
Intense and direct lesson

"I'm ready," Tiana said with a steadfast voice.

'Focus, you horny bastard!' Theo thought, gritting his teeth and pushing his hand forward.

"Hya.." Tiana released a small moan, more of a surprise than of discomfort when the cold paste on Theo's fingers made contact with the skin of her back.

'Keep your damn focus,' Theo chanted in his soul, feeling how the girl's flesh slightly shifted in reaction to his touch.

Theo gritted his teeth to the point that they nearly started to crack… and started to move his two fingers in ever-expanding circles, covering the dried-out part of the girl's back with the greenish paste.

Just like many of the ointments and concoctions he knew from his original world, the one he produced from the rejuvenating grass would warm up the skin of whoever used it. But, as he noticed during his experiments, it would also make the affected skin more sensitive to all the sensory experienced.

The cold would feel colder. The heat, already induced by the reaction of the concoction itself, would feel even hotter. And the touch… would feel somewhat more intimate.

Keeping those facts in his head while keeping up with his desperate chant, Theo spread out the first layer of the paste on the girl's skin.

First, he made sure that a sufficiently large area would be covered with it. Then, he repeated the entire process without adding any more of the medicine, using his two fingers to spread the layer evenly on the girl's skin.

'This is going to be… fun?' Theo thought, pulling his hand away only to lean over the girl's back.

And then, he carefully blew some air on the ointment to help it dry out.

"Hhmmh!" Tiana forced her mouth shut, producing yet another extremely feminine noise. Thankfully, by keeping her mouth properly shut, she didn't release a moan likely loud enough to wake the rest of Theo's disciples.

'Having them catch us in this situation…' Theo's face darkened a little as he pulled back from above the girl's skin and scooped out another portion of the paste, 'would be disastrous.'

Theo judged just a single layer of the concoction not to be sufficient for his goals. And so, he repeated the entire procedure while trying to ignore how with every second of his touch, the girl in front squirmed more and more in her seat.

'Now, let's get this over with,' Theo thought once he finally pulled his hand away before wiping the residual medicine from his fingers onto his robe.

Theo took a single step away before taking one, long look at the girl's figure. He stood behind her and thus was unable to see the look on her face… save for how tightly she kept her mouth and eyes shut, clearly struggling to bear with the process.

It wasn't painful at all. The worst that she could feel was a few bites of cold when the air would caress her concoction-infused skin. At most, she simply felt any and all stimuli… more.

Theo took a quick glance and swallowed his saliva.

No matter how hard he tried to keep his thoughts pure, the allure that the naked back of the girl presented was simply too great. She was too innocent, yet seductive. Too guarded, while leaving herself fully open.

'Why does it feel like I'm about to take her first time?' Theo's soul wailed… but his hand shoot forward nonetheless.

It was already hard for him to keep his focus and it would only turn more challenging to keep it up. Yet, the longer he stalled, the longer he would have to bear with the feelings produced by the hormones of his young body. Thankfully, between his desires and his mind, it was the latter that reigned victoriously.

And so, Theo gently pressed his hand against the medicine-smeared part of the girl's back.

Truth be told, his own cultivation was of little help at this moment. Even though it was all a part of his life history, it was more of a foreign memory rather than an ability he truly had.

No. When it came to helping Tiana, it was the experiences from his original world that would be of the greatest help. And surprisingly enough, they didn't come from the part of Theo's memories that he expected to make use of whenever he dreamed about reincarnating.

'Remember the feeling, Theo,' the young man thought, pressing his eyelids together as hard as he could. 'Remember when you felt like dying!'

There were many boons one born in a modern civilization would get when it came to cultivation. From far greater imagination groomed by all sorts of various media he consumed, through the logical, goal, and object-focused mindset…

But when it came to feeling the inner state of his body, nothing could bet what Theo experienced when the dark side of living in a highly technologically advanced world came to play. Nothing could beat the enhanced perception that came from the few times he used recreational and not exactly legal substances that ended up bringing his body to what felt like the very edge.

'Feel it, every last molecule of your damn blood!' Theo's mind dove deep into the memories he once wished to completely wipe from the registry of his mind.

And there it was. The foreign presence coursing through his blood. A strange, liquid yet thick something that accompanied his blood on its endless journey through the expanses of his flesh.

The spiritual energy, or how he came to perceive it through the standpoint of his system, mana.

The second Theo's hand touched Tiana's skin, her entire body trembled a little. Enhanced by the influence of the medicine, she was bound to feel his touch a lot more than she normally would. This time, however, she managed to keep herself from making even the slightest noise.

"Start the chant," Theo ordered in a silent voice, too focused on his own cultivation to dare to open his eyes.

"Yes…" Tiana whispered before sealing her mouth again and focusing on the task at hand.

Theo reached out to his nearby pouch and pulled one more item that he required for what he was about to do. He then closed his fingers over it and gave it a squeeze, the rough contours of the spiritual stone nearly cutting into the skin of his palm…

And then, the exhilarating feeling of power filled his soul as the mana surged from the activated crystal into his own system.

It wasn't his own, however.

As his earlier experiments proved, he only had to will for this new power to assimilate into his blood flow to properly absorb it. But this time, Theo didn't.

Instead, he allowed the influx of energy to course through his flesh, from one hand to the other. And as soon as the energy transferred to his right palm, Theo pushed it even further down, forcing it out of his skin and into the flesh surrounding the girl's heart.

"Hya!" Tiana failed to hold back her moan. Her entire body tensed up, her muscles danced under Theo's palm. It would feel like a cat unwilling to accept the caress twisting its body to avoid an intrusive animal lover's hand… if not for how soft, warm, and delicate Tiana's skin was.

And to top it all off, in order to keep his hand on the girl's skin, Theo's palm inevitably came into contact with the very same medicine that he warned would make her skin more sensitive.

'Keep your thoughts damn straight!' Theo screamed out in his soul, the muscles of his jaws starting to cramp from how hard he gritted his teeth.

But the process started. Theo could sense the fresh mana flowing from his left hand, through his arm, chest, and then the other arm, all the way to his right hand and then to the girl's back. There, it would infuse itself into the girl's heart, from where her own blood would carry it across her entire body.

Tiana's breathing deepened. Her heartbeat hastened.

Theo felt as if his hand now laid down on the softest drum membrane possible.

The energy of the first spiritual stone ran out. Its residue lingered in Theo's body for a bit, giving him ample time to reach out and grab another crystal from his bag.

Tiana didn't allow the intense experience to distract her, though. She obediently chanted the formula that Theo wrote for her and that she has long since ingrained into her memory. Her jaws trembled… not from fear or some other emotions, though, but due to how she nearly started to voice her chant out instead of just focusing on it in her head.

Somewhere along the line, the girl's arms fell down along the line of her body. She focused on her practice with all of herself, unwilling to let even a shard of her teacher's effort go to waste. Yet, in this absent state of mind, she failed to notice that without her hands keeping it in place, the folded tunic would no longer cover her chest.

As such, regardless of his own wishes, Theo now was faced with a dillema.

Keep his eyes closed and allow his imagination to run wild the second he heard the rustling sound of the girl's tunic falling down on her knees and inevitably revealing what should be hidden… Or actually opening his eyes to confirm his guess and then deprive his wild curiosity of the unknown of its source?

Despite his best efforts, Theo's eyelids started to move up… only for his eyes to fully open a mere second later.

And there she was.

With her cheeks flushed by some strange sense of excitement, her lips covered in saliva, her knees restlessly rubbing against each other… And her tasteful bosom, screaming for attention with nothing to hide them but the bare skin of the girl's shoulders.

'REIN YOUR FUCKING MIND!' Theo slammed his eyelids together, right in time to regain control over the flow of mana in his body. Just in time to notice that if he were to pour any more of it into the girl's heart… it would turn from stimuli necessary for her to notice its presence into an actual boost that would artificially force her to the cultivation rank above!

"That's enough!" Theo said in a stern voice, directed more at himself than at the girl. And at the same time as he spoke, he pulled his hand away.

"N-no…" Tiana weakly protested, her entire body shrugging in denial when Theo retracted his fingers from her back.

"Did you feel it?" Theo asked, ignoring the flushed state of the girl's face and what it likely implied about the state of her pants.

'If consuming a single spiritual stone is exciting for me… then it's pretty damn obvious how it would affect a girl an entire cultivation rank below me.'

"Yes…" the girl whispered, her eyes still closed as she latched on the lingering feeling of Theo's presence.

"Good," Theo summed up as he gave the lovely sight one last look before turning around and taking a step back. "Then cover yourself up already," he ordered before grabbing up his bag and moving towards the stairs.

Splitting this chapter would be a crime... so here you go :D

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