few minutes of uncomfortable silence where neither of them spoke, then Vision broke it. He stood, looking towards the door. "They're back. He's with them."

Not even a second later, a voice popped in from the ceiling.

"Ms. Maximoff, Vision, the team has returned. Percy is with them."

Wanda stood as well, throwing out the cup Vision had given her. "Thank you, Jarvis. C'mon." She said to her companion. They both made their way towards the elevator.

She first took stock of his injuries, which wasn't abnormal after him getting back from a mission. She treated Percy like a brother, and after growing up the way she had, family was everything.

He was across the room in Stark's main lounge, a three story masterpiece of metal and comfort, and with an elevator leading straight from the jet hangar. He'd just gotten off, apparently, and had just forced away the concerned faces of his friends and doctors who were hovering around him.

He's walking funny. Sprained ankle. His chestplate is burned. I can't see the markings it usually has. Cut on his jacket shoulder, possibly from a long knife… He'd taken his helmet off, revealing a black eye that had turned a sickly shade of yellow and the rat nest he called hair. As she watched, he pushed past Tony and Thor, who also hadn't been part of the rescue mission. "Guys, I'm fine. Really."

He sat down on one of the sofas, but everyone else managed to take a seat around him. Natasha and Clint flank each side, along with Sam, James, and Tony right in front of him. Thor and Steve had taken to his left, and Vision and her soon joined them. The one that really didn't seem to fit in was Spider Man, who was currently hanging upside down from the ceiling. No one really asked why he was there, after he'd brought them all in.

She pulled Percy into a hug first, though, because, really, this boy was going to be the death of them. "I'm glad you're alright." She whispered into his ear. He pulled away, nodding.

"Well, if it isn't the MIA himself." They all looked toward the balcony, where Nick Fury stood in his normal leather attire. His face was in a serious line, and his arms folded leisurely in front of him. He began to descend the staircase towards them, his arms now spread open, as if waiting for an embrace (which was highly unlikely). "Care to explain where you've been since I can't seem to find your jet anywhere?"

"Hey Fury." Percy said, putting a hand up in casual greeting. "It's so good to see you're alive, too. I was wondering where you were during the Invasion."

"Don't you start." Fury warned, taking his place on his own recliner (It was like he owned it sometimes). "I know that wasn't a dragon I saw you fighting, so unless you'd like to start with who or what that really was, then we can talk about the three teenagers you took up onto the Empire State Building with you." He said. He spread his hands. "Really, this is a story I'd like explained from the very beginning."

There was a tense silence that usually followed Fury asking Percy about his past. In all actuality, No one, besides maybe Clint and Natasha, ever got an answer regarding Perseus Jackson's past. Mentioning the name 'Annabeth' was still somehow a major insult to him, and you might as well be asking him to kill his little sister.

So Wanda couldn't really comprehend when he answered right away.

"Tony, Please notify Jarvis he needs a reboot. And I want this floor on security lockdown for this." He said, seriousness lacing his expression.

Tony nodded. "Jarvis, you heard the kid. Time to power down for a few hours."

Wanda didn't even have time to blink before the metal shutters collapsed over the windows, completely cutting of any outside sunlight. The artificial lighting dimmed until all they could see were silhouettes of each other. Percy stood out among the rest of them.

"What I am about to tell you is beyond any clearance you have ever received. It isn't something you blurt out when the press or the world council or even the president himself ask you to, you hear me? This stays in this room." Wanda could tell that he was searching each and every one of their faces before nodding to himself.

He pulled something out of his pocket, though Wanda couldn't really tell what it was. Percy strode calmly to the nearest computer, setting whatever it was onto the computer console. The room itself began to hum, and a soft golden light illuminated the room they were in until they could all see one another. "Daedalus, run security protocol ten."

A voice of an old man played through the hidden speakers, and Wanda could tell that Tony was baffled that it wasn't his AI that was speaking.

"Sure thing, Percy."

A dull blue glow began to scan the room, sweeping over everything and everyone. The only one who didn't seem confused was Thor. Wanda could hear him mutter something under his breath, and she was pretty sure it was the word 'finally' repeated over and over again.

There was a metallic buzz, followed by the lights blinking green. The voice spoke up again.

"No bugs. Are you sure this is a good idea, Percy? They aren't the most functional of families."

"Hey!" Tony said, looking towards the ceiling. "Who do you think you are, saying I'm not trustworthy?"

"You kept Percy's blood work a secret, Mr. Stark. It's not trust I'm worried about."

Everyone was suddenly looking at Tony, and Fury had an eyebrow raised. Meanwhile, Percy had a grin that covered his face. Tony was red. "Thank you, stupid AI, for ratting me out."

"Don't mention it."

"Ahem." Percy coughed, demanding everyone's attention. He still had this smile on his face. "Was our first family ever really functional, Daedelus?" The AI paused.

"Too true. Let the mortals know, I suppose."

Percy nodded. He turned his attention back to his friends. "So, who here has ever heard about the Ancient Greeks?'

Wanda's synopsis:

The Demigod file, so rightfully named, explained and answered many questions she had about Percy. Some she didn't even think to ask.

The Lightning Thief, sub file one, was more than gripping. He had a supply of news articles that supported each statement, and he detailed a map of where everything was. Very carefully and methodically, he explained his lineage, the mist, his sword, what satyrs were, where the Underworld was… Really informative.

The Sea of Monsters, sub file two, explained so much more. Cyclops's, Sirens, Circe, Pegasi… Wanda felt like a five year old again, and her mother and father were telling her and Petrovich bedtime stories.

The Titan's Curse, sub file three, caught Clint's attention. Wanda noticed that he was enthralled by the hunters of Artemis, and everyone was confused about who Nico and Bianca could be. By the end, there was a silence that no one wanted to break.

The Battle of the Labyrinth… Wanda could hear the AI Percy had brought holding it's breath. He told them about the arena, mortals that could see through the mist, and even Tony Stark was caught more than once glancing in the direction of Dare Enterprises. They all were awestruck that Percy had caused a volcano to explode, and that he was even powerful enough to do such a thing. His description of Camp Halfblood and the battle itself were to a T, and he had everyone's attention when he described the rise of Kronos.

The Last Olympian, sub file five, was a complete description of the carnage of New York, and even Fury had to stand and pace the room at one point. He described the plan Nico di Angelo had proposed to him, and the final battle he fought on Olympus. The rising of a new Great Prophecy, and how he was sure it would be way after he'd died.

They'd taken a break, after that. It had been a six hour briefing, and it wasn't even over.

The Lost Hero described new people, and a few old ones. The Son of Neptune was mind blowing, but he told it accurately. The Mark of Athena, The House of Hades (they would never wonder where his scars had come from ever again) and finally, the Blood of Olympus.

Thor and Clint kept him honest, though Thor seemed to be quite the fan. No wonder he volunteered to go with Percy every chance he got. Wanda was beginning to think Thor had a crush.

He told a few shorter stories about Luke Castellan, Ethan Nakamura, and Annabeth Chase. Especially Annabeth. He had this look in his eyes when he said something about her, like he might cry if he said anything else. He barely described her and how he'd come to be banished from the Olympians and almost killed.

And Magicians. Don't get Wanda started on the Magicians.

But the real kicker, he hadn't even explained what had happened just two days prior!

When he finally did finish, he told them to try and get some sleep.

None of them did.


LHG :)