
Hero Story: You Are Special

Imagine a world where magic is real and some possess unique abilities that defy reason. But what happens when you lack both? In a world where being special is common and normal is strange. Asher Himmel is a young boy who lives only with his grandfather, in a seedy neighborhood along with other people that society has turned its back on him for having mediocre or non-existent skills. One day, while cleaning, Asher finds his grandfather's comic book collection and decides to read it out of boredom, not knowing that this would inspire him with the nobility and moral dilemmas of those subjects called 'heroes'. But that would not be the only thing that would change in the young man, as he would be visited by a being of indescribable appearance, which gives him a chance to become a 'hero'. This is the story of a young Argonaut whose ordinary dreams are transformed into something extraordinary, challenging the very notion of what it means to be a hero.

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27 Chs

Chapter 14: United We Shall Overcome

Lactura Noir

February 12, 2011

Capital, Eternity

I spent a lot of time chatting with Asher about various topics. He told me a bit about some picture books called comics. It was a fairly new concept to me.

-When we get back I'll lend you a few comics to read," said Asher.

-I'll gladly accept them. I don't do anything other than train my magic skills.

-Oh that trick you did at the mini market is magic. I thought it was a talent

-It is magic. More specifically it's magic of my lineage: Creation. I can transform inorganic matter into whatever objects I want- I took a piece of metal I had in my pocket and used my magic to turn it into a metal rose.

I then turned the rose into a knife and finally returned it to its initial state.

- I can also summon objects created on me or whatever I touch- I turned the metal piece into a pair of gauntlets over my hands.

My family always gave me to understand that our lineage magic was bland and boring. Instead, I believed from a very young age I trusted in its potential, so I gave my all to master it.

-Your lineage magic is amazing. It's quite versatile. Did you also use magic to hit the thug," said Asher excitedly.

-Yes and no. I didn't use a spell as such but used mana to gauge the possible trajectories and force needed to hit the target.

-Mana is quite useful. How envious.

- I thought you were a wizard.

-No... I'm a unique ability user. My unique ability is a bit curious. It's my biggest secret but I'll tell you since I don't want to hide anything from my future companion.

Sharing details of unique abilities is not the same as talking about magic. Talents allow you to manipulate the laws of the universe in unique and not very peculiar ways, but they are very limited to their rules and conditions of use, which is why users tend not to give details. Even in licenses, only the immediate effect of the talent is described. A Talent user could have super strength with his left leg during the day but on his license would only be written the word super strength in the talent section.

-It's okay if you can't. I understand this is quite compromising information.

- My talent is called [Miracle Machine]. It can fulfill 3 of my wishes as long as they don't hurt others, and it's only me who enjoys them. The Wings of solid light and my super strength are wishes requested with my Talent.

-Wait... That means that your talent can... -Yes.

-Yes. My unique ability can create unique abilities...

While I thought his unique ability was powerful, I didn't think it was that dangerous. A talent that creates talents and fulfills the wishes of its user. Even if the wishes can't directly hurt your fellow man, it puts the tools on a silver platter for you to do so. If only Asher were different, he could lay the world at his feet but at least his desire to be a hero keeps him away from such evil thoughts.

-Asher, you must promise not to tell anyone about your talent. If people were to find out that you can make wishes, something very bad could happen.

-I understand. I really thought so. Actually, you're the only one who knows about my talent.

-Good. You have one wish left, don't you?

-You see, I spent my first wish for an ice cream...


-I had to prove my ability and that was the only way... -I had to prove my ability and that was the only way... -I had to prove it...


-It was a very rich chocolate and nuts popsicle...


-It sounds like you're more upset that the popsicle was made of nuts than the desire itself.

-Hopefully you won't be so silly in the future. When will you be able to use your wishes again?

-In October.

- It's still a long time away. When you have your ability available again, I'll help you weigh your next wish.

-It's ok. I wish to count on you my sidekick.

-I don't know what that word means, but I'm sorry it offends me.

-Hahaha. You know I've only known you for a few years, but I feel like we've been friends for years. It's really nice chatting with you. I hope to keep making memories with you Lac.

-I hope the same. By the way, how will we get back to our homes. If we go back to the city in our disguises, I'm afraid we'll be followed by some news or hidden cameras, but if we walk back without wearing disguises, it would take hours and it would be suspicious.

-Well... I have no idea hahaha-

I can't believe that someone so honest and pure could make me feel so frustrated. It's like he was an expert at saying stupid things.

-I have a way.

I took off my right earring and used my lineage magic to return it to its real form. It was a teleportation crystal that I stole from my family's laboratory.

- I modified this teleportation crystal to teleport me to certain pre-marked places using my mana. I made a mark in the living room of my house, so I can teleport us both in case of emergency- I said while showing the crystal.

-I'm surprised at how cautious you are.

-I'd like to make a mark at your house too when we return, so we can both get to our homes without suspicion. By the way, I'll leave a mark on this place too, just in case- -I made a pentagram with my hand.

I made a pentagram with my mana on the ground.

-Come closer and put your right hand on my left shoulder.

When Asher complied with my demand, I used my mana on the crystal, teleporting us immediately to my living room.

-You need to organize your home better. Girls are supposed to be tidier than boys but this mess says otherwise," Asher said as he looked the house up and down.

-I'm surprised that a guy who wishes for a pallet of nuts would come to me and criticize me. But all that aside, let's go to your home and make the mark.

We walked out the door of my home, and with the help of the GPS on Asher's cell phone, we made it to his house. Inside it was quite a bit smaller but it was more organized than my home.

When I sat down, Asher brought me the picture books he promised me. There were quite a few. As promised, I made a pentagram in his living room.

-Ready. I'll see you tomorrow.

-Wait. Don't you want to stay for dinner? I have very good cooking skills. At least accept that for saving my life.

My cooking skills were still bordering on mediocre so I accepted the offer. Asher cooked a feast of various meat and vegetable dishes. Without hesitation, I ate my fill. When I finished dinner, I said goodbye and prepared to use the teleportation crystal.

-Wait. Give me your cell phone number.

-I don't have a cell phone. Don't worry, I'll come tomorrow. See you then.

-Take care.

I used the crystal. When I got home, I took a bath and lay down on my bed. I took out one of the comics Asher lent me. I read for hours. Asher wasn't exaggerating how entertaining they were. The heroes are pretty well-rounded.

I had a hard time thinking that someone would willingly decide to use their abilities to save others, but then I remembered how Asher was able to do it so naturally.

My subconscious began to doubt my abilities. While I was quite good at using mana, I could fall far behind Asher's potential. My mind kept telling me I couldn't, but my heart was determined.

I wished to change, to leave my father's shadow. If I frustrated myself with such ridiculous thoughts, I would never take the first step. Fear is normal.

I hugged my pillow as I thought about the fun life that awaited me from today on. Who knew that an action as simple as helping someone when they needed it, could change my life immediately?

Asher had a pretty clever disguise. I thought I might as well create one just like it. Given the nature of my ability, I just needed to come up with a design and choose a suitable material.

Using mana I started drawing in the air. I made several models but in the end I chose the most striking one. A female armor with medieval dyes and a Venetian mask. Unlike Asher, I didn't need to cover my face completely, due to the anti-detection magic of the Tyrannis family. As long as I covered certain parts of my face, it would be imperceptible to the cameras.

As a material, I decided that cold steel would be ideal because of its high mana conductivity, and its hardness. I thought about using titanium, because it is cheap and very hard but its mana conductivity is mediocre.

I decided to name the costume: Steel Maiden. From now on it would be my uniform. As time goes by, I will make the respective improvements, but for today I was satisfied.

I had never been so excited about anything in this life. I was looking forward to tomorrow. I closed my eyes and surrendered to sleep.