
Desire to Grow

But it was easy to tell at a glance that its grandeur was all it had going for it. It was the equivalent of a fancy car with all of the engine parts stripped of it, having no purpose besides looking nice.

Where was the power he had been promised? This was useless to him.

That was when Adrelhena's voice drifted into Morne's ears. "What you are seeing is an Ethereal Kernel," she whispered softly, so as not to disturb Morne's introspection. "With my help, you will transform it into something greater. Are you prepared?"

"Yes," Morne said instantly. There was no hesitation in his words, nor in his thoughts.

"Open your eyes. Behold the Mother Tree."

Morne's hazel eyes opened, pupils dilating and constricting as he readjusted to the light after hours of having them closed. The light… was brighter than he remembered. Almost too bright.

He blinked, his eyes watering. The light was starting to sting.

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