
Hero? The Two Sides of the Same Coin

An individual without a name, money, home, or family disappears without anyone seeming to notice. But could this be the end of his journey? In a landscape shrouded by darkness and the cold of the streets in the dead of night, he finds himself confronted with death. However, against all odds, this is not his end. [Congratulations] [Your mana has been unlocked] The darkness dissipates, revealing an unimaginable scene before his eyes. An entire people kneel before him, clamoring for his help. He is proclaimed as "The hero of the Demon Kingdom." It doesn't take much time or effort for him to become stronger. His exceptional talent allows him to master the use of aura in a matter of minutes, something that others would take years to learn. Amidst the growing conflict between the kingdoms of Camelot and the Demon Kingdom, the world's temperature gradually drops, revealing dangers previously ignored due to the ignorance of kings. With the temperature falling, terrifying creatures awaken from their ancient prisons and tread upon the earth once more, threatening to unleash chaos and destruction. ---------/------------------/------------ From now on, this story will be updated one week every day, from Monday to Friday, and the following week for three days, probably Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and so on. The posting time for one chapter is 2 PM CST, while if there is a second one, it will be posted at some other time during the day. Opinions are always welcome, especially constructive ones. Cover image created by Copilot, Microsoft's artificial intelligence.

DarkAngel_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Chapter 6

Watching the snow change color right beside her feet, Elizabeth shuddered with each red drop that trickled down her arm. Contrary to what one might expect, it wasn't the pain from the wound on her arm that caused this reaction. The drop falling and painting the ground red at their meeting point almost made her mind waver, and her sword weakened.

With one arm rendered useless, Elizabeth clutched her sword with only one hand. The weakness in her grip became more apparent, and chaos intensified in her mind.

Her feet dragged backward slowly, always anticipating a chance to escape. Each defended attack, despite the clear skill gap between them, almost caused Elizabeth's sword to slip from her hand. When her sword collided with the wendigo's claws, she closed her eyes, creating openings that only worsened her wounds.

Now, not only her arm but many parts of her body were covered in wounds. Blood flowed from her chest toward her abdomen, mingling with the blood from cuts on her stomach. One of her legs moved with difficulty, dragging itself through the dense snow due to various cuts along its length.

The obvious difference in skills no longer existed, thanks to the accumulating damage. Now, it was Elizabeth who was at a complete disadvantage in the fight. Her sword was pushed back with each defense, not due to doubt in her mind but because she was now weaker than the creature relentlessly attacking her.

"What are you doing...?"

The voice seemingly emanating from her head caused her mind to freeze with memories of that cursed day, replaying like a long, bloody, repetitive film.

"Aren't you even trying?"

Elizabeth looked around repeatedly. That voice was too clear and vivid to be merely a creation of her mind. Yet, she saw nothing but what was already there—snow. However, taking advantage of the opening given by the heroine, the creature rushed toward her and made two deep cuts in her back.

Driving her sword into the ground prevented her from falling, but it couldn't stop the creature's decisive advance. No strength remained in her body even to flee. If she made the wrong decision, she would die instantly, but... the wrong decision? Isn't that what she had been doing for a long time? Going to the Frozen Peaks to enhance her abilities was the biggest of them all. How could someone foolish enough to be injured by a beast become stronger? It was so...

As the sword left the ground, her body staggered. Her vision seemed very blurred. Was it one of the effects of blood loss? Now there were two, no, three wendigos leaping towards her, aiming at her throat with their extremely sharp claws. Her vision darkened for a moment, creating gaps in her memories, and now the creatures were before her eyes, but... why do her hands feel so wet?

Elizabeth looked at the sword's hilt. Why did the creature's chest seem so close to her hand? Her blade had pierced the monster's body at the moment her vision darkened, but why?

Her mind remained confused. Her vision darkening continuously. So if she didn't even have the strength to properly lift the sword, then how...

"Having trouble with something so simple..."

Upon hearing that voice so close, literally emerging from behind her, Elizabeth turned. As if a shockwave ran through her entire being, her body trembled, and her eyes widened.

Words couldn't even escape her trembling lips. Her hand, losing the last of its strength, immediately released the sword's grip. Ironically, her legs gave way at the same time her mind, ending with her fainting on the snow next to the wendigo's body.

"What should I do...? Is this my fault..?



"Hmm... This is definitely awful!" exclaimed Aiden, sitting next to Riley at a table in the demonic castle's kitchen.

"Yes..." Riley agreed, taking a silver spoon out of his mouth. "I don't think this is what he had in mind."

"Is it really that bad..?" the cook questioned, in a sad tone, sitting on the other side of the table and resting her somewhat round and, in a way, cute-looking face in her hands. "Do you think that's why Ethan left? Did he hate it that much?"

The two knights exchanged glances. "No..." they both said, smiling gently.

"Ethan has been thoughtful these past few days..." Riley said. "He probably went somewhere quiet to be alone, that's all."

"That's true... but, to be honest..., I don't think it's this kind of dish he was talking about so enthusiastically."

Aiden picked up the small pot on the table and dipped his spoon into it. A green, jelly-like substance was what he pulled out.

"As far as I remember," he said, looking at the substance moving as if it had a life of its own. "he said it should be creamy, sweet, and cold. And I think there was something about flavors and colors too... But... this is neither sweet, creamy, nor cold. It has no resemblance to what Ethan explained about this dessert."

"I tried, okay!?" exclaimed the cook, standing up and breaking the table with one of her hands. "But it's not easy to replicate a food you've never seen before with just some simple descriptions!"

"Sorry..." whispered Aiden, swallowing hard as the table collapsed before his eyes.

"It's okay. Don't worry," said Riley, smiling at the cook. "Ethan surely knew it wouldn't be easy. I think your attempt meant more to him than the failure itself."

"Really..?" the cook asked, her gaze unable to escape the sight of the substance spilled on the floor. "Can you... Can you two help me with a small task?"

"Depends, what exactly is it?" Riley questioned.

"I'll try to make it again, but first, I need some ingredients. Can you get them for me?"

"Ingredients? Herbs or something?" Aiden asked.

"Not exactly. They are fruits and some other things, but..."

"But?" said Riley.

"They can only be obtained in the human realm..."

"What!? Impossible!" exclaimed Aiden.

"We can't go to the human realm whenever we want," explained Riley politely. "Permission from the King or someone with authority, for example, the princess, Ethan, or... Clovis would be required."

"I understand..." said the cook, noticeably downcast.

The tension in the kitchen definitely grew heavier, with a silence no one dared to break on their own. However, abruptly opening the door, Clovis entered the kitchen and looked amazed in all corners of the place: "Where's Ethan!?" he questioned.

"He left," answered Riley, immediately standing up. "Why, what happened? Is something wrong?"

Clovis breathed a sigh of relief as he closed the door: "Thank goodness, I thought I'd have to stop them from meeting..." Clovis said, sitting in one of the chairs in front of the small counter next to the destroyed table.

"Them...?" murmured Aiden, seeking the answer in his mind. "Don't tell me that..."

Suddenly, the door was opened abruptly, as if someone had kicked it.

"Ethan?" said the sweet voice. "Is Ethan here?"

With long white hair and red eyes, inherent marks of the demonic royal family. Her enchanting beauty alone would make anyone crawl at her feet, but... why were Aiden, Riley, Clovis, and the cook so terrified? When the woman entered through the door, everyone bowed, without exception, even the other demons who were also present in the kitchen but not participating in the conversation.

"He is not in this location, your highness," Clovis replied, reluctantly lifting his head.

"What? Seriously? And where is he?"

"I'm sorry I can't clarify your doubts about that, highness. But I don't have that information."


An overwhelming pressure settled in that place, especially above Clovis, who had his knees glued to the floor rigorously.

"Are you playing with me, is that it?"

The pressure kept increasing, causing some of the lower-ranking demons present to faint: "He is not in the demonic realm, highness. That's why I can't give you such information; it's impossible to say where he is currently," said Clovis, resisting the pressure but not daring to lift his knees from the ground.

The scarlet eyes of the princess swept the place quickly: "I see..." she said, releasing the imposed pressure and turning toward the exit. "If you see him, inform me immediately."

"As you wish, your highness," replied Clovis, bowing even with part of both legs sunk into the floor.