
Chapter 1 Awakening

Epilogue: The Age of Souls

In a world where power is as inherent as one's personality, humanity has evolved in remarkable ways. It began with the discovery of "souls," manifestations of an individual's inner essence that grant them unique abilities based on their personality traits. From the depths of one's being, these souls emerge, shaping the very fabric of society.

As the years passed, the phenomenon of souls became universal, with 99% of the population possessing these extraordinary abilities. Known as "soul users," they wield powers that reflect their innermost selves, whether it be the ability to control fire, manipulate emotions, or even shape-shift into mythical creatures.

But among the masses, there exists a rare anomaly—the "dual-souled." These individuals possess not one, but two souls within them, granting them unparalleled strength and versatility. Their powers are a fusion of their dual personalities, allowing them to defy the limits of what is deemed possible.

Yet, amidst the sea of souls, there exists a stark minority—the "soulless." Devoid of any supernatural abilities, they are the 1% who walk among the gifted, shunned and marginalized by society. Their existence remains a mystery, their lack of souls an enigma that defies explanation.

Chapter 1: Awakening

As the morning sun cast its gentle glow upon the bustling city, Kage Kiyama stirred from his slumber with a sense of excitement tinged with uncertainty. Today marked his tenth birthday, the day when souls manifested as unique abilities, shaping the course of one's destiny. Yet, unlike his peers who eagerly awaited their awakening, Kage harbored a nagging doubt that gnawed at his young heart.

"Mom," Kage called out, his voice tinged with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. "Today's the day, right? When I'll finally get my soul?"

His mother, Kiyomi Kiyama, entered his room with a warm smile, her presence a soothing balm to Kage's frayed nerves. At thirty-one, she exuded a quiet strength that belied her years, her eyes reflecting a depth of wisdom born from experience.

"Yes, my dear," Kiyomi replied, her voice gentle yet firm. "Today is indeed a special day. But remember, whatever happens, I'll be here for you every step of the way."

With those reassuring words, Kage's fears subsided, replaced by a newfound resolve to face whatever the day had in store. Together, mother and son ventured into the heart of the city, where the Soul Doctor awaited, a beacon of knowledge in a world steeped in mystery.

As they entered the Soul Clinic, Kage's heart quickened with anticipation. Rows of books lined the shelves, their spines bearing the accumulated wisdom of generations past. At the center of the room stood the Soul Doctor, a figure shrouded in mystery yet revered by all who sought his counsel.

"Welcome, young Kage," the Soul Doctor greeted, his voice a melodic blend of reassurance and authority. "Today marks a momentous occasion in your journey. Let us discover the secrets that lie within."

With practiced ease, the Soul Doctor guided Kage through a series of tests, probing the depths of his soul in search of the elusive power that lay dormant within. Hours passed in a blur as Kage grappled with uncertainty, his hopes hanging in the balance.

Finally, as the sun dipped below the horizon, the Soul Doctor revealed the truth that had eluded Kage for so long. "Your soul is indeed a rare one, young Kage," he declared, his eyes alight with admiration. "You possess the ability of shadow manipulation, a power as mysterious as the shadows themselves."

Kage's heart soared with relief and excitement, his doubts banished by the revelation of his true potential. With the guidance of his mother a master of shadows he leaves the doctor ready for whatever's

With his newfound ability of shadow manipulation unveiled, Kage Kiyama's heart swelled with a sense of pride and excitement. As he stepped out of the Soul Clinic, his mind buzzed with thoughts of the endless possibilities that lay ahead. However, little did he know that his journey would take an unexpected turn as he ventured into the halls of his school.

Excitement coursed through Kage's veins as he entered the bustling corridors of his school, eager to share the news of his awakening with his classmates. Among them stood Ryuji, whose brash demeanor and sharp tongue often left Kage feeling uneasy.

"Hey, Kage, heard you finally got your soul," Ryuji sneered, his words dripping with sarcasm. "Let me guess, you can conjure up little shadows to play with? How pathetic."

Kage's heart sank at Ryuji's mocking tone, his excitement overshadowed by a sense of betrayal. But he pushed aside his doubts, determined to prove his worth in the eyes of his peers.

"I'll show you, Ryuji," Kage retorted, his voice tinged with defiance. "My ability may be different, but it's just as powerful as yours."

With those words ringing in his ears, Kage strode into the classroom, his head held high as he prepared to unveil the depths of his newfound power. But as he conjured shadows to dance around him, the whispers of admiration he had hoped for turned to murmurs of fear and suspicion.

"He's a freak!"

"What kind of ability is that?"

"I bet he's up to something sinister."

Kage's heart sank as he realized the extent of his classmates' distrust, their eyes filled with a mixture of awe and apprehension. But amidst the sea of doubt, one voice stood out, a beacon of friendship in the darkness.

"Hey, Kage, forget about them," a familiar voice spoke, its tone laced with sympathy. "They're just jealous because they can't compare to us."

Turning, Kage met the gaze of his One friend, Artemis, whose unwavering support provided a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil. With Ayato by his side, Kage found the strength to face the challenges that lay ahead, his determination unshakeable in the face of adversity.

Meanwhile, Ryuji's jealousy festered like a smoldering ember, his own soul ablaze with the power of flames that danced at his command. Fuelled by envy and resentment, he vowed to surpass Kage at any cost, his ambition overshadowed by the darkness that lurked within.

As weeks passed, the tension between Kage and Ryuji escalated to a boiling point during a soul training session in the school's courtyard. Ryuji's flames danced with wild abandon, drawing the admiration of their classmates. Determined not to be outdone, Kage focused on refining his shadow manipulation technique.

Ryuji's voice cut through the air, dripping with mockery. "Come on, Kage, show us what those shadows can really do! Or are you too scared to face a real challenge?"

The taunt stung, igniting a fire within Kage's heart. With newfound determination, he summoned his shadows, weaving them into intricate shapes that danced and swirled around him. The courtyard fell silent as Kage's display of control unfolded.

"Is that all you've got?" Ryuji jeered, unimpressed by Kage's efforts. "Anyone can play with shadows. Let's see some real power!"

Kage's resolve hardened. Ignoring the doubts that echoed in his mind, he delved deeper into his soul, drawing forth shadows with unprecedented intensity. The air grew heavy as shadows coalesced, shrouding Kage in an ominous aura.

In a reckless display of arrogance, Ryuji unleashed a torrent of flames, casting the courtyard in a blaze of light and heat. The air crackled with energy as Kage countered, shadows enveloping the flames, swallowing them whole.

The spectacle drew the attention of onlookers, their faces a mix of awe and concern.

Kage couldn't resist a taunt. "You're pathetic, Ryuji! Maybe your mother should have swallowed you!"

Ryuji froze mid-strike, his shoulders slumping. Tears welled up in his eyes, betraying the hurt beneath his tough exterior. Without a backward glance, he started running, his form wavering in the distance.

The weight of his words settled heavily on Kage's shoulders. Regret gnawed at him, replacing the thrill of victory with a profound sense of remorse.

The next day at school, Kage's world turned upside down. He was summoned to the principal's office, where he faced consequences for his hurtful words. The principal's stern reprimand cut deep, and Kage was suspended from school for a week.

Returning home, Kage was met with his mother's disappointment. Kiyomi Kiyama's eyes bore into him with a mixture of anger and concern.

"Kage, what you said was inexcusable," his mother scolded, her voice laced with disappointment. "Do you realize how hurtful those words were? You never know what someone else might be going through."

Kage hung his head, unable to meet his mother's gaze. The weight of his actions pressed down on him, and he realized the gravity of his words.

"I'm sorry, Mom," Kage muttered, his voice barely a whisper. "I didn't mean to hurt him like that. I was just caught up in the moment."

Kiyomi's expression softened slightly as she placed a hand on Kage's shoulder.

"I understand, Kage, but you need to think before you speak," she replied, her tone gentle yet firm. "Words have consequences, and they can leave lasting scars."

As the week of suspension passed, Kage reflected on his actions and the impact of his words. He vowed to learn from his mistake and seek out Ryuji to apologize and make amends.

But days turned into weeks, and Ryuji never returned to school. Kage's heart ached with regret, knowing that his words had driven his rival away.

Six years had passed since Kage's awakening at the Soul Clinic, and now he stood at the gates of Nova Academy, his heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The imposing academy loomed before him, a beacon of hope and opportunity for aspiring soul users.

As Kage stepped onto the campus grounds, he was greeted by a bustling scene of students clad in vibrant hero uniforms, each displaying their unique hero names and soul abilities. Among them, familiar faces and new arrivals mingled, their souls pulsing with potential.

Kage's first stop was the orientation hall, where he was introduced to his new classmates and fellow soul users:

Hikari "Radiance" Fujimoto: A cheerful and bright soul user with the ability to manipulate light, Radiance greeted Kage warmly, eager to make new friends.

Tatsuya "Terra" Kimura: A grounded and reliable earth manipulator, Terra exuded a calm demeanor and offered Kage a reassuring smile.

Emi "Cascade" Yamamoto: With a fluid grace, Cascade demonstrated her aquakinesis abilities, conjuring water forms that dazzled and intrigued Kage.

Ayato "Gale" Kaze: Swift and agile, Gale showcased his aerokinetic powers, creating gusts of wind that swept through the air.

Reyana "Mirage" Ishikawa: Reyana's illusions played tricks on Kage's senses, showcasing her mastery of phantasmal arts with a mischievous grin.

And You Already Know I Got In Bro Says Artemis With a Prideful Grin

Amidst the introductions, a commanding figure approached—the hero teacher of Nova

Asmir, known simply as "Zeus," is a seasoned hero and esteemed teacher at Nova Academy. With the ability to manipulate lightning, Zeus is known for his stern yet fair demeanor, instilling discipline and courage in his students. His lightning-based combat style is both formidable and inspiring, making him a respected figure among aspiring heroes.

As Zeus addressed the new students, his voice resonated with authority and wisdom. "Welcome to Nova Academy, young heroes. Here, you will hone your abilities, forge lasting bonds, and prepare to face the challenges that await you in the world beyond these Walls

In the days that followed the orientation at Nova Academy, Kage delved into a whirlwind of activities designed to push his limits and refine his abilities. Under the guidance of seasoned instructors and alongside his newfound friends, he embarked on a series of trials and training sessions that tested both his skills and resolve.

The academy's training grounds buzzed with energy as students honed their soul abilities. Kage found himself paired with Hikari "Radiance" Fujimoto, his cheerful classmate whose luminous powers contrasted with his own shadows.

"Let's see what you can do, Kage!" Hikari exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

With a determined nod, Kage summoned his shadows, weaving them into intricate forms that danced around them. Hikari responded in kind, manipulating beams of light that intertwined with Kage's shadows in a mesmerizing display of harmony.

Meanwhile, Tatsuya "Terra" Kimura and Emi "Cascade" Yamamoto were engaged in their own training nearby, the earth shifting and water swirling under their focused control. Ayato "Gale" Kaze darted between them, his aerokinetic prowess creating whirlwinds that added an extra layer of challenge to their exercises.

As the days turned into weeks, Kage's proficiency with shadow manipulation grew, allowing him to wield his abilities with greater precision and creativity. Under Zeus's watchful eye, he learned to channel shadows not just for defense, but also for deception and strategic advantage.

Outside of training, Kage sought solitude in the academy's library, poring over ancient texts that delved into the mysteries of souls and their potential. Reyana "Mirage" Ishikawa often joined him, her illusions adding a layer of intrigue to their studies.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Zeus called upon the students for a special challenge—a simulated combat exercise to test their progress.

"Today, you will face off against each other in pairs," Zeus announced, his voice echoing across the training grounds. "Apply what you've learned and demonstrate your teamwork and adaptability."

Kage's partner for the exercise was Ayato "Gale" Kaze. Together, they strategized, combining Kage's shadows with Ayato's wind gusts to confound their opponents. The simulated battles were intense, each student pushing themselves to their limits under Zeus's discerning gaze.

Through trials and training, Kage not only honed his skills but also formed bonds with his classmates that transcended mere camaraderie. They were forging themselves into a cohesive unit, each bringing their unique talents to the table.

As the weeks progressed, Kage felt a growing sense of purpose and determination. Nova Academy was not just a school—it was a crucible where heroes were tempered, and he was determined to emerge stronger, ready to face whatever challenges awaited beyond its walls.