
Hero Story: You Are Special

Imagine a world where magic is real and some possess unique abilities that defy reason. But what happens when you lack both? In a world where being special is common and normal is strange. Asher Himmel is a young boy who lives only with his grandfather, in a seedy neighborhood along with other people that society has turned its back on him for having mediocre or non-existent skills. One day, while cleaning, Asher finds his grandfather's comic book collection and decides to read it out of boredom, not knowing that this would inspire him with the nobility and moral dilemmas of those subjects called 'heroes'. But that would not be the only thing that would change in the young man, as he would be visited by a being of indescribable appearance, which gives him a chance to become a 'hero'. This is the story of a young Argonaut whose ordinary dreams are transformed into something extraordinary, challenging the very notion of what it means to be a hero.

UtopicHero · Fantasy
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Chapter 5: Hero 1

Asher Himmel

October 19, 2010

Eugenio Himmel's house

I open my eyes and see an environment I am not used to seeing. Yesterday I slept in my grandfather's room because mine was destroyed by the attack of the beast.

I see the time on the alarm clock and notice that it is noon. I get up from my bed and go to take a bath to prepare lunch, but a note on the door of my grandfather's room stops me.

{Asher I'm going to do the paperwork to revoke our exile. I'll be back in a few weeks. Until then, I need you to adjust to your unique ability, as an inspector will come by sometime this week to validate that you are talented}

-Grandpa doesn't miss a beat. I'll only be here for a few weeks, so I should think about my last wish for this year. I'm going to get some lunch and then I'm going to read comics in the basement.

After taking a hot shower, I went to the kitchen and made myself a loaded sandwich, which I took to the basement to read comics while I ate.

I picked one at random from my grandfather's huge collection and started reading.

-An amazing fact is that even though I have super strength, it doesn't seem to affect my routine, as if my brain knows how much strength I need for each activity.

I grabbed a metal rod from the floor and bent it into a circle.

-I can use my strength quite naturally.

The miracle machine with such an ambiguous command managed not only to create a second talent, but also to adapt it to my needs and even surpass them.

Resuming my reading, I saw a cartoon of a hero creating his costume and it came to my mind that I could also make a costume. I grabbed a notebook and started drawing what my hero costume should look like.

Grigory Santana

October 19, 2010

Superhuman Registration Office

Valencia, Spain

Every day we receive thousands of requests for inspection of unique abilities all over the world. Unique abilities and magical prowess establish an individual's social class and role in society. So to speak, our office determines the destiny of each individual.

It is a very strenuous job. I have to take teleportation to many countries on a daily basis. The worst thing about my job is that there are many swindlers looking for a place in high society by using doping and magic items.

Luckily, all of us in our office possess unique detection-type abilities, or with related effects, so you rarely see an error in our judgment.

I received an important call today. A prominent soldier in the Mercury subjugation requested a unique skill inspection on his grandson. In our database, the soldier in question was classified as "exiled due to senile dementia," but on the call I could note clarity in his words, which could mean that our agency erred with premature judgment.

Due to the aforementioned fact, I must travel to the borders of Eternity in three days. I hope this guy is worth it and it is not a scam.

Asher Himmel

October 19, 2010

Eugene Himmel's house

I had a preliminary idea for my hero costume and set to work creating it. I went upstairs to my tattered room and grabbed a generic blue t-shirt; white shorts; a red sheet; and white boots. First I prepared the cape, putting the sheet over my shoulder and cutting until it reached my waist. Then, using red spray paint, I painted the shorts and boots.

With that I had my costume ready, but the most important thing was missing, I had to cover my face and my blonde hair. I decided to look through my grandfather's belongings to see if I could find anything, but I couldn't find what to wear, until I remembered the box where my grandfather's costume was in his hero days. I went to the basement again and looked in the box and found a lion mask and a white wig. With that, I had everything ready, so I waited for the paint to dry on the shorts and boots.

After about an hour, I put on the costume. I put on the T-shirt; followed by the shorts; the cape; the boots; the white wig and finally the lion mask. I went to the mirror to see myself in it and, although I liked it, I felt that something was missing. I realized that I was missing a logo on my chest. Something to represent me.

I will be able to be a hero because of the Miracle Machine, which is why I decided that my logo should be related to it. A story my grandfather used to tell me a lot is that people used to make wishes when they saw shooting stars. I had already decided, my logo will be a star.

I took off my T-shirt and with the help of a can of white paint, I drew a star on the chest of the T-shirt. I waited for it to dry and put it back on. When I saw myself in the mirror, I couldn't hold my excitement and ran out into the courtyard and started jumping up and down the main avenue very high using my super strength.