
Hero Story: You Are Special

Imagine a world where magic is real and some possess unique abilities that defy reason. But what happens when you lack both? In a world where being special is common and normal is strange. Asher Himmel is a young boy who lives only with his grandfather, in a seedy neighborhood along with other people that society has turned its back on him for having mediocre or non-existent skills. One day, while cleaning, Asher finds his grandfather's comic book collection and decides to read it out of boredom, not knowing that this would inspire him with the nobility and moral dilemmas of those subjects called 'heroes'. But that would not be the only thing that would change in the young man, as he would be visited by a being of indescribable appearance, which gives him a chance to become a 'hero'. This is the story of a young Argonaut whose ordinary dreams are transformed into something extraordinary, challenging the very notion of what it means to be a hero.

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Chapter 11: Winds of Change

Asher Himmel

October 29, 2010

Border City, Eternity

After the incident that happened with Grigory in front of my house, the central government of Eternity replaced all the policemen in my city with superhumans, increasing the safety of the citizens. Before, the policemen in this city were people with no talent or magical aptitude, which makes sense since 95% of this city are in the same condition, but at the same time, it left us unprotected against the attack of superhuman beasts and criminals, something that an incident like Grigory's showed could happen.

Despite this, I have not slacked off or relaxed. I stand guard all over the city several times a day and help people in any way I can. Interestingly, the city actually sparkles with life. Before, people used to live locked up, away from any contact with other humans. Now in the streets you could see children playing with their parents, old ladies chatting about the weather, level 1 wizards using harmless spells to entertain others, and best of all, smiles everywhere. The result was unbelievable without a doubt.

It was curious that a city that had long been called the "dump of the world" could see such a beautiful event. 

I was currently in the middle of a watch along the main avenue of the city, and some vendors gave me some fresh vegetables. A boy approached me, and gave me a rather tender drawing. It was a blue Stickman with a red cape, standing on top of a Stickman in a black balaclava.

I stroked the young man's head, and then flew high. From the heights, everything was beautiful. It was soothing to feel the wind, so I took off my mask and wig for a few moments. 

So much has happened in such a short time, I learned about comics and heroes; I awakened an incredible talent; I became a hero and superhuman; among other things. Tomorrow my superhuman license arrives, and soon I will move with my grandfather to the capital of Eternity. I will miss this city, but I'm sure with the new police they will be very safe.

I wonder how I will be able to settle in another city, I mean they must be very safe, especially if we are talking about the capital. The police in the cities tend to be Superhumans with incredible talents or skilled in the field of magic. To be honest, I am afraid; afraid that my efforts will be in vain; that I will be isolated again by society; that I will remain a passing memory.

It makes me feel bad to know that I care about those kinds of details when in the comics, the heroes don't care about those kinds of details. I don't know how after tasting that sweet nectar called recognition you can't care.

While I was immersed in my thoughts, I noticed that it was getting dark, so I descended to the ground, but not before putting my mask and white wig back on, to walk part of the way home. On my way, I saw many older people dancing and drinking alcohol. It was beautiful to see that even the nights became livelier, but I could not smile because of the debate I was in. I remembered that my grandfather and his friends were heroes long ago, maybe they felt the same as I did, only to be forgotten in the end. Out of nowhere, a bunch of negative ideas flooded my mind, until I fell to my knees.

-Are you all right, young man? Oh you're the masked man from the news. - Said an elderly woman as she looked at me with concern.

-Nice to meet you, and yes, I'm bi...". 

I wanted to lie, to say to the four winds that I'm fine, but the words just wouldn't come out. 

[Wings of Aegis]

I activated my unique ability, and without saying a word, I flew to my house at high speed. I arrived very quickly, removed my disguise, and went to take a shower. As the water poured down my body, I cried uncontrollably.

-I'm not well," I exclaimed as the tears flowed non-stop.

I lasted a long time trying to calm down, until the tears stopped coming, and I threw myself on my bed to sleep.

Tyrannis Breastfeeding

October 23rd, 2010

Tyrannis Manor

London, England

I wish life were like dreams. Reality tends to be cruel and disappointing. I am the youngest daughter of the Tyrannis Family; a large family known for having the most powerful and unique superhumans on the planet. Whether it's spells, talents or magical engineering, we are always at the top. 

Some of our most important actions are the creation of teleportation crystals, the absolute eradication of the divine beast "Mercury" , and the creation of the magical talent reading system.

My father, Daemon, is the current leader of the family. He is the most powerful Superhuman on the planet. Dukes and kings all over the world would pay to see a picture of him. 

Anyone would think I'm in the perfect family but it's quite the opposite. My family is extremely meritocratic, so magical talents and abilities are highly valued. My family sees anyone who doesn't meet their standards as trash.... And I don't.

I was born with an orange talent for magic, with a mana-deficient body, and I don't have a unique ability. Despite that, I've been training all my life, never slacking off for a moment, and thanks to that, I'm level 5, which would be pure talent in the eyes of the public but my siblings at my age were already level 7 mages. I managed to learn the magic of our Lineage xxxxx Creation xxxxx. But my efforts are never enough. 

So I am planning to elope. Today, my 15th birthday, I will take the opportunity to take a teleportation crystal to a country where my father's influence does not reach. For years, with the help of my only servant, Thomas, I have been selling my few jewelry and belongings to save enough money for my trip. 

Tonight, I will finally be away from this horrible family. I will make a new life, away from their influence and live happily. I will have a lot of friends, with whom I will enjoy my life.

I was currently packing my bags in my room while Thomas took care of the necessary paperwork for my new residence. The hours passed quickly, and it was already dark. 

With Thomas' help, I managed to sneak through the halls to the front door, where Thomas acted as a decoy with the guards, while I jumped the door using wind magic.

I ran until I reached the family's magical engineering lab, where I snuck in and stole a scaled-down teleportation crystal, used to teleport groups of 5 people. I inserted my mana into it.

xxxxx Teleport: Eternity xxxxx

My body became shards of light and in 5 seconds, I was already in the teleportation center of the capital of Eternity. My residence was a 20 minute walk away, so I ran. I was very happy to have escaped from that cold home.

I was in front of my new house. It was small but very nice. Inside there was only a sofa, a 24-inch TV, a well-equipped kitchen, a bed and a bedside table. I had to start somewhere and soon I would improve my life. I took a bath and lay down on my bed to sleep. I was very happy.

Lactura Tyrannis

October 24, 2010


Capital, Eternity

I opened my eyes with great anticipation. It was nice to wake up seeing a ceiling different from my prison in that mansion. This is a new life that I will dedicate entirely to me.

The first thing I did was to prepare my breakfast. So I searched for recipes on the internet, until I decided on pancakes. They came out more burnt than expected, since it was my first time cooking, but instead of being annoyed, I smiled.

Then I decided to watch TV. At the mansion I could never watch it because I was training all the time. I turned it on and put on cartoons. Everything was going well until suddenly the program was interrupted to show news. I thought about turning off the TV but the content of the report was quite interesting.

Apparently a masked guy saved a very important person from an attack by a strange creature on the Eternity Frontier. The report talked a lot about the selfless actions of that disguised guy, and how his commitment had improved a city abandoned by the government. It was simply incredible.

Hearing that story filled me with courage and gave me strength to walk this new path I am on. I will not let the memories of my old home cloud my life.

After relaxing a bit, I set out to train so as not to neglect myself as I planned to go to the Superhuman Training Institute to improve myself and meet superhuman friends. I was looking forward to next year.

As I was training, I noticed a wine red box under my bed. When I took it out, I could read the words Happy Birthday. I thought it was a gift from Thomas to my new life so I opened it. Inside, there was a letter and a box. 

{We will let you live your life but remember Sun Wukong cannot escape from the Buddha's palm}- the letter said.

As I read, I was horrified, for I recognized the handwriting. The letter was written by my father. Knowing this, I felt very afraid to open the chest as I could guess that the contents were not pretty. I still took courage but immediately regretted it. Inside was a heart... It was Thomas' heart.