
Hero Or Villian? Or something else......

Aditya_Ajay_3524 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: You Got To Be Kidding Me!


"What's wrong?" asked one of my co-workers. I hesitantly looked up from the monitor screen and recognized who the voice belonged to it was none other than an old pal of mine from college - Freedy Lake. We stuck through thick and thin back in the old days. But we somehow found each other when I applied for this job which ended up as quite a surprise!

"uh..... the boss is making me take an overnight again," I answered quite angrily.

Freedy sighed.

"Man, seriously this is not the first time to be honest this is already happened so many times! What did you do.... knowing you must have gone and flirted with his wife without a second thought."

I chuckled at the thought.

"I wish that happened then I could understand his hatred towards me."

Well....She was quite the looker and I have heard a bunch of rumors that they both are currently having a lot of fights.

Anyway, Sorry for the late introduction My name is Daniel Claudio, and I am currently a 34-year-old man with no goals for my future you see I flunked college in my second year. ugh! Just thinking about the past gives my stomach a rollercoaster. I was bullied by my classmates which would be a story for another time.

Suddenly Freedy shook me back and forth while I was busy with my thoughts

"Dude. Dude? Dude?! Stop ignoring me!" Shouted Freedy a pit panicked.

"Wha-? Yeah! Yeah, I am up! You can stop now!" I replied feeling a bit dizzy

He breathed a sigh of relief

"Come on Man. Don't scare me like that!"He scolded

"Sorry pal it happens sometimes when I zone out."I tried to explain.

"No worries. Just make sure not to do it again!"He said as if a bit worried

"Aye, Aye Captain!"I replied sarcastically

He smiled and replied, "Well then soldier? Get Back to Work!"

I mocked a salute and he did the same, and then he marched out of office like a commander!

I burst out laughing, And I knew Freedy was also where ever he went to, He's the reason I survived through college for 2 whole years.

Soon the place was empty, I looked at my watch. Woah! It's already 2:32 A.M. I have been here for a long time around like 4 hours I decided to take a break and looked at my phone. Nice! A new chapter has been posted!

You see I love reading. It's one of my favorite hobbies. And the one which I am currently reading is called 'Aesthetics Of A Hero'.It's your typical cliche novel about a boy being born with Extraordinary abilities and luck allowing him to climb the ladder and become a Hero at the end of the day.

Well, this is the last chapter before the story ends and I think this is the last time I open this website.



What the hell is wrong with the protagonist the crazy bastard? The fool sacrificed his friend and lover for the so-called 'greater good' bullshit.


Suddenly I got a notification on my phone, it was from an unknown number.

I hope you are satisfied with the book reader as this was the last chapter of 'Aesthetics Of A Hero' Thanks for sticking with me for so long and allowing me to continue this world. If you have any comments I would appreciate it

At first, I was ecstatic about the fact I was able to get a private text from one of the most famous authors of all time. Then I remembered the ending and before I was able to send a reply...

'Are you not satisfied with the Ending?'

I stared blankly at the screen.

'Yes. I didn't particularly like the way you ended it but the rest of the story was amazing. I have loved the characters and their scenarios.'

'I see. Did you truly enjoy the story?'

Without a second thought, I replied,

'Definitely Yes!'

'Very well then this will be my gift towards you my most devoted reader. I hope you like it!'

At first, when I thought gift I wanted a coupon for Amazon for shopping.


He didn't send anything. Why? I looked back at the text but no reply had come from him at all. Was this some kind of scam? (sigh)

Anyway, I should focus on this presentation.

{2 hrs later}

"MHM!"I said while stretching my arms, "I am finally done well it's time to go home-"


Why can't I talk?


Am I falling?


I can't feel my legs.

What's Happening? I tried to scream for help but I was not able to move my mouth.

Damn It. I can slowly feel my consciousness slipping away from my body.

Am I- dying?

I don't want to die yet!

I don't want to die before I get a girlfriend!

"D-damn I-"


















"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed awake

I looked around, Wait this is not the office where I work, have I been taken to the hospital or something?

But this place seemed far too fancy to be a hospital it seemed like a royal bedroom for the medieval times It was extremely spacious. I jumped out of bed and before I could take another step. Two beautiful women stormed in, "Adrian?! What Happened? Are you OK?"

"Young Master! Are you fine?"

I was too puzzled to move and saw towards my right side and saw a mirror and I gasped.

My face was not mine.

My body was not mine.

I am not me.

I had clean white hair and Rhinestone eyes, I looked around 16 years old and seemed quite the good-looking guy. But when I saw the crest on my left earring I finally understood.

I am Adrian Verfort Claude. I am a character in a book. I am one of the petty side villains.

".....you got to be kidding me."

And.... I am completely Screwed