
It was winter, to cold outside.....

The snow was an usually thing because it began at november and countinue almost on aprile. The snow was an usually thing because it began at november and countinue almost on aprile.

I see my self with warm clothes clothes and I'm felling so comfortable.it was so amazing play outside with my friend and my brother but not all. Behind our housewives one pure family . They don't have father. He leaves with debts and nothing. And they mother work hard in too jobs. But unfortunately she was sick with an terminated diagnosis and can't continue to work. They don't have warm clothes and funny to play outside with snow, don't have to eat actually. The biggest daughter began to work on the last caffè station of the city. But anyway the money are nothing for here brother and for here sick mother. Her mother need for medical therapy and it cost so much. So the little girl with just 17 years beginning to work. It's so hard for here but she have too do for her mother and for brother. He has just 14 years old. The little girl was an amazing student with maximal votes. Was an amazing student with maximal votes. She always keeps 10 at school. But she have to leave and work because the problem are bigger for here family.one day she have to go at work but here mother has an emergency and she go with her on the hospital. When she goes at work at work was too late. Her boss it was be so hungry because she don't call or tell too be later for work. He begins too shoot with glasses down from hangry hungry abd fired the girl. She cry on the fron of her boss but he dont listen. Her Her mother in the hosptial and she eas fired from the work. They are 2 month later with the haus rent. Actually they are in the street, outside. Her brother listened everything and go inside the caffe' too said her boss the reson why his sister was later for work and when boy open th edoor the glass of door broken-up and the boss begin too be mor ehungry and he call the police and the little boy was take it at the police station for violation of property.

When the girl see the police there she feeling so bad and lost consciousness. The police agent call an ambulance too for the girl. Take her brother to the police station and on the hospital the girl. When the girle was feels bed she had an partiality amnesia and don't remember nothing for what happened. The boy was little and none can take on the prison so they left.

The news was make public on the Tv.

When the father of the kids see the news he live her girlfriend and go too see the kids.

The girl when see her father call him and smile but the son no, he can't forgive his father for what he make his mother and sister. He was an disaster for they life. When he ask too talk with the doctor he said that the girls has forged the last 5 years and everything is temporary. So the father go to see her ex-wife. When she see the tears go down, she can't keep. He asker sorry and what hi have to do, just tell me and I will found an way too make it?

The ex-wife said just tern-back our normally, our family, our life. But I don't want you. I don't want you on our life anymore. I'm sorry but you don't exist on our life. The daughter was behind the door and listen everything the feel again bed and the medic give for her a bed diagnose. She need and immediately interventions and cost a such of money. The father sell the his company and all the money he have given for the intervention of her daughter. The intervention was very difficult, the doctor give just a little hope for the girl. In the hospital They've give the permission for the operation because from the intervention the girl can dead. Her mother and father go on the daughter room and they said too be strong because they will wait for here outside the intervention room. And the doctor was walking on the hallway and he said. The girl is fine, the intervention going good the girl is safe. You can be relaxed now and go too reposed. When she wake-up we will call you. The wife was so happy and embraced her husband. His son go an embraced both, his father and mother.

The next day the daughter going from coma and when she see her mommy and daddy together said :- this is my beautiful family. Thank you daddy, you are the hero of my life.

Love you all so much.

My amazing family, are the sense of my life.