
Hero that Uses their Brain. He who goes against fate

This is Isekai story about the Main Character that uses their brain. You might be saying it impossible for the a Main Character especially one for a Isekai to uses their brain or it will be to boring. I will try to prove these voices wrong. Sometime even the Main Character did not have the ability to uses their brain like the overs. Sometimes you to. Remember sometime ignorance is bliss. Remember when it states fate is writen in stone laught it off because nothing can stop one's will yea even if maybe the will of the heaven it possible to go against. Remember do not yield O hero. Join me when we dive The Hero that Uses their Brain. He who goes against fate.

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Chapter 0 prologue

Part 1 Earth is a world covered in life all manner plants and animals. Myths about creatures know as monsters, different races other than humans such elves or dwarves or maybe even magic but turly are these myth or based on fact. Fact that some mysterious begin wishes to keep hidden away for people eye. Yea even the truth that humans are not alone in this universe that even Gods,rules of order exists or Demons,who seek to destroy that order maybe even the Fallen Gods, who were influenced by Choas. Yea even a being who sit outside of what we called our universe watch and infusing everything that happens. Here question why? Why is this keeped hidden and what hids it? What is that being who hids in our universe's shadow and what object does it have? Does it seek to bring an end to all or does seek a new beginning? Does it seek something else? What turly is Choas? For all that is known about is that Choas is a force that seek to bring an end to Order and the system that keeps that said Order. We do not know the reason why nor do we know why it existence in the first place? Is Choas and this begin who in the universe's shadow the same?

Part 2 A shadow covers the land, night falls on Earth, the moon rises, stars cast their light apon the world and a person walk the streets, the person wonders to and form street to street waiting for someone or something but is the person really a human. If you look closely you will see it wearing a robe caring a scythe. People say this discribes the personification of death, the Grim Reaper. Why am I telling it because I can actually see her but no one believes me since the time I was able to see I could see her, the begin who judges all equally yea, even personification of death. I have not introduce myself my name is James Alexander young man anywho it is stated when everytime someone is close to dying they can see her but I am not close to dying. no way. So why can I see her, a living natural force. It is some people say "the Grim Reaper ha ha ha. death is just a natural force at work. No one can see that force and every if someone could see the force it would not look like the Grim Reaper." Thoe unspecificly, the person who make fun of that most of the time will die with in a week no matter what and state just before they die "The man was right ha. The Grim Reaper does infact exists." Just like how a scythe cut through grains, their life force was cut and shadered as if into the winds of fate and time. Like to a flame of candle their life was extinguished almost for them unknowingly. Ever since some people state that I am cursed and those no person will make fun of things I say about her nor will they even speak to me and so everyday after school I would look at books in several libraries look for something. What I learned when look for anything about death and it personifications is that it stated babies will look gernal to were a person is dying and saying "person, person beside the bed"but when people look generally that person is dying and that person life finaly came to an end. Some people catch this up to either baby can see spirits(or angels) or the can see death itself. I also look it things that stop her anything about legend, myth, and fables. I found several but mostly for me is that what fits is by some mean is it say death has no claim on me. So I look into things like immortal, eternal life, eternal youth, biology immortal, etc. anything to help me solve this mystery. I look into science fiction maybe to find it their, history, fantasy and etc. by the time I am 18 I have read a 9 whole library worth of books and I keeped reread to memorize an important parts they might contain. Some might say this paranoia say I have a fear of her but I just do not want be unprepared incase it is needed. Sometime even I laugh at myself saying maybe they are right. Maybe it is just paranoia but still a small voice keeps tell me no keep reading you will find something. So I kept reading unexpectly I find something at one of the most weird places. A small book store I found a book. A book I have never seen before. Called Supernaturalis docebit omnia quae non videntur which translates to english meaning Guide to the supernatural: All things are not what they seem. It was thick book, with a black cover and golden letters. A small voice tells me to buy the book so I did just that. This book each time you think you got to the end to the book there is still more pages. So I keep reading. I read about many things, things I have never read before in any library. Myths or stories that seem to not come for a place nor a time for this world. It spoke of intelligence races. Races that are not human. Races with magic and powers. Living upon worlds without nor number and races as numerous as the stars. It spoke of wars that infact with all records of this world there are no such war nor battle under that name. These worlds each were give a name by this book. Each world name come form a world's language that people of this world should not be able speach let alone say but I can but I do not know why. Then it spoke of the Gods, begins who stated to shape these world natural force or a least rule over it. Then it spoke of The Creator, a begin who power created all things yea, even the Gods. This is why he was called The Creator not Gods for Gods are rulers of laws not creators of them.Then one night I walk outside while reading the book than I ran into something without look. A portal or tear between this world and another. When I look around I am room with nothing but white,white ,and white. Then, I see what I thought to be The Grim Reaper. Yes you heard me right. What I thought was Grim Reaper.

Part 3 "Hello my name Ann." As young women take of her hood and intudces herself to me. Her appearance look like upon to doll because how deceit see looks. Skin as white as snow. Eyes that blue as endless sea themselves. Hair that color changes with the light. Sometimes bloned. Sometime white. She seem to be both young and old. Seems as if time itself m lost it meaning on her. I introduces myself as well "Hello my is James" Something I should have expected to happen happened. She states "I know. I have been following you for really long time." Creepy as I thought to myself "Ha ha ha I guess it is really creepy." "You can read my thoughts" "Yes I am a Goddess after all." "Ann if I remember correctly you are a Goddess that rules over balance yea the laws of balance most Gods or Godesses rule over light and their said law while you rule over light and darkness yea even rule death thoe you rule over it but not over it on earth. Thoe you can influence it right." Yes you right." As she says this with a blush. I thought to myself She beautiful when she blushes.no she beautiful in general. I keeped it outside a surface thought because that most what deities can read is what I have read but she blushes even more so I know without a doubt she can read it all. "Let get on topic." As I said while with a small blush as well. "Yea lets" As she says with a small giggle. "So why have you following me well I presume since brith." "Well we ment to be" "What do to mean by that?" "Exactly as you think. As husband and wife. ha ha ha just kidding but I would like that very much. ha ha ha no the real reason is that the Gods and Godesses are given task by the Creator to guide a hero up until well we take them to another world." "Hu. You mean you choose a Human to guide to become a hero. Is not that a little unoriginal. Like how many stories does that have. I think they called Isekai or something on that line." "Though stories are written by the will of the Gods some of them did infact happen. Some are just what Gods like to mess with people well anyways we do not choose the Hero the Creator does." "Who is this Creator?" "The begin that began all things. Called the Creator for he brought space, time, and even fate. He stated to be outside all laws for he existenced before them. He rules absolutely and unchallenged by all. He is an unchangable begin. For who need to change if their rule can not be challenged he created Order as well the system." "Fate as in what descent to happen and what is the system. " Not exactly but close. Fate is personification of idea that no mater what it can not be changed but really fate is simplely that there are many possble possibilities out there. Simply put. It the most possble one to happen. The system is group of laws and regulations created by Order. They bind all things." "I guess my train start then" "That right but first my little hero." She said with cute smile and little giggle and she kisses James on the cheek. James blushes. "That for good luck my little hero." She states it with a blush. That how the first meeting of Ann and James happened. Yea a meeting that changed the fate of every in existence.