
Hero Extraction System

-Are you looking down on me? Do you think you are better than me? Ok, now tell me! -Study? - I have photographic memory and can speak more than 10 languages. -Fight? - I have strenght of Hulk in "Marvel" -Basketball? - I have power of "Slam Dunk". Convince yet? If not, I will get power from "Kuroko no Basket" -Soccer? - I will get power from "Captain Tsubasa" and get soccer skill from Ronaldo whenever I want. Now what? Hey where are you going? Tch...Dare you to look down on me because I'm fatty? Ok now I become handsome. Do you convince yet? See the transformation of Chen Feng because of System.

Reaperurgo · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Find Clue

Chen Feng was stunned by this sudden notification.

After reading the information in his system's interface, Chen Feng felt both excited and worried at the same time.

Because he understood the importance of this "Quest Function" very well. As the former otaku, Chen Feng knew that only by completing the various quests from the system that could help the MC to grow faster.

"God, If I fail this quest, I need 5 years to unlock it again? I need to find a way to complete this quest quickly." His complexion changed slightly, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel nervous inside.

"What I need right now is to find the place where the human traffickers keep the remaining children."

After thinking about it for a moment, Chen Feng ran to the car. He opened the door and found one of the traffickers slept unconscious on a chair. Fortunately, he didn't beat him up yet.

So what's about that punch early? Well, just think of it as his way to say hello, okay?

Pak* Pak* Pak*

Chen Feng slapped his face a few times. Of course, he controlled his power to not accidentally knock him out again.

Feeling the pain on his face, that man was waking up. His eyes opened slowly.

"Where am I? What happened to me?" He used his hand massaging his temple and tried to recall his memory. He felt very dizzy in his head.

But the moment he saw Chen Feng standing in front of him, all his confusions were clear up immediately. He finally remembered.

"D-Don't, don't beat me!" He covered his head with both of his hands begging him in frightening.

Chen Feng's mouth twitched. Am I this terrible? He then put on a serious face and said to him.

"I have a few questions for you. I promise to let you go if you answer me honestly. But if I know half of your word is untrue..." Chen Feng stared at him made that man saw the shadow of the demon behind him.

"N-No, I don't dare, I don't dare. I will tell you everything." That man said in a panic.

"Okay, first question, where do you guys keep the kidnapped children?" Chen Feng asked.

"I-I don't know the exact location. We are just a collector, our job is to kidnap the homeless children and delivery them to our boss." That man quickly said.

"Second question, who is your boss? Where is he now?" He continued asking him.

"He is called "Iron Bear". We don't know much about him. When we catch the children, we will bring them to him at Shanghai Province, we also receive the money there.

But...but I heard from one of his men said that they would transfer the children to another place at Fujian Province. That's all I know. M-Master, please let me go."

During his confession, that man glanced to the side and saw his teammate's situation outside, he felt even more scared of this demon before him. He hurriedly told Chen Feng all the information that he knew without hiding anything.

"Okay, as I promise, I don't do anything to you but you have to confess all of your crimes to the police, don't hide anything, get it?"

After getting the information he wanted, Chen Feng didn't want to dirty his hand beating him up anymore and decided to let him go. At least, he could use him as his witness at the police station.

"Yes, yes, yes." That man nodded his head like a chicken, he felt like he just got out from hell and he was alive one more time.

After a few minutes later, the polices have surrounded the place. They caught all the people connected with this incident to the station including Chen Feng, Go Hutong and the two children.

The police also sent the three traffickers that were seriously injured to the hospital for emergency treatment.


At police station

The door of the interrogation room was opened and a policeman walked in.

"You two can go now." He walked to Chen Feng and Go Hutong and opened the handcuffs for them.

"Is the result of investigation coming out, sir?" Chen Feng rubbed his wrist and asked him. He wanted to know more about the his target's information from the police's site, it was easy for him to take action later.

"Well, from the road surveillance camera, we found that you two are indeed following the criminals in order to help the children. With that criminal's confession and the video evidence, we judge that you are not guilty in this case.

But I have to say you are a bit cruel, the three guys that were beaten by you were still unconscious in the emergency room. Six bones in their bodies were all broken, even if they don't die, they will be in the vegetable stage or in the wheelchair for the rest of their lives." The policeman looked at Chen Feng in a complicated expression.

He has been in the police department for many years and has done many big cases, but he has never seen someone beat the criminal like this before.

Go Hutong also glanced at the young man before him in an unusual way too. Man, are you a bit too cruel?

"If you think about what they will do to the children that were kidnapped, do you still feel pity for them?" Chen Feng held his anger when he thought about it and asked them.

Go Hutong "....."

Policeman "....."

They were awakened by Chen Feng's question. If they thought about this in this way, these criminals deserved their punishments.

"Mr. Police, do you know who they are? I think that these guys are only the small fish. Do you know their leaders?" Chen Feng asked.

"Ahem, actually, this information is confidential. I can only tell you that their leaders is the ex-member of a gang in Fujian Province. Okay, you guys can go now." The policeman whispered to them and waved his hand.

"Fujian's ex-gang member, huh?" Chen Feng noted down this crucial clue. He needed to go there later.

When they came out, Chen Feng said to Go Hutong "Thank you so much for your help. Without your motorbike, I couldn't catch up with them."

"Haha, no problem. Tell you the truth, at that time, I didn't really believe your word. Hey buddy, do you want to be a professional racer with me?" Go Hutong laughed embarrassing, he didn't forget to invite Chen Feng.

"Hah?" Chen Feng startled by his sudden invitation.

"With your talent and skill, I believe that if you become a motorbike racer, you will be the top racer in no time. I believe in my judgment." He didn't exaggerate at all in his speech, only by seeing Chen Feng's skill with his own eyes that he could confidently say that.

"Thank you for your compliment, but I don't really want to think about this yet. Right now, I am a student, I want to focus on my study." Chen Feng had many things that he had to do. So he didn't consider becoming a professional racer yet, at least in this moment.

"Okay, I don't force you. This is my name card. Contact me whenever you want to watch my racer, I will prepare a good place for you, bye buddy." After giving his name card, Go Hutong jumped on his motorbike and left.

"Motorbike racer? Well, if I'm short of Achievement Points in the future, I'll consider becoming one later." He smiled and mumbled silently.