
Origin: Hero

The night was dark, and the world seemed as if it had ended long ago, everything was quiet, there was no sound but the wind blowing past the leaves of the darkened forest. Within the forest was a wooden, shoddily made house. Suddenly the silence was broken as it began to rain, thunder rained down seemingly as frequent as the rain itself. The wind grew sharper and faster than ever before and the leaves of the trees were ripped off and were taken away by the wind. One energy wave burst forth from the house but it passed through everything, not dealing any damage to the surroundings, it was just a natural reaction in the world, if something was powerful enough to twist the natural energy around it, these waves would be released. This first wave travelled very far before a second wave was released in the same way as the first.

In a high castle, built on an island suspended in midair, a burst of energy passed by. "Mm?", a dark, 6 foot figure suddenly stood up from his throne, the night sky was now illuminated by the lunar light of the moon leaving the land to glow a brilliant blue "It seems as if this one isn't the one we were waiting for, nevertheless, he's an interesting one, he'll definitely create waves in this world - perhaps even enough to change it. Hopefully he won't bore me."

The light of the moon then shone on the figure to reveal a red-haired, exquisitely dressed man who looked to be in his twenties, he wore a red coat that had golden silks and patterns carved on them, this coat went all the way down to his legs, the aura he exuded was almost childlike, a manchild would be the best description, but that wasn't it, it also held within it an enormous amount of authority - as if he could dominate the world if he really wanted to. The figure revealed a hint of a smile before turning back and sitting on his throne. As he looked forward the smile he had began to fade "I wonder how the others will react to this." Looking straight up to the roof of this castle he let out a long sigh "Little one, you may disturb the current way this world is, but please don't get me to work with those people, I'd really rather not" The figure said jokingly. Another burst of energy suddenly passed by his castle.

His eyes suddenly grew round as he looked towards the west as a smile began to reveal itself on his face once again eventually leading to an excited grin. "This little one! He's more extraordinary than I expected! Perhaps… Perhaps he is the one we were waiting for!!!" The figure looked up into the night sky and shouted "Finally!!! Over 500 years have passed since The War Of The Gods, our leader has been reborn!!! Oi, you troublemakers!!! It's time for us to come together!!! At the meeting place we decided 400 years ago!!!" The figure stopped speaking - it had truly been a while since he had been this excited. He flew up into the air above his castle and stayed suspended above his castle. Looking back at his castle he smiled and then looked towards the distance, he then murmured under his breath "Come on then, I may be pretty distant from you guys now, and I'm reluctant to meet with you, but you guys should know what this means, the leader's returned - and it's time for us to complete the mission he gave us so many years ago." A faint red aura suddenly began to coalesce around the figure and the faint red aura around him suddenly sped forward like a bullet towards the west, the castle grew quiet and the figure was gone.

Thousands of metres under the sea. Was an azure castle surrounded by the ocean, but the water seemed to be suspended, unable to come down onto the castle despite the massive pressure this far down. The 'barrier' actually wasn't a barrier at all, the owner of the castle was using their immense magic and abilities to forcefully keep the ocean from going through, the sphere of safe space that this magic created was perfect with no irregularities. The dense blue light that the azure castle exuded was enough to make the entire area glow with a calm, dark blue colour. This gave the castle a very calm and tranquil aura. It looked like a very expensive, well-made snowglobe submerged underwater.

Within the castle was the main room, it was extremely exquisite, looking to belong to royalty. There were patterns intrinsically carved onto the stone walls and magic essence was constantly flowing like the wind in the room, there was a bed the size of a king's and a table directly next to it. On this table was a seemingly young looking 5-foot man with pure, blue-streaked white hair, he looked to be writing in his diary. Almost as if the water wasn't there, the wave of energy passed by his castle. "Mm?", although distracted, the figure quickly returned to his calm demeanour and returned to his writing. The second wave of energy then passed by the castle. His eyes suddenly widened as he rushed up to his feet, the seat he was sitting on toppled over as he stood up, looking to the south he revealed a smile on his face. "Finally, he's retu-" Before he could even finish the door burst open and behind it was a beautiful 4 foot young woman who rushed to his side, this young woman had eyes as sincere as the ocean and also had pure, blue streaked white hair going all the way down to her shoulders, the aura she exuded was one of innocence and childlike playfulness, like a cute little girl. "Those waves of energy, does it mean that he's come back? Dezzie, if it's true we need to go meet up with the others." The normally calm - looking man looked down at the woman in front of him and revealed a hint of frustration "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me Dezzie... Just cause you're my little sister doesn't mean you can tease me so much..." The young woman was taken aback by this "There's something much more important going on right now and that's what you're worried about?! Our leader might be back!!! I'll call you Dezzie if I want to, Dezrin is just too boring a name compared to Dezzie..." The young woman pouted at her older brother, only now did he realize she was right "Ugh... Sorry about that..." The man looked into the distant south with excitement in his eyes "Iona, let's go, it's been too long." Dezrin and Iona were then surrounded by a faint, blue aura, in the same manner as the man atop his floating castle, they too sped forward like bullets - the ocean ahead of them split open revealing a path to the surface then instantly closed. They traversed a thousand meters of water in seconds, standing suspended in midair above the sea they looked towards the south and once more sped towards it.

In a secluded, plain looking wooden house in the middle of a desert, a single wave of energy passed by. "Oh? What's this? A rare occurrence, someone else with the power to change the world has come into our world, but sadly it isn't what I'm waiting for". The one lazily sleeping in this house was a 4 foot kid that looked to be about 12 years old, he had black hair and wore a mix of purple and black clothes - the aura he exuded was one of the extreme calm and relaxation, anyone around him would feel as if they were suddenly sleeping in the middle of a warm field. The second wave of energy passed by the shack. "Oh hello. Never mind it is the one I'm waiting for, this means that we have to meet now right?" The kid took out a piece of crumpled, old - looking paper and started reading "Um, do this do that meet at... This place, alright." He crumpled up the paper again and put it in his pockets. The kid looked towards the north, clearly more excited than before but still able to remain calm and collected, a faint green aura suddenly formed around him and, leaving through the window of this shack, sped forward like a bullet. As he was flying towards the north he began to think "There's no doubt that he's back, but I wonder how long it will take for us to take him back to his former power, plus there's no way his memories will return until he reaches that point again, we've kept this a secret from the world but the war isn't over, we're at a disadvantage here - it's a fight against time." With a hint of resolve in his eyes, the figure sped towards the north.

In a mountain area, there was an extremely intense fight happening. One was fighting at full force whilst the other seemed to be unenthusiastically defending herself, There was a beautiful 6 foot - tall woman with violet hair going down to her waist and an aura of a challenger, one who always wanted to challenge their own strength, but because all the stronger individuals had either died 500 years ago or they were so far apart that they would rarely meet now, all she had to challenge now was her patience, she was bored all the time. "Compared to the Era of Monsters 500 years ago, this is nothing", the man fighting her was one fully clad in spiritstone armour, a material that one would have to refine for over a century before reaching perfection, and he had the entire set, this individual had challenged her for her hand in marriage, but was incomparably shocked when he found that he wasn't even getting close to injuring her, the sword he had his father spend a fortune on barely managed to scratch her, she was defending with one finger alone. The entire reason he challenged her was because he wanted her hand in marriage, she accepted because she honestly wouldn't care who she got married to as long as she had a good fight beforehand, she didn't care for worldly affairs any longer, she stopped caring centuries ago. As the man began to grow tired his attacks started slowing down.

"Come oooooooooooooooooooooooon, Is that really all you have? You belong to a royal family, don't you? Surely you should have been trained since you were young and nurtured with only the best items your kingdom can give you... Why are you so boring?" This caused the armour-clad man to grow frustrated "Fine then!!! I'll show you!!!" The man took out a pristine, glowing crystal and crushed it in his hand, the green light that emanated from the inside of the crystal then enveloped the man and his power had increased to a height that couldn't even be compared to his previous power. "What now?!" The man was now incomparably arrogant. The woman just looked at him and yawned. This further frustrated the man and he charged forward with the aura of a lion and smashed down towards the woman. As she looked at that sword come down at her she just sighed "You've just consumed condensed spiritual energy into your body to dramatically increase your power, to afford a handful of it is already too big a fortune, clearly you're going all out..." - Suddenly her facial expression changed, from one of boredom to one of intrigue.

The sword came down with the force of a mountain and as it was about to reach her the man grew incomparibly happy, he was about to gain such a beautiful and powerful woman's hand in marriage! The expression on her face had changed, this made him think that she could see the power of the attack and was scared of it. But then something weird happened, his sword seemed to have stopped in midair and he was unable to move it. As he looked at what was happening his eyes widened "T-That can't be!" The woman looked up at him "Power is decided by the person, not the thing's they use to increase it... You've increased your power tenfold, but tell me, do you think that even if your power increased a hundredfold you would be able to beat me? My finger alone could keep up with you previously... What's ten times more of that power going to do now... Go back to your kingdom and train harder, otherwise you'll never even come close to the heights a king should reach..." The woman had stopped his sword with one hand, and she wasn't phased by it at all! During their battle the first wave of energy had already passed, this is what had shocked the woman. "Someone's been born into the world, someone that I can challenge!" The second wave then passed. The woman fighting was now even more shocked than she had been previously. As she looked towards the east she grew even more excited than before. "He's returned has he? Well... That means the other's are meeting up - maybe they'll let me spar with them when I get there. Most importantly... Maybe he'll finally be able to keep that promise he made to me over 500 years ago..." The man was still suspended there in mid-air staring at the woman holding his sword, as a last - ditch effort he saw that she was distracted so let go of his sword and released a full coalesence of magic energy in front of him, it was a vigorous flame that exploded right in front of him, he then stared expectantly at the smoke. "You know I honestly forgot you were here." The man was shocked to see that not only had the woman been completely uninjured but that she seemingly teleported in front of him. The woman aimed her palm at his chest and punched with about half of her full force. His spiritstone armour shattered and he was sent crashing into the mountains below. "Welp, now that that's over, it's time for me to meet with the others". A faint violet aura then formed around her then sped forward like a bullet towards the east.

These 5 powers were ones that were known by the entire world to be at the top in terms of power, there were over 100 individuals left at these levels of power in the entire world, but the size of the world was way too vast that they may never meet each other for centuries at a time. Everyone in the world knew of these 100 individuals through stories, legends and history books dating back to over 1000 years ago. But these 5, even in the hierarchy of those 100 were in the top 20, These 5 were 'The Soaring Calamity and Owner of the Flying Castle Seth', 'The Twins of the Deep Aquatic Dezrin and Iona', 'The Free-Spirited Manager of Nature Natu' and 'The Violet Singularity Xion'. Commoners and high-ranking people alike would know about all 100 of these individuals, it was too big a power in their world to be ignored, so naturally everyone would also know these 5. What they didn't know is that they had some sort of relation to each other. As the 5 individuals flew towards this one point, whilst they all had different ideals and personalities, they all had one thing in common. Excitement! Excitement for the fact that they were once again going to follow behind their leader.

Back in the shoddily made wooden house, there was a woman, a wolf and a man, this was a family of 3 that was under an extreme amount of stress because the woman was giving birth. This family had found this house on the way back to their village and had cleaned it out for the day to make it suitable for childbirth, as they could no longer afford to do the entire journey back home when they knew that the woman was about to give birth. "Rayn, can you sit next to me?" The woman said to her husband, the wolf was a pet that treated the family as though it were his own and it was currently lying down next to the woman, there was no bed in this house so they made do with some cloth and pillows they had brought with them for the journey. "Selica, how're we gonna do this then? I can use magic to suspend your time for a bit, but in that time we can definitely go somewhere way better than this." The father Rayn was a young-looking man that was in his early twenties and was above average when it came to magic, he had learnt some spells from his time at one of the many magic schools spread across the land and it was actually at his magic school that he met his wife Selica, Selica was a good-natured woman who always tried to help everyone she met, her magic was fitting for her character as she usually took on the support role and healed or protected her allies with light magic from the back. "No Rayn, it's fine, I won't feel a thing, I'll constantly be healing myself with magic and I won't feel any pain. Plus I don't want to go through the trouble of getting someone to help me, it's fine - just make sure you don't mess up the procedure... I'm already controlling the birth, you just need to make sure you hold him on the way out." Rayn let out a resigned sigh then said "Fine, let's get it over with quickly then."

"The Hero has returned..." In a secluded, dark room where no light could be seen, a faint red fire appeared in the middle of the room. "It seems i must speed my healing process - the time for our fated encounter grows ever closer"