
hero of time

After his final battle with the brotherhood of the tofu Nox try's to teleport away to his families grave only to be sent to the world of my hero acidemia. what happens next well only time will tell

wrecker_lawson · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

ch 1

To put it simply there are more worlds out there than there are stars in the heavens. Some are so identical that the differences are indiscernible, while others are so different, they appear to be nothing alike.

But even amongst the truly infinite realities. Some unfortunately choose to war against one and other, and some are just victims of that choice. This is the story of three of these victims the hero, the demon, and the Xelor.

Our first victim was a man named Noximilien Coxen.

Noximilien had once been a humble clock maker and family man. However, after finding a powerful magical object called the Eliacube. Noximilien was driven mad by both the cubes power and the manipulations of the Eliotropes Qilby and Oropo. One day Noximilien discovered his family had left him while he had been experimenting with the cube. Upon discovering a note from his family, saying that if he regained his senses and abandoned the cube he could come and find them.

However, when Noximilien tried to find his family, he discovered that the island they had been living on had been destroyed while he had been tinkering away in his workshop. This discovery was too much for his already damaged mind causing him to finally snap.

It was at this the lowest moment in his life his manipulators spoke through the cube. Convincing him he could save his family if he could unlock the secrets of the cube, he could then go back in time and fix this. So, he could fix his mistakes he could fix everything.

It was on that day through manipulation and madness Noximilien Coxen died in delusion Infatuation and the false hope a dispirit man and father becoming Nox the mad Xelor.

"Twenty minutes! All that power! All that wakfu and I only go back twenty minutes! Two hundred years of work for a measly twenty minutes.

No No! NO!!!! This this can't be right! THIS CANT BE RIGHT!"

Nox wept as his massive mobile fortress crumbled around him. Nox tumbled to the ground, along with tons of gears and metal. He would have died if he had still been able to, but two hundred years of experimentation and exposure to the Eliacube had twisted him into something neither alive nor dead, only kept functional by the wakfu fueled eldritch machinery within him.

He was a living machine, with only the last vestiges of his organic self-left alive. Only because he had yet to find a way to function without them. He blasted his way free from the rubble searching for the cube quickly finding it buried in the rubble.

"Why? WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME?!?!?! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TAKE ME BACK!!! SO, I COULD SAVE MY FAMILY!!!! SO I COULD FIX ALL THIS!!!!!!! ANSWER, ANSWER, ANSWER ME!!!!!!" He screamed, snapping and slamming his fist into the cube. Only to be fried by the cubes discharge before slumping over in defeat.

"Did you really expect it to answer you?!" The boy who had defeated him yelled.

"It… spoke to me… it really did." Nox wept.

"All the people you killed! The lands you destroyed! All just because you're crazy!!!" The boy screamed in rage before noticing the tears rolling down Nox's mask as the Sadida army surrounded Nox.

"In the name of the people of Sadida, it is time you pay for your crimes, Nox." The Sadida king said as his army rushed him. Only to be saved by an act of mercy by the very boy he had just been trying to kill.

"STOP! It's over." The boy said just tired of all the violence and bloodshed.

Nox stood up, his broken mind all but shut down to the point he was more or less running on autopilot. Allowing what little of Noximilien that remained with in him to resurface for a few fleeting seconds.

"Farewell Yugo the Eliatrope."

Then in a much softer voice that only Yugo could hear he said. "I'm sorry."

Nox flickered for half a second before vanishing, teleporting away never to step foot on the World of Twelve again. Because unknown to even him, when he had struck the cube his already damaged teleporter had become overcharged, sending him far from the World of Twelve and into the one of Heroes and Villains.

One that was just getting its first taste of magic and powers. As many years before the events of this story some unknown force had shattered the barrier between realities, allowing things from other worlds to seep in. This event also caused a dramatic shift in the inhabitant's evolutionary path. Causing dramatic superhuman mutations to begin to appear in the majority of its population and this is where our story takes place.

Nox began to flicker back into existence. This was a slow and agonizing process, as he had to fight with all the control wakfu he had left to pull himself back together from across all time and space. The act causing a small explosion throwing him into a nearby wall leaving an indentation.

"Ouch." Was all he was able to say before falling to the ground in a heap. He started to try and get to his feet, as he needed to find a source of wakfu before he ran out completely. If he didn't find a source of wakfu soon his core would shut down and he'd die along with it.

However, as he tried to get up everything, he had done and all the horrors he had committed flashed in his mind.

'Maybe it would be better to let it run out. It would be quick and painless end, and he could finally rest. By the gods… how many decades has it been since I have last slept?' At the moment however it sounded so nice, to just.. finally… rest. These where to be his last thoughts as he slipped from this world.

That was… until he heard a small girl cry out. "Daddy no!"

Nox eyes shot open, as his sword materialized into his hand, he then used it to support himself, as he got to his feet. Before he flickered, teleporting deeper into the alleyways. His core flickered before dimming but not going out just yet. The three thugs stumbled back at Nox's sudden appearance.

Nox couldn't blame them as he spotted his reflection in a bit of broken glass. His mask was broken his lenses blown out and he was covered in torn dirty bandages. Nox turned his head to look at the small girl who was crying over her father. Her father who was clinching a stab wound.

In his addled mind he saw his daughter for a moment, before realizing it wasn't her. However, that momentary distraction was the opening the thugs needed. One of the thugs, a skinny man with cat like pupils, nearly managed to slash Nox when he suddenly grew large sharp claws.

Nox only just managed to dodge out of the way in time to grab the goon and start to drain him. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to get much from the goon before a levitated trash can came flying at him.

Nox intercepted the can and sent it back at the goons with a swing of his sword. The third goon started to charge up some strange red lightning. Nox wasn't sure what type of magic this was, but it definitely wasn't safe for the girl or her father.

He quickly turned, floating barely an inch off the ground, shooting forward grabbing the girl and her father. Nox glanced down, he could see the core in his chest not just dimming but turning dark at the edges. With so little energy left he had to struggle to maintain the simple levitation for even a few seconds, but he only needed to put some distance between himself and the goons.

Thankfully, he quickly reached the alleys exit he set the man and his daughter down, before placing a hand on the man's wound. He then looked down at the core in his chest it wasn't glowing anymore, and the edges had turned black.

Nox knew doing this would leave him without any magic to defend himself, but if he could drain even one of the goons, it would be a large step towards restoring his depleted energy reserves. Nox inhaled and called on the magic, speeding up the flow of time around the man's wound letting it heal and keeping the man from bleeding out. The spell only lasted a few seconds before sputtering out, but it had managed to close the wound.

"He will wake up soon, once he does make sure he sees a healer. I only closed the wound. So, he's still hurt, but he should be ok to move around at least." Nox said, before walking back into the alleyway, with only minutes left to live and a sword to defend himself.

However, when the heroes came to help the strange man in a mask. He and the goons were gone but the heroes did find outfits matching those of the goon's description half buried in piles of dust.

One week later, our second victim a young boy named Izuku Midoriya ran down an alleyway. Trying to escape a group of bullies chasing him. Not noticing when he passed through a magic barrier. This barrier was designed to keep anyone with superpowers or a quirk out and trap anyone with magic inside.

However, Izuku being quirkless, was able to pass through the barrier without notice. Not knowing he was entering into the hunting ground of someone far more dangerous than any bully.

Izuku leaned against a wall trying to catch his breath. "Phew I, I think I finally lost them…" Izuku muttered to himself, starting to try and find a way home, but on his way he heard what he assumed was a fight between a hero and villain.

"I wonder whose fighting?" Izuku muttered to himself as he cautiously approached. Not wanting to get in the hero's way, or worse into danger.

He peaked around a corner to watch the fight and try and stay hidden. Odd thing was Izuku didn't recognize ether of the combatants, and he knew about every hero in Japan, and even some from outside Japan.

One was a mummy looking man in patch worked metal armor, caring a sword of all things. The other was a man who looked like a three way cross between a fantasy style rogue, a western gunslinger, and a tv show demon hunter.

He was decked out in all black, with a dagger on his thigh, a set of revolvers on each hip, and another set in his hand a bandolier full of small vials and bottles.

He was wearing a duster that rattled with every movement, making Izuku think the coat was lined to hold more vials and weapons.

If that wasn't over the top enough, the guy had a battle axe on his back. He had the hood on his duster up with a bandana mask and on top of it all was a black cowboy hat. Izuku couldn't help but think it was not only ridiculous. It had to be extremally uncomfortable with how hot and heavy it would be.

Finally, Izuku noticed the oddest part of all this, there wasn't any one around, and the city was eerily quiet. There was no sound of traffic or the hustle and bustle of the city. Even in a back alley a brawl between hero's and villeins should have brought at least a few other people to watch.

"Wait, where is everyone?" Izuku muttered under his breath as he pulled out his phone.

"Wha-what the no signal? We're outside, and in the middle of a city. What the heck is going on? Is this one of their quirks doing? Maybe I should try and find a hero?" Izuku wondered, about to sneak off before a shot hit the wall next to him. Smashing it as Izuku barely able to stumble out of the way in time.

"Well, well, well. Who's this little rat? Is he one of your playthings, Clockwork?" The gun man said barely sparing Izuku a glance.

"No, I've never seen him before, and if I could build anything that could remotely pass for human, do you honestly think I would look like this? He's not part of this." The mummy looking guy said as he picked himself up off the ground. The gun man looked at the mummy guy then back to Izuku then back to the mummy.

"Then why are you protecting him? Your kind care little for the other races." He said before shooting at Izuku. The mummy teleporting Infront of him, creating a shield that resembled the face of a clock. In fact, if Izuku wasn't mistaken, it was even displaying the correct time.

"I told you already, I'm a Xelor! Not a clockwork dammit!" The mummy no, apparently, he was a Xelor? Whatever that was supposed to be said.

Both the Xelor and Izuku started to float as a small insect like robot flew in and exploded in the gun man's face. With a wave of his hand the Xelor magickly pulled Izuku to him grabbing him before teleporting away.

This was anything but a smooth ride, even Nox regretted using the teleporter as they were sent flying upon arrival. Izuku rolled across the rooftop, while Nox crashed into another wall before falling to the ground groaning.

"Uggh…ouch." Nox groaned, as he once again levitated himself off the ground. Then using the same spell, he yanked his leg and shoulder snapping them back into place with a sickening popping sound. While Izuku threw up.

This was only partly because of what happen to Nox, but mostly due to the fact he literally felt like he was repeatedly turned inside out and right side in by the teleport.

"Uhhg…We…we need to get moving. We don't want him catching up to us, and I don't want to risk another teleport. My teleporter is breaking down, and I fear it only has a few more uses before it becomes too unstable to use safely." Nox said walking over to help Izuku up.

"What!? How was that safe?! We-we were thrown halfway across the rooftop!" Izuku groaned getting to his feet.

"True, but we made it through in one piece rather than leaving some pieces of us behind." Nox said before prying the roof access door open with his sword.

"Ok! But, um, would you mind explaining what's going on?" Izuku asked as Nox started opening doors clearly looking for something.

"We are inside a magical barrier designed to keep those with powers out. What is it you hear call them? Quirk users? Well, it keeps them out and traps magic users inside. As for what happened to the people there on the others side of the barrier and as the barrier is two realities occupying the same space with an invisible unperceivable wall dividing the two. We are on this side of the barrier and everyone else is on the other side speaking of which. That does raise the question of how you got in here?" Nox asked turning to Izuku who had started to sneak off believing Nox was crazy rambling on about magic. Nox just waved a hand levitating Izuku over to him.

"You know it's very rude to not answer someone's question when asked." The eye holes in his mask narrowing to slits. At the same time the blue lights burning behind the eyes of his mask brightened making him look more intimidating.

"Uh-I don't know! I-I was being chased by some of my classmates! I fi-finally managed to es-escape them wh-when I stumbled across yo-you and the oth-other guy fighting!" Izuku stammered out afraid of what Nox was about do to him but instead of hurting him Nox just set him down making sure his feet were under him so he wouldn't fall over.

"That doesn't make since, you can't just randomly pass through a magic barrier…. Unless you're a variable he didn't account for." Nox said before turning to look at Izuku.

"So, what is it that makes you so special?" Nox asked looking Izuku over.

"Nothing! There's nothing special about me! You can ask any one. I'm worthless." Izuku said sadly but to his horror Nox grabbed him shoving him against a wall the lenses of his mask narrowing into slits as he scanned the boy.

"All life, despite its function, length, greatness, or lack thereof, has some value. So, what makes you think yours has none?" Nox asked coldly trying to intimidate the boy.

"I-I'm quirkless…" Izuku stammered out as Nox just sighed.

"And that's supposed to mean what exactly?" Nox asked simply with no sign of malice. In fact, to Izuku's shock he generally seemed clueless.

"Yo-you really don't know do you?" Izuku stuttered out in shock.

"No, I don't let's just say you and I are from different worlds. Now are you going to explain or not?" Nox said starting to grow impatient.

"I'm quirkless er someone born without any powers. People even say that if your born quirkless you might as well be born worthless." Izuku said sadly. Nox blinked before setting Izuku down and placing a hand on his mask sighing in annoyance.

"And hear I thought you were hiding something useful. Instead, it's just some foolish discrimination nonsense." Nox said before walking over to the elevator Izuku had tried to sneak off to earlier.

"Wait, wha-what do you mean by foolish discrimination?" Izuku asked chasing after him.

"I'm mean what I said. It's foolish to discriminate between races and people, other than to acknowledge and account for naturally imbued efficiencies and weaknesses. Now, how do you operate this contraption?" Nox asked looking for a lever or handle or something. While Izuku push a small button on the wall engaging the mechanism.

Nox still couldn't get used to this world they had so many machines, some so complex not even he could figure out what their function was. Well, not yet at least, he had outsmarted the God Xelor himself. He would figure them out eventually, but for now he had a lot of learning to do… well if he made it out of this that is.

Nox walked into the elevator letting Izuku handle its operation. As Nox looked down at his palm trying to energize the emitter placed there. It opened, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get anything other than some small sparks out of it.

"Hey boy if you're not a quirk user. Do you know how to use magic by any chance?" Nox asked as the elevator started to move.

"No, I um I'm not sure how things are where you're from, but magic isn't really a thing hear. In fact, as far as I know most people don't believe magic is real." Izuku said simply.

"Yes, I had guessed as much." Nox sighed but after a short pause Nox realized something.

"Wait your someone without a quirk or magic. Maybe that's why you were able to enter the barrier. Could it really be that simple? But in that case, then you might be able to escape it as well." Nox ponders aloud as the elevator door opened.

"Maybe but, how do I do that?" Izuku asked following Nox.

"We simply need to find the edge of the barrier and see if you ca-Argh!." Nox was interrupted when he walked into the invisible wall of the barrier cracking the right lens in his mask.

"Damn it I just replaced the lenses." Nox said blinking a few times to check if his mask was still functional.

"Are you ok?" Izuku asked rushing over to help Nox up.

"Yes, I'm fine. I only broke one of my lances. I swear I'm starting to break down faster than I can fix myself." Nox sighed as he got to his feet.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? None of this is your fault." Nox said in confusion.

"Sorry, force of habit." Izuku said awkwardly getting a groan out of Nox.

"Well, that's an annoying habit. Now let's see if you can pass through the barrier." Nox ordered starting to turn away but as he did something clicked into place for Izuku.

"Wait what about you?" Izuku asked noticing Nox to stiffen at the question.

"What about me?" Nox said coldly.

"I can't just leave you hear that." However, before Izuku could finish Nox interrupted him.

"Yes! You can. The hunter is already starting to get curious about you, and these are dangerous people. That you don't want to get involved with. Plus, I'm… what you would likely refer to as a villain. So best to run home and forget about this whole mess while we villains kill each other."

Izuku tried to follow him only to find himself staring down Nox's sword as Nox tried to run him off. Only to be suddenly tackled to the ground by the boy.

Nox grabbed Izuku and was about to throw him off when a spell exploded against the wall of the barrier. Passing through where the two had just been standing.

The boy had just saved him and, Nox was determined to return the favor. He levitated Izuku off him and with a gesture flung the boy through the barrier to safety. He just hoped the boy would be smart enough to run instead of trying to help him.

Izuku gasped when he hit the ground, the fall having knocked the wind out of him.

He heard bells as he gasped for air, staring up at the sky for a few seconds as his mind spun. Before his mind cleared enough to realize what had just happened. He gasped again desperate for breath as he forced himself to roll over and try and get to his feet.

His vision swam. 'No! You're not going to pass out you can't afford to pass out!'

Izuku started to stumble towards the barrier before turning around and stared to work his way around the building. Assuming he could get back in he needed to reenter elsewhere, or he'd just be gunned down.

He thought for a second about trying to call the hero's but if what Nox had said was true. The heroes, even if they believed him, they wouldn't be able to pass through the barrier.

It was up to him and him alone, so he needed to hurry.

Izuku started running as soon as he had caught his breath. This drew the attention of a few people, but he didn't care, Nox needed help. Izuku turned a corner and slowed, he wasn't sure where the barrier was or if he could even get back in.

Izuku slowly walked down the alleyway desperately searching for some sine of the barrier. Tell suddenly, the city went silent again, except for the sounds of the two magic users trying to kill each other.

Izuku pressed himself against the wall, inching along. Before hiding behind a trash can to watch the fight. Nox was clashing with the gun man axe against his sword, before an energy ball appeared in Nox's palm as he shoved it into the gunman's chest.

The ball exploded the moment it made contact. Throwing the two apart and, unnoticed by both combatants, sent the dagger on the gunman's thigh flying, where it landed next to Izuku. Who was so focused on the fight that he didn't notice it. Even when an eye on the hilt opened and looked right at him.

"Okay, I'm back in but now what do I do?" Izuku muttered under his breath.

"Pisssst kid hey kid down here." The dagger said watching the boy tense before shakily looking down at him.

"Wh-wh-what are you?" Izuku stuttered out quietly.

"Names Rubilax I'm what you would call a Shushu, and before you ask what that is, we don't have time. That guy fighting your friend back there's a mage hunter. He killed my previous owner and took me. I'll happily help you fight against him, you just need to pick me up and I'll help you fight." Our final victim Rubilax said as the eye on the dagger stared at Izuku.

Izuku wasn't sure what to do, but something seemed to be drawing him to the dagger.

However, the moment he touched the dagger he saw a flash of green and gold before everything went dark. It was then Izuku knew the dagger had tricked him.

He could barely think as his mind was all but taken over by Rubilax. This did leave Rubilax open for Izuku to do the same, but in his current state he could do little more than receive passing thoughts and random memories from Rubilax.

This was just enough to know that Nox was telling the truth about magic, and to know what Rubilax was and what he was doing.

Rubilax was a Shushu, a demon trapped in an object, and Izuku had just been possessed by him.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, Izuku's body was twisted and warped by the demon's power. His skin turned grey his hair turned spiky his eyes became white and pupil less. As a third eye with a slitted black pupil formed on his forehead. His body became muscular and monstress.

Timing his jump with an explosive clash of magic so he'd go unnoticed. Rubilax leaped over to the roof of a nearby building with a single jump before peaking over to watch the combatants below as he planned his next move.

If Nox won, he'd let the Xelor live. As with the barrier down he'd be free to hunt for a stronger host.

Though he was glad to be free, he had not been lucky in terms of his hosts, as an out of shape, powerless, magicless human was far from ideal.

He doubted he could handle the Xelor outside of the magic suppressing effect of the barrier. The hunter on the other hand. Well, if he won Rubilax would be forced to fight, something he really did not want to attempt in such a week body.

That thought in particular hurt Izuku. To know that even a body snatching demon thought he was useless was yet another blow to what little was left of his fragile confidence. However, he didn't have long to dwell on it nor could he really.

As a prisoner in his own mind, he was only given short spirts of self-awareness before fading back into the dark abyss of Rubilax's influence.

Down below Nox wasn't doing so well, with most of his magic suppressed. The best he could do was little more than throw around raw magic and a few extremely basic spells. On top of that most of his equipment was severely damaged.

He hadn't been able to do much in the way of repairs since arriving in this world. As the majority of his time and efforts was devoted toward setting up a makeshift workshop, and sourcing the resources needed to actually do the repairs. The only thing that seemed to be in his favor was the device in his palms that let him drain wakfu were still functional.

If he could just get ahold of the hunter, he could drain him and increase his own energy supply.

Unfortunately, this was easier said than done. As his opponent was cautious of him and wouldn't let him get close long enough to do so. He just needed an opening.

Nox tried to get close, relentlessly swinging his swords at him to keep him on the defensive so he couldn't use his guns. He could block bullets at range, but the closer he got, the harder they were to block or dodge. He knew from the few hits he had already taken. His armor could stop the projectile, but not it's kinetic energy and those things freak in hurt.

Unfortunately for Nox, the hunter was carrying something far worse than just a gun.

When the hunter dodge Nox's next swing, he dropped one of his vials before retreating to a safe distance. The glass vial shattered releasing a pinkish purplish powder. That swirled up into the air quickly forming crystals on anything that touched it. Trapping Nox by nearly completely incasing his body in crystals.

"Rushu dammit! Looks like I'm going to have to fight after all." Rubilax groaned, reading to attack as the hunters as he raised his axe for the killing blow. As strange black flames coated the blade of the axe. At the sight of this something deep in Izuku's mind stirred.

"NOOOO!!!" both Izuku and Rubilax screamed, shooting forward trying to punch the hunter. Who only just managed to block the attack with his axe. The axes shaft shattered from the impact and sent splinters flying.

"What the?!? Oh! So that's where the boy went. Rubilax! you traitorous Shushu! I will punish you severely for this!" The hunter said, but as he tossed aside the shattered remains of his weapon to pull out his guns. He finally noticed that something was off.

As he did black goo started leaking from around Rubilax's eye as his pupil shifted between black and green and Izuku's eyes glowed an ethereal green.

Seconds earlier in Izuku's mind.

"What are you doing!?! You're ruining everything!!!" Rubilax growled at the now struggling Izuku.

He hadn't realized this until the boy had started to resist him, but there was something different about this host. All of the host Rubilax had had prior to this one. Ether had been fully taken over by his consciousness fully suppressing the host., or in rare cases, like the hunter, kept him out of their minds with shear will power.

However, this boy was different. There was a small part of his mind that no matter how hard Rubilax tried he couldn't suppress. In fact, he couldn't even touch it.

"Yo-You tricked me... I-I won't let you hurt people! I-I-I want to be a hero! I want to save people! I will never let you use me as a weapon!!!" Izuku said as he desperately tried to break free.

However, at the same time Rubilax was doing everything he could to suppress Izuku. From Izuku's perspective this felt like he was drowning as if he was being pulled deeper and deeper into a pitch black ocean as Rubilax used all his might to try and crush Izuku attempt to escape.

Starting to get frustrated Rubilax flooded Izuku mind with ever horrible memory from his past hoping to break the boy's spirit.

Izuku was forced to relive the day he discovered he was quirkless, the day his father left him and his mother, the countless beating from his classmates and former friends. Deeper and deeper he sank into despair until he reached that day's events.

As an image of the trapped Nox flashed in his mind. In that instant something again stirred in Izuku, but this time he latched on to that sensation for dear life.

Nox had been fighting to save him to buy time for him to get away. Izuku wasn't going to let anyone die for his sake. As the one part of Izuku mind Rubilax couldn't touch. The one thing that countless beating or the shittiest days of his life couldn't extinguish roared to life.

If in Izuku's mind Rubilax will was comparable to and ocean, then that ocean was vaporized in an instant by this one overriding desire. That was the desired to help protect others and to be a hero that everyone could feel safe around.

Back in the real world Izuku grabbed Rubilax's eye and ripped it out of his head, pooling out a mass of squirming black tentacle like goo. That started to reform into Rubilax's dagger. However, before it could Izuku poured every ounce of himself that he could into his link with the demon before it could be broken.

This time, instead of being possessed by Rubilax, Izuku was possessing the demon, taking all of its power for his own even if only temporarily.

The eye on Rubilax's dagger form shot open but now it was a deep emerald green. Izuku struck the dagger against the ground transforming it into its sword form. However, this one was not one of Rubilax's normal sword forms.

It was something Izuku had forged the demon's power into. It was a long bladeless broadsword with a ridiculously wide cross guard. Well ridiculous tell with a flash a large green blade made of pure Wakfu surrounded the shaft of the sword. It almost looked comical in Izuku hands just due to the size of the sword. As with the blade the sword was bigger than he was.

However, to Izuku it felt as light as a feather.

Seeing the swords new form Izuku smiled. He had the Shushu's power, weapon's and even all the Shushu's knowledge. This gave him the knowhow to use them, and to a small extent use magic. Essentially, he had powers now, even if they were only temporary, and Izuku knew just how he was going to use them.

Even if it was just this one time, he was going to be a hero.

(Don't Say Lazy originally by Yōko Hikasa sung by AmaLee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcDVvaTIbeM )

"What they fuck?" Was all the gun man could say before having to jump out of the way.

As Izuku shot forward at superhuman speed. Having subconsciously augmented his body using magic. This instantly put the gun man on the defensive. As he was unable to do anything but dodge.

The boy didn't give him even a second as he ruthlessly attacked with shocking skill and reckless abandon, leaving himself completely open. Not that that mattered as he wasn't giving the gun man a chance to capitalize on it.

Meanwhile Izuku was marveling at how slow the gunman- no, everything- seemed to be moving. If he wasn't under the influence of a demonic entity, that was taking the majority of his concentration to maintain his connection with, and running on pure adrenaline and instinct, he would have realized and been fascinated by the fact it wasn't the gunman who had slowed down, but he who had sped up.

Izuku swung Rubilax's sword form, having it shoot off a blade of Wakfu forcing the gunman to teleport back.

It was then Nox realized that the gun man had been toying with him this whole time and could have probably won their fight already. So why had he let him live this long? The only thing Nox could think of was that this hunter, or whatever he was, enjoyed toying with his prey.

But that wasn't the part that currently had him worried. As he desperately tried to break free of the crystals what had him worried was that he wasn't toying with Izuku.

Izuku block two shots from the gun man's revolvers with the flat of his sword, getting a grunt of discomfort out of Rubilax, but it was nowhere near enough to brake Izuku's hold over the Shushu.

Through this connection Izuku had access to the memories of the fighting styles and weaknesses of all Rubilax's former owners. As well as the style developed by the Shushu himself.

Izuku smirked as three Statues Izuku's burst out of the ground, grabbing the gunman arms and legs and letting Izuku slash him the green blade seamed to pass through him harmlessly. Before the shaft of the blade hit the gunman smashing him and the statues into a nearby building and through the wall.

He turned to free Nox, when the gunman teleported in front of him, a grenade in one hand and a purple, green, and red, vile in the other. He shattered the green vile at Izuku's feet, trapping him in vines before pulling the pin in the grenade dropping it in front of Izuku and teleporting away.

Izuku didn't have a second to think, he just stabbed his sword into the ground. The blade then lengthening, freeing Izuku and shooting him up into the air fast enough to be just out of range of the blast.

Izuku yanked the sword free in the air as it blade shrank down to its normal size, Izuku landed on the side of a building as if gravity had shifted so he could stand on the wall.

He then looked up, glowing green ethereal eyes meeting those of the hunter on the opposite building, startling the hunter, making him take a step back in surprise. Only to be forced to dodge when Nox now free charged him with his sword.

The gunman dropped the two normal revolvers he had been using, pulling the two off his hip. Pointing them at Nox, and if Izuku wasn't wrong the strange glowing rune engravings on these weren't for show, So Izuku wasn't going to give him a chance to use them.

He thrust his sword forward, the blade again extending forcing the hunter to dodge or be ran through. This gave Nox the opportunity to shove an energy ball into his chest. The following explosion sent the two flying in opposite directions. The hunter shooting off for the sky while it took all Nox had to not crash into the ground. Before using his levitation to chase after him, but he wasn't fast enough.

"Nox think fast!" That was until a certain green haired nut case shot into his path. His hand outstretched for Nox to grab, and the moment he did he regretted it. As gravity seamed to go crazy, as the two started to spin faster and faster before Izuku let go launching Nox at the hunter

'He used centrifugal force to build up momentum to launch me. Huh, smart kid.' Nox thought smiling under his mask as he rocketed at his target.

The hunter managing two magickly enhanced rounds before Nox had to use his teleporter to dodge out of the way. He only managed a short jump to a few feet away, but now he wasn't close enough to deliver a counterattack, not that that mattered he had played his role perfectly.

He had distracted the hunter long enough for Izuku to get into place.

The blade of his sword had extended to the size of a skyscraper and was still growing. As he swung the sword it pierced the barrier and seamed to slice open the heavens themselves. As the massive blade hit the hunter and threw him out of the barrier. Moments before with a powerful explosion that shattered windows and set off car alarms. The barrier, popped like a soap bubble before the massive blade vanished the sword morphing back into Rubilax's small dagger form Izuku dropping it to the ground out cold, Izuku having burned through all of his and Rubilax's energy with that last attack.

Nox inspected Izuku, before letting out a sigh of relief when he realized the boy hadn't over done it bad enough to shorten his lifespan. Well not by any extreme amount at least.

Nox placed a hand on Izuku's chest giving him half of his remaining energy. This would only be enough to treat the worst effects of overusing ones wakfu.

He'd have to head to the forest outside the city to refuel his reserve after this. Nox thought picking up the unconscious Shushu inspecting it.

The boy had done one hell of a number on it, if Shushu weren't so stubbornly durable the boy would have killed the thing with that stunt. It barely had any wakfu left but it was still alive, that much he was sure, but it was inert. Oh well, if the thing got any worse, he just needed to give it a wakfu jump start… If Nox decided that he was interested in having a Shushu in his possession in the first place.

Nox shifted his attention to the unconscious Izuku. Even with all the energy contained within a major Shushu, I be it a small one, it would have only been enough to punch through the barrier even without whatever had been suppressing their magic.

Maybe it could even destabilize it if he hit a week point or something vital. However, the boy had cut clean through a large portion of the barrier. On top of that, he had generated an energy blade the size of a building to do it.

The demon simply didn't have the capacity for that much wakfu. He hadn't bother checking the boys wakfu levels when he had met him, and he would hardly get a good reading now. The real question was. Where did all that energy come from?

Moreover, how in the gods did an untrained boy pool off a stunt like this. Even if he was somehow tapping into the Shushu's powers, that still didn't explain how he knew how to do that either. This boy grew more curious and interesting by the moment.

He'd have to keep an eye on him. Nox thought, as several of his Noxine drone flutter down around him, the barrier no longer trapping them outside.

He was considering syphoning some wakfu from his Noxine, when he noticed the mark on the boy. Izuku's arm had been burned by his connection to the demon. The black mark also known as the mark of corruption.

Started right at the pulse point on Izuku's wrist and wrapped around to a point halfway up his forearm. Almost looking like a flame had wrapped itself around the boy's wrist. Nox knew all too well marks like these never faded, and if he encountered anyone who could since magic heed stick out like a sore thumb even in a crowd.

The boy may have saved him, but he'd put himself in even more danger. He would definitely have to keep an eye on the boy to make sure he didn't attract the attention of any other magic users. Even if they seemed extremely rare in this world.

He was considering what could be done about this when he heard the shouts of the so called heroes as they searched for survivors. Nox had already had a few run ins with them, and he was in no shape for another. He left a few of his Noxine to watch the boy before running off. Once he was far enough away, he used one of his Noxine new upgrades that let him speak through them. To call for the heroes to help the boy. Letting out a sigh of relief when they carried him off to see a healer.

Now, onto the forest for a quick recharge then he'd have to fix his mask lenses… Again.

A few days later Izuku woke up in the hospital, where he was questioned by the police. Worried that one of the officers might have a lie detection quirk. Izuku told them as close to the truth as he could. Telling them about how a villain had trapped him in a man named "Nox" in a pocket dimension like space.

That he and Nox had to work together to survive and try and find a way to escape, and that he did not know where the villain or Nox had gone after their escape.

When questioned about the mark on his arm he was just as confused about it as the doctors where, as they could find no reason why that section of his arm was suddenly died black. His mother had had a panic attack when she had saw the mark, but quickly calmed down after assurance from the doctor it wasn't a tattoo.

Well at least not one in the normal since. After running several more test the doctor came to the conclusion that the mark was some sort of black burn scar. Because of this Izuku was given a note for his school record so he wouldn't get in trouble once he went back to school the next day. Something he was really not looking forward to.

Three months later Nox now had a much larger swarm of Noxine, that he used to scavenge resources and gather wakfu. Although nowhere nearly as destructively as before.

Nox had finally settled into his newly built workshop, which he had set up in an abandon factory just outside of Musutafu city. Once Nox had gotten set up and had repaired himself, he had started studying any salvaged technology his Noxine brought back to him.

Though due to both lack of time and lack of general of understanding. This was proving harder than he originally suspected it would. It also didn't help that he had to use most of the resources his Noxine had scavenged to build more Noxine to gather more resources. This was partially due to the fact that not every Noxine returned when it went out. One in every thirty that went out didn't come back this was due to a number of factors.

Animals' collateral damage from villain attacks street punks who shot them out of the air for no other reason than boredom, and the occasional hero that didn't trust the small flying drones. Which Nox didn't understand, civilians used drones as well for everything from delivery to recreation. Heck the local guard and some hero's used them as well, and several of the drones had been as far as he could tell shot down in airspace designated for civilian use of them.

Another reason was he only had a few hundred of them. This meant that he couldn't cover even one fourth of the city. If he could just manage to find one good location to salvage a large cache of resources. He could build enough to cover the entire city. With multiple Noxine covering a single area he could limit not only the number of losses, but he could also greatly increase his resource salvaging potential.

However, this didn't help him get around the issue of powering all the Noxine. He could power his current swarm off the forest and only take out a handful of trees leaving others to recover with time. To power a swarm that could cover the entire city he needs a steady supply of wakfu, and he wasn't going to start stripping the entire forest of life like he once had.

However, for the time being he couldn't do anything about either of these issues. All he could do was try and solve the problems in front of him and figure out the bigger issues when they became well more of an unignorable issue.

Nox sighed, looking over at one of the large glass magnifying glass lenses affixed around a quartz orb. This item let him see through the eyes of his Noxine and was one of the few advantages of having a smaller swarm.

He didn't need the Eliacube to process all the data they brought in. If only he could figure out how to set up one of this world's thinking machines to help him process all the data. It would make his life a lot easier. The lens he was currently looking at was showing Izuku going about his daily routine.

As he packed up to go home for the day a blonde haired boy Nox didn't know the name of walked into view. All Knox knew about the boy was he apparently had some explosive based ability, and he was Izuku's primary tormenter.

He watched in distaste as the blond blew up the boy's notebooks. Knowing how much effort the boy put into those books only increased his already extreme dislike of the blonde. He'd have to do something about him before he went too far. Just as he was having that thought…. The blonde did just that, as he threw Izuku's notebook out the window and into the koi pond below before telling Izuku. 'That if he really wanted a quirk that bad, he should take a swan dive off the roof and hope for one in his next life.'

That comment infuriating Nox, the boy had more potential than the entire building put together! All he needed was someone with the capability to teach him, or even just a fighting chance! Nox knew that last fact from firsthand experience with the boy. He would definitely have to have a few words with the blonde now. He started gathering his swarm in preparation, with the boy's powers he needed to be careful, lest he lose the small swarm he was sending after the blond. Nox got up he couldn't focus on his work in his current state. He levitated the quartz crystal and lenses off the desk having them follow him before leaving for the city. Perhaps a relaxing flight around the city would help him clear his mind.

"Hu-hey where are we going metal man?" Rubilax asked from where he hung on Nox's hip. The Shushu had only awoken a few days ago and while he still spent most of his time resting. The Shushu seem to become more and more talkative as time passed.

"I don't have a particular destination in mind. I just needed to get out of my lab for a while." Nox said as they casually flew into the city. All the while he continued to watch Izuku on the orb. Before returning his attention to the blonde finding an opportunity to introduce himself. When one of the blonde's cronies asked him if he had been a little too harsh with Izuku. Before the blonde could respond Knox spoke up through his Noxine.

"You should listen to your friend there he's clearly not as big as a dunce as he looks." Nox said startling the three.

"Who the hell said that show your sorry ass now!" Bakugo said before finally noticing the Noxine hovering Infront of them.

"I would but I have more important things to do then introduce myself face to face to a bunch of cretins like you lot." Nox said watching his swarm surround them.

"What the fuck did you just say you bug bastard!!!" Bakugo barked as small explosions crackled in his palm.

"First off, I am not an insect, this is a drone, I know you aren't the brightest bulb but I thought that would be rather obvious as it is made of metal and all. Secondly, I explained why I couldn't speak to you in person already. I have better things to do then meet cretins like you face to face. Now, with that said let's move on to the third and primary reason for me being here. As I'm a busy man and I do not have time for long winded explanations so." However, before Knox could finish Bakugo shot up in the air attempting to grab the Noxine drone. The drone only just barely got away.

"Now, now. Temper, temper. I'd be very careful with your next action lest your friends pay the price." Nox says as Bakugo turning around spotting the Noxine latched to the back of each of his friend's heads. A large blade like Stinger pressed right on the base of their spines.

"Move and either the Stinger goes through their spine paralyzing them, or I detonate their core and there will be nothing left of them but red splatter." Nox said making his position very clear.

"Alright what do you want!" Bakugo said going cold ringing in his anger. This surprise Nox but it made things easier at the very least.

"I'm a busy man so I make my demands simple. You will from this day forth limit all interaction to Izuku Midoriya as is possible. You will not bully or torment him. You will not speak foully to him and if you must speak to him you will speak to him as little as possible and be as…. pleasant as you are capable." Nox said simply.

"What this is all about that useless fucking Deku?!"

"It seems your insistent about proving my point about not being that bright. I just gave you a warning and you are already trying my patience. The boy is far from useless despite his lack of powers. He has a very very large well of untapped potential. Far more than you or your friends do boy." Nox said before pulling back his Noxine.

"Well goodbye boys and remember, I'll be watching, so if you think about telling anyone about our little chat, I'll pay your families a visit." Nox said simply. New reality or not Nox knew how to make people fall in line.

"Now boys I'll leave you with this last bit of advice. All life, despite its function, length, greatness, or lack thereof, has some value. Keep that in mind next time you suggest throwing one away." Nox said before the last Noxine flew off. Leaving slightly stunned Bakugou scowling after the Noxine.

With his business with the boys finished he turned his attention back to a Izuku. Spotting him trying to walk up a wall. Nox could only guess the boy was trying to call on some small amount of magic. Like he had during their fight with the hunter.

He was considering what he was about to do when he noticed something oozing up out of a manhole behind Izuku. He found this peculiar, but he didn't let it worry him until he saw the slime monster try and force its way down into Izuku's throat.

Nox shot off to try and rescue Izuku teleporting forward whenever he could. However as soon as he arrived a large blonde man burst out of the sewers. Before punching the slime monster so hard it was pasted across the walls, saving Izuku in the process.

Nox was worried momentarily when he realized Izuku had passed out, but he came too quickly enough. Judging by Izuku's excited reaction he was in good hands. That was until he grabbed onto the large man's leg as the man jumped off. If Nox still had a functional beating heart, he would be having a heart attack at the moment for that little stunt. Nox chased after them to trying to catch up. Only having to hide when the two landed. He didn't know who the blonde man was but if he packed enough punch to send that slime monster flying. He did not want to be on the receiving end of it, but this was what he had his Noxine for.

"What were you thinking! That wasn't a very smart move kid. Now, bang on the door and someone will let you in eventually. I have got to go." The blond haired man said getting ready to rush of when the Izuku called out.

"Wait not yet!!" Hearing the kid's desperation, the blond seamed to stop in consideration before pressing on.

"Sorry, but I don't have the time for a Q&A right now." The blond said, heading for the edge of the building assuming that the kid had finally given up. Only to be shocked by what Izuku said next. "I just need to know is it possible to become a hero even if I don't have any powers."

That stopped the blond in his tracks in shock, but Izuku wasn't done just yet. "I'm just a normal kid without any powers. Could-could I ever hope to help people, and be someone like you!?!"

This finally made the blond turn back and judging by his expression he was clearly conflicted. "Without a quirk…" The blond started. Before he cringed in pain steam starting to come off him.

Izuku had kept talking, but Nox had missed most of what he had said. As he watched the blond change forms in a manner that looked extremely painful.

"Hu- how- who- what- yo- you deflated?! No, wait- where did All Might go?! Wait no, you are an imposter?!?" Izuku said freaking out over the sudden deflation of the blond.

"I assure you, young man. I am all migghgghggt-." The blond who was supposedly named All Might tried to say, before coughing up a large amount of blood.

Despite Nox's limited knowledge on the heroes of this world. Even he had herd of All Might, and Nox knew that he absolutely didn't want to fight him. As the man sounded more like a demigod then a human.

Nox placed a hand on the Shushu on his hip, if this man was truly an imposter, and more over a threat, he'd be needing the demon's power. Even if the blond wasn't as strong as the real thing. He had already proven to be plenty powerful.

"What? No that's not possible!" Izuku screamed in shock.

"Well, to put it simply. Look, I'm kind of like those guys at the pool, that walk around sucking in their gut. Pretending to be buff, I'm kind of like that." All Might said nonchalantly not realizing he had just baffled Nox.

"No that-that can't be." Izuku stammered stumbling back. While All Might just sighed and set down.

"Look I need to keep this a secret for a lot of reasons. So, don't put this online or anything." He said and then lifted up his shirt revealing a horrid scar.

"Pretty gross huh? I got this wound in a fight about five years back. It did a number on me. I lost most of my respiratory system and it damaged a few other vital organs. Before you ask no, it can't be fixed. Because of this I can only do hero work for about four, maybe five, hours a day." All Might said self loathing in every word.

Nox took his hand off the Shushu. An injury was at least a plausible story, and so long as he was trying to convince Izuku, instead of attack him he would at least humor him.

"Wait five years? Th-that then you got it in your fight with toxic chainsaw!?!" Izuku shouted.

That outburst seam to shock All Might and just confused Nox what kind of name was Toxic Chainsaw. He had lived an unnaturally long life and that by far was the most iop name heed ever heard. Though now that he thought of it, he might have heard of a Sram with a somewhat similar name. Though the Sram where an odd and edgy bunch.

"Wow, kid you really do know your stuff. Though, no, I got this in a fight that was never made public. You want to know why? Because if people knew there would be a panic. I'm the symbol of peace. I'm the guy who is always smiling and reassuring people, but the truth is. I use my smile to hide my fear. Because pro heroes are constantly risking their lives and some villains just can't be beaten without powers. So, I'm sorry to say this kid but no you can't be a hero without powers." All Might said with a sigh.

"I I see." Izuku said voice quivering.

Hearing Izuku distress the lenses on Nox mask narrowed into slits. While he agreed with All Might he could have at least tried to be a bit nicer about it.

"Look kid, if you really want to help people. Then why not consider being a cop, or doctor, or fire fighter. They may not get the fame hero's do, but they all do a lot of good for people." All Might said. Getting up and walking over to the door finding it unlocked.

"Look kid, it's good to have dreams. Just… make sure it's feasible." All Might said. Before leaving the boy alone.

Nox frowned under his mask, the boys dream hadn't seam to unfeasible to him but then again, he'd done the impossible before. After all he'd outsmarted the god of time Xelor himself.

"So, it's impossible to be a hero without a quirk huh… well, we'll just have to see about that." Nox said himself smirking under his mask as he left his hiding place to finally meat up with Izuku.

Meanwhile, Izuku had walked over to the edge of the roof to look out over the city. As Bakugo words played over in his head. He hadn't thought it would be so hard going back to being the powerless hero wannabe. After getting a taste of being a real hero, but as it turns out it was a lot harder than he expected.

To go back to being everyone's punching bag, to being seen as a freak, to know that he once had the strength to stand side by side with some prose, and now he couldn't even hold his own against a basic street punk. He had tried over and over again to tap into even a tiny amount of what he had in that fight, with next to no success.

The best he had been able to pull off was when he had made a few glowing green sparks appear from his palm and even then, that took him hours to pull off. He looked over the edge maybe all he needed to do was put himself in a strenuous scenario where he would have to use magic. Or maybe just never have the ability to use magic again maybe it was just a onetime thing.

"That would be a terrible waste you know." Knox said startling Izuku out of his thoughts.

"Oh, dear God Nox! Don't do that to me… Wait what do you mean, what would be a terrible waste?" Izuku said clenching his chest as he tried to get his heartrate to slow back down to a normal pace.

"You taking that Bakugo boys advice." Nox said floating over next to him.

"I I wasn't planning on it I was just thinking is all. Wait how do you know about that?" Izuku stammered out.

"Well, that's a relief." Nox sighed, not answering his question.

"So, um, I don't mean to be rude but, why are you here? It's been a few months since the whole hunter trapped in a barrier thing. I was honestly starting to think I'd never see you again." Izuku says having finally calmed down.

"My apologies about that. I have been rather busy. I only just recently managed to finish my repairs and getting on my feet…. I believe that's the right phrase. Well, regardless, I've been very busy." Nox said as with a wave of his hand several of his Noxine drones flew into sight.

"Wow!" Izuku said reaching out to one and to his surprise it landed on his arm letting him inspect it. "This is amazing how did you build something like this."

"It is an updated version of an older design form my…. From my past there essentially scouts and scavengers. I use them to collect resources that people have… abandoned. I use those resources to build items like this one or to repair myself. Though I must admit it has been slow going." Nox sighed in annoyance.

"But my supply chain issues are not your problem, or the reason I am here today. You see I've been keeping an eye on you for the past few weeks, and I've come to make you an offer." Nox said pulling Rubilax off his hip and offering it to Izuku.

"You can either take the demon and use its power and become the hero you wish, or you can reject it and try to go it alone, or you can come and learn magic under me. You can keep the demon if you wish, but under my tutelage you will learn to draw upon powerful magic even without the demon's assistance."

"Huh you-you really will teach me? Wait, why? Don't get me wrong! I'm very grateful! But why make such an offer to me?" Izuku asked bowing his head.

"Simply put, I see immense potential in you. You not only broke the control of a Shushu, but a greater Shushu at that. Not only that, but one that held you completely under its control then you turn around and wrestle its powers from it. Something I still struggle to comprehend, and then to go beyond even that, you took down that hunter. While simultaneously pulling off feats of magical strength I have never seen the like of. You are one surprise after the next, and yet this world tears you down time, and time again, only for you to get back up and keep trying. I honestly can't figure you out, and that intrigues me. So in conclusion I want to see what you can become." Nox said not realizing the impact of his words. Or just how they had shook Izuku to his very core.

All his life Izuku had been looked down on bullied and be little'd. No one had ever believed in him or his dream. Not even his mother, who he knew cared for him believe he could become a hero. Now someone was not only saying that he could achieve his dream, but he had impressed them.

Izuku picked up Rubilax, he could feel the Shushu's power again the moment he touched the dagger. The power was there I n the palm of his hand, he wanted so desperately to use it again. He wanted to feel strong again, he wanted it so bad he could taste it, but instead he shoved the dagger into his pocket and turned to Nox.

"Alright Nox! When do we begin!?" Izuku Asked with a determined look, while under Nox's helmet NOx had a wide smile.

(Wrecker's corner: New stories and small announcements.)

On The Wreckers corner stage wrecker set at his desk inspecting the Eliacube.

"Huh fascinating maybe I can use this to fix those damn leaks." Wrecker said to himself glaring over at a bucket overflowing with potatoes as another potato seemingly fell from the ceiling. Before finally seeming to notice the reader.

"Oh, hey just some quick updates and I'll let you on your way. As always, I hope you enjoy my new story any feedback you can offer is greatly appreciated. As for anyone who's wondering about the pole, I mentioned on my last chapter of the three worthless heroes it's still up. I've barely got any votes so I'm going to leave it open for a little bit longer. Next, I'd like to apologize for the long delay between chapters I have been busy with life work and my new PS5 and so on. Also, I never stopped writing I got a lot of stories either halfway or nearing completion. So be prepared for an increase in posting probably followed by another long dry spell I'm sorry to say but I'm working on it. Lastly and like always if you have any questions, you'd like to ask me or any of my characters leave a comment review whatever it's called in your site with the Q&A tag. Or go to my discord Wrecker's corner and leave a comment on the Q&A section of my discord. ( discord.gg/CkSQcjV ) Once I have enough together I'll write a chapter of Wrecker's corner the story not these little tidbits I do at the end of each chapter. You'll get a shout out and I or my characters will answer your questions in the chapter. Well with all that said I hope you all had a happy holiday and please for all our sakes pray to whatever deity object or creature of your worship that 2022 is a lot better than the last year."

(Wrecker's corner: A special thanks.)

"Hey Wrecker here. I want to give a shoutout and special thanks to Ned From Neverland for helping me touch this up. If you get a chance go check him out.