
Hero’s Home

Hawaiigirl_47748 · Fantasy
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I know this is not a good first chapter, but I can’t fix it. I copied and pasted it, sorry.

"Wyatt! I'm gonna get you!" "Not if I get ya first" Me, and Wyatt were playing tag, and of course we were barefoot in mud, our moms would kill us if they found out. We cleaned our feet off in the river. Wyatt clearly looked mad when I sat down in the water, "KAILEY NOW WERE GONNA GET IN SO MUCH TROUBLE", "It's not like my mom would say "Wyatt I have to watch you and you and Kailey come back wet and muddy" "My mom would actually be happy that at least we're not muddy and plus, it just water" as I splash Wyatt, "Hey!". I didn't care if he'd splash me back, we'd both end up soaked anyway. "Kailey, do you think we should head to your house now?" "Uhh yeah sure we'll dry off on the way," at least I thought we would. We got back with wet clothes and gross hair. "Wyatt, Kailey you're all wet, and what is in your hair Kailey?" My mom said in concern. "Mom it's just leaves and we got muddy so we went in the river, and we don't even have a hot shower, so that's why we went in the river.

"Sweetie, I know we only have a cold shower, but we do have more bread!" We can't afford much food now, but my mom finally got a job that pays enough for food. The only thing we eat is $2.00 bread and $5.00 milk. (Plus it's delicious bread) "Yay! Do we have enough for dinner?" "Yes, and for you and Wyatt, would you like some bread Wyatt?" "Yes, Mrs.Carmen," "Ok can you go tell your mom that your staying for supper?" Ok. (He lives across the street) HMMMMMM… THIS IS DELICIOUS! Wyatt yelled in joy. "Thank you Mrs.Carmen bye Kailey see you in a few days!" My heart Sank.

A few days, for what? We can't afford school, we can't afford a car or vacation? Where was he going? We see each other EVERYDAY all day. What was I going to do?

I was going to investigate. The next morning I sto- borrowed… binoculars from the market. First, I got string, and tied it to the binoculars then tied that to the tree. Next, I got a ball and though it on the metal fencing from my neighbors to make a loud noise. They went to check it out, and well…I went in their house and creeped around. I found a letter. It said "Leah lane, please come to the mansion immediately, the hero has died. His stuff is somewhere, who ever finds it will immediately be- "Kailey what are you doing here sweetie?" "Oh! Just ummm umm looking for my ball I accidentally left it here." "Oh sweetie it's over there." "Thank you bye."WHAT STUFF WHAT MANSION? Wyatt never told me… he never told me.. why.. I trusted him on my life to tell me everything.

I went to the river to cool off. I was just walking back and saw a weird looking bracelet and huge stick looking thing. I don't know why, but I put the bracelet on. It knocked me out, I woke up in the morning and I felt weird I had forgot about the whole letter because I felt so much more alive like I wasn't poor, more like I had the best life I could ever have. I ran home as fast as I could. I was scared. I felt someone was coming for me. I didn't tell anyone about the situation. My mom thought I went missing last night. "SWEETIE WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU HURT, IN PAIN, SCARED?" No mom I'm fine. "Did you run away and then change your mind?" N- yes mom I thought it wasn't fair Wyatt got to go somewhere and we didn't."honey I know it's not fair, but life isn't fair" LIKE THATS EXUSE TO JUST NOT TELL HIS ONLY FRIEND? I thought. I couldn't sleep. Did they find the hero's stuff? What's going to happen to Wyatt and Mrs.Leah? Was Wyatt related to him? Or was he just a stone cold jerk. I don't know what to do. Should I tell my mom? No. The next morning I ran to the river not to play or get wet. To be free. I heard a voice in my head. "You are the chosen one. You know more than you did. You can focus on somebody or something, and move them with your mind, you also can read animals minds. I screamed in pain. This voice gave me a horrible headache. It was gone. Now it was night so I went home. I couldn't sleep again. What did the voice mean I was the chosen one I can move things with my mind I can read animals minds? The next morning I woke up to get breakfast. My mom looked sad. What's wrong mom? "Nothing sweetie" oh ok. For some reason my head was just thinking my wealthy neighbors were about to get in a car crash. I walked outside to go to the river. And my neighbors pulled out of their driveway and a FAST car couldn't slow down and they were about to hit each other when I moved my hand and closed my eyes trying to move the cars with my mind. It worked. I SAVED MY NEIGHBORS LIFE! I went to the river. The voice came back. "Kailey, now have levitating powers and mind reading. Tonight you will unlock fire." the next morning I ran to the river. I set a twig on fire. The voice came back. You need to run to safety. Kailey run home and don't look back. NOW!I held my ears and screamed. But I did run. I ran home as fast as I could. I heard someone chasing me I heard their footsteps getting closer and closer. I got Inside and slammed the door. "Honey, what's wrong?" My mom asked. MOMMY SOMETHING JUST CHASED ME! I THINK THEY TRIED TO KIDNAP ME! "Oh no! Lock the doors. Shut the windows. Go to the attic. (Our attic was our safety place. It was like a bunker but it was nice. My dad built it. It had a couch, a bed, A LOT of food, and A LOT of water. He made it before he moved to another city for work.) My mom came up with my stuffed animals. I had 3. 1. My favorite, a stuffy of a pig. It is the size of a pillow, 2. A tiny wolf baby, and 3. My dad got for me, a elephant. It's his favorite animal. My mom locked the attic thing. "You're safe now sweetheart." Thanks mom. "I'm just glad you're safe sweetie" ughh mom why are you so weird? We went on and on. And on. Until we heard a voice. It was a man. THE man the was trying to kidnap me. I was terrified. Was he gonna find me? Get me? Take me away? We heard him say. Ma'am we would like to talk to Kailey? We know she's here. Ma'am don't make this hard. We will make this hard. Just let us talk to her. Kailey hush my mom whispered. I didn't even respond. My mom helped me hide under the bed. Then she went and put blankets on the bed making them touch the floor so they had no ways of seeing me. Then she went down the stairs. I was scared. Worried, WHAT THE HECK WAS GONNA HAPPEN TO MY MOM? I heard my mom talking to him, Sir my daughter isn't here, sorry.

We saw her come inside. She's not here sir would you like some tea? I made rolls? NO ALL I NEED IS YOUR DAUGHTER!! Don't make us search for her. Oh who's us? I'll make more rolls! NO IM TALKING ABOUT MY GROUP SEARCHING FOR YOUR KID! Ok okay, let me go get her Kailey come down here! Ugh she must be asleep let me go get her. she came up here "Kailey I'm going to put my tiny camera in your pocket. Go down there and talk to him. Ok. Ok. Breath. Breath it's gonna be ok sweetie, I'll love you so so much (kisses me on Cheek)" I head done stairs. Hi sir h-how's your day? Great. Now, sweetie can I have that bracelet and staff? What are you talking about sir? The one you ran to mama for. No I saw a big bug and got scared. You're coming with me. He said as he grabbed my arms. We went in a uhaul and I sat in the storage area. I tried to use my mind moving thingy but he grabbed the bracelet and made me nearly pass out so I was to weak, but uh oh I thought I would be fine when he took it off, but first after 5 minutes without the bracelet, I blacked out. I woke up, not in my bed, tied to a chair with something like a red cube stuck on my wrist, it felt painful, the first few minutes, but it stopped. The guy came in. He said, "Well look who it is, Kailey sweet innocent Kailey. WHAT POWERS DID YOU GET?" "What did the voice tell you, honey, don't be scared, all we need to know is where the staff is and what the voice told you then you can go free, well you'll also have to be tested, and make sure you're safe and healthy and then you go home is that OK sweetie?" a guy came from behind my chair, and said that in a calm voice, "oh I'm telling you it's the voice said something about I am the chosen ones I don't know what it was but it scared me that's all I really remember the voice telling me," They both gasped louder and upstairs. I just heard talking about about me and I sighed really loud just to see if anyone heard me really nobody cared I was tied to a chair I was freaking out and I don't know what to do. AGAIN I passed out and woke up in a jail cell, STILL tied to a chair. I had glasses on, they burned really bad it feels like they took the power out of me.