
Wan Fang's Birthday

Everyone else finished their exam after the new tester was installed. Some of the kids were staring at Wan Fang because they were trying to figure out why the tester blew up when he touched it. One of the kids speculated "Could it be he has an Ancient Constitution, a person who can control both battle power and mana?"

Another person to the side said, "Shut up, there hasn't been a person with an Ancient constitution since the ancient era."

Another person jumped in "I heard a rumor that there are clans that can still produce these people, but I remember, he said he was from an orphanage so that can't be, but why else would it explode, the testers can compute even the best Special-Grade physiques and roots, it should be almost impossible to blow up, and plus he passed the test, so what could this mean."

Wan Fang didn't pay attention to all the rumors floating around about him and just wanted to go home. The reason Wan Fang wasn't as joyful right now in contrast to yesterday is that he has a secret that would unfold tomorrow. Wan Fang thought to himself "Tomorrow is my 10th birthday, the paper that came with me only had tomorrow's date on it, I must be ready." This was one of the reasons why Wan Fang was so confident he was going to be the next hero of the era.

The examiner walked on to the stage and started explaining "Knights will go to the east side, mages will go to the west side. Classes will start next Monday. Knights unless you have a special-physique you won't have any attributes so you will be randomly separated into classes, but if you are a mage, you will have attributes based on your spirit root, there are 4 basic elements: fire, wind, earth, and water. There are many other attributes but they are rare so I won't discuss it here, people with the same elements will be put into the same class."

With the orientation finished Wan Fang and Lu Hu head back to the orphanage. They didn't bring any money so they couldn't get a taxi home. Lu Hu using the phone Grandma Feng Li gave them called her to tell them that they were coming back.

After 30 minutes, they reached the orphanage and saw all the kids standing outside to greet them. Wan Fang was embarrassed as he rushed the kids back inside "It's cold, you didn't have to wait outside, you might get sick."

One of the kids shouted excitedly "I heard you both passed the exam, of course, we have to greet you outside, and it's Wan Fang's birthday tomorrow."

Grandma Feng Li walked out of the doorway to the kitchen and said: "Wan Fang I need to talk to you, everyone else set up the table, we will be having a feast to celebrate."

Wan Fang could guess what this was about and followed Grandma Li to her office. They both sat down and Grandma Li stated: "Tomorrow, you might learn something about your past."

Wan Fang nodded his head, he has been waiting ever since Grandma Li showed him the date. Grandma Li saw his confidence and sighed "I found you 10 years ago in a river and now you might learn of your past but remember no matter if you find your family or not, this orphanage will always be your home."

Wan Fang felt warm in his heart, Grandma Li saved him from the river and took care of him all these years, she is even willing to take him back if he leaves, she has been his only source of parental love, and he started to feel a little unwilling to leave the orphanage.

Grandma Li didn't miss this and quickly said: "Don't be discouraged, your future depends on if you have the confidence to get through whatever happens tomorrow, so keep yourself together and don't look back if you don't have too."

Wan Fang nodded and they both left towards the mess hall.

After dinner Wan Fang left towards his room to find Lu Hu munching on a piece of bread, Wan Fang slapped his head "Did you steal another piece of bread?"

Lu Hu couldn't speak with the bread in his mouth but you could see the joy in his eyes as he inhaled the bread. Wan Fang seeing this laughed and he calmed down a little.

Everyone else was asleep but Wan Fang eyes were wide open, he looked over to see his alarm clock and it read 11:59 pm, "55...56...57...58...59... 12:00 am" Wan Fang looked around and didn't see anything, then a click was heard.

Wan Fang looked at his hand and saw that the golden bracelet that he was never able to take off, melt and turn into runes on his body. His body started radiating a golden light with the runes surrounding his body. Time stopped around him and he felt a sharp pain, he was knocked out immediately after.

Wan Fan woke up, but it wasn't in his room, it was in a cave, in front of him an old man. Wan Fang and the old man stared at each other for a while. Finally the old man spoke "You are the next in line, I am the person who will pass on what you need to know, don't bother asking for anything personal like my name, now remember, you possess the Ancient Consitution, it is called the 8 God Dragon Consitution, you possess 8 elements of fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, mind, spatial, light, and darkness. You control all the elements, follow me outside."

Wan Fang and the old man walked outside and saw 8 huge mountains. Each mountain had a dragon on top of it. The old man continued "The red dragon is the fire dragon, the brown dragon is the earth dragon, the green dragon is the wind dragon, the blue dragon is the water dragon, the purple dragon is the lightning dragon, the crystal dragon is the mind dragon, the gray dragon is the spatial dragon, the white dragon is the light element dragon, and the black dragon is the dark element dragon. These dragons preside within you, although they aren't fully awakened, today is the day they will partially awaken giving you control over them. You are now both a knight and mage. A fair warning, make sure your eyes calibrate a little when you wake up because your right eye will control spatial powers and your left eye controls mind power. You might kill someone by accident.

Wan Fang felt his whole body go numb and pain erupted throughout his body, the pain was so immense that after screaming for a while he passed out.

The next morning Wan Fang found himself surrounded by all the kids with worried faces. When he opened his eyes a bunch of screams erupted from the children surrounding him. Lu Hu also had an increasingly worried face.

Wan Fang remembered every detail of what happened last night and thought that the kids might be worried because of his screaming. He struggled to get up as he felt his entire body creak like a new toy. He stumbled towards the mirror and opened his mouth when he saw his appearance "IS THAT ME!!!"