
Only Human

Talking was so annoying for the current Essenla that she didn't try to fill the ensuing silence with pointless conversation or idle chat, and Morne was so focused on Withering Touch that he wouldn't be able to uphold his half of the conversation anyway.

They devoted themselves to repairing their mangled bodies as fast as possible, waiting three hours between each healing session as they waited for their Chimh to recharge only to throw themselves back into it.

Such rigorous exercise of his Chimh Well was enough to push its depth to the very edges of Large Pond, but sadly not enough to tip it over to the next realm. Which made sense, he supposed. His width was starting to fall behind, being only five feet across, and unlike the depth still had an entire foot to go.

Even then, based on what Essenla had told him not too long ago, reaching the precipice of the Adept rank wasn't enough to step into the next level.

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