
Heretic Covenant

Her family offered her as a tribute to a "fallen God", Azrael. As she attempts to make an escape, he offered her years freedom, which shall end in eternal union. However, as she ventures into an unfamiliar world, she finds out how dangerous it is with monsters straying around. Believing it was her destiny to fight them as way of redeeming herself for what her family has done, Seraphine joins a group of "Venators", who hunt monsters down in exchange for a bounty. Unbeknownst to them, she has been keeping an intimate relationship with their greatest enemy, as part of their contract. *** Warning: Explicit sexual and violent scenes, and vulgar language up ahead. Not recommended for readers unde the age of 17.

yinumlia · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter 1 - Redemption

Several centuries had passed since humanity regained dominion over the land that the Gods had made especially for them.

Peace and harmony have made it possible for human civilization to flourish, as they have been freed from the danger of living alongside the demons. However, with the Gods no longer being worshiped by people, a faction was formed among them that wished to directly rule over people and reclaim their pride. That led to a conflict between them, but the rebellious faction was later defeated and was no longer allowed to enter the heavens.

As a retribution, they released monsters onto the surface, but this time, the Gods no longer helped eliminate them, for it was the mortals' wish to rule the lands on their own to begin with. Still, as a symbol of their aid, they blessed willing warriors to be capable of defending their land. This divine favor is then passed on to future generations, with the chosen families continuing to cultivate their blessings to save humanity.

Until the modern day, when the constant development of technologies gave them the power to change the world, only the divine favor of the gods could be of use in battling those monstrosities.


In this world where everyone desires to be a superhero, my family chose to play the villain.

I was born and raised on an isolated island, along with barely a thousand other citizens. Until now, I hadn't realized how far behind we are when it comes to technology and trends.

My family was considered the richest in that lonesome town, and we governed it like a monarch. I had no complaint then; no one had. We lived peacefully and reached out to each other a lot.

But all of those were merely a fake facade they'd built to gain everyone's trust—aa hell in the guise of a utopia.

And so, for eighteen years, I lived like a Princess loved by everyone around her, but everything changed 'that night'.

Afterwards, each day passed like a century. For two years, I was compelled to do nothing but take care of myself and please him; my education was halted as well. We never had a proper talk, but I'd notice him directly staring at me during the day when he decided to step out of his room.

Whatever he thinks of me doesn't matter, but his presence would always give me shivers. I'd tremble in fear whenever he touched me because I'd never know what he'd decide to do next. Would he kill me? Murder everyone? Eat me alive?

I was never able to understand him.

But for two years, he kept me alive.

And now, he even assisted my escape and took me to the city. What an unexpected turn of events.

"What. . in the world. . .?"

I still couldn't believe it.

The land below seems to reflect the stars up above, with all the colorful lights beneath my feet.

"This is what you want, do you?"

"It's beautiful."

Truly, it is. Nothing in that desolate town would ever compare to this landscape. That one was devoid of color, life, and . . hope.

"You can thank me now."

I heard him laugh softly. Was he ever this gentle and friendly? Well, I never attempted to initiate a decent talk with him before, but now it feels like we've been pals for a long time.

Our relationship has always been strict; we have an intangible boundary. Or perhaps it was my fear that built it and kept him away.

Ever since my family offered me a tribute to him, all I felt towards him was extreme fright and abomination. He's one of humanity's enemies; his nature is. Is it really fine to simply abandon that now that he has allowed me to break free?


Oh, come on, you know better than that, Seraphine." He lowered his gaze to meet mine and leaned closer to me with a dirty look.

Could it be one of his conditions?

"Take this." He handed me a small, thin card.

"What is it?"

"A credit card. Use it whenever you need to buy anything."

"W-why.. how....

He seems to be used to the ways of this place.


My eyes automatically closed as a dense fog appeared and embraced his body.

As it faded, his appearance changed into his usual human form. He has really mature and man-like features; undeniably gorgeous, if you'd ask me. He usually lets his shoulder-length hair flow freely, but now it's tied in a low, messy bun with thin fringes framing the sides of his face. Contrary to his typical attire, he wore an all-black suit with a tie.

I have seen my father in that same fashion before, and I must say, the way Azrael wears it adds to his charm.

Wait, what!?

I slowly turned my head around, keeping my flushed face away from him.

It's only natural to find him attractive, right? Haha. I bet anyone would fall head over heels for him.

I heard a cracking sound, probably from him stretching his neck. "I've lived for several thousands of years, dear. I didn't just spend those seated comfortably, commanding people around. That's simply boring."

Were he going places throughout those years he was summoned to the mansion as well? So that explains why he does not show up often.

But would an entity like him really prefer living alongside humans rather than ruling over them?

"I just don't get you," I commented.

"Likewise, I figured you have too much potential to merely become a bedwarmer."

I felt my face get intensely hotter; did he really just say that casually out of the blue?

I know it's just the two of us, but this is beyond embarrassing!

"Can I get a place to stay with this?" I asked in an attempt to divert the topic.

"I'd rather you stay in my penthouse," he sighed, placing his hands in the pocket of his pants.

"I prefer living by myself. I want to go to college as well."

"Where did you learn that concept from?"

"Books," I admitted. Honestly, everything I've learned beyond academics and divine blessings was acquired from the novels I've read. I had to stop studying after everything that happened. Also, our town was not large enough to establish a university. I would have to travel into the city, which is impossible in my case.

"Let's get to it then. I know just the perfect places."

As I was about to turn around, a strange floating silhouette from afar caught my attention.

"Wait, what's that?" I asked him.

My heartbeat grew faster when I realized that it was coming in our direction at a rapid rate.

It's a demon! I've seen some illustrations in those weird books in our archive.

They really do exist!

Oh, that's what I was talking about," he calmly responded, walking beside me.

As I was about to close my eyes in fear, I caught a glimpse of him raising his palm against it and uttering,

" Leave."


Months after 'that night', I discovered that I had acquired a divine blessing.

Our family has long since abandoned the gods and turned against them. The reason for it was something I am not knowledgeable of. . yet. For several generations before me, no one had ever received the same blessing that should have been passed down from our ancestors. Perhaps it was divine retribution cast upon us.

But I did acquire it after all. Afraid of what they would do, I tried to suppress it and hide it away.

Azrael's ties to divinity and the underworld made me feel unsafe about them. But he never mentioned anything regarding it at all.

It has only been a day since I arrived in this place, but the thought of the danger that awaits me outside scares me. Azrael has already found an apartment for me to stay in, but I haven't been there yet. He explained that those demons do not roam around the surface often, but it would be catastrophic once they did.

I wrapped a blanket around my naked body as I stepped out of the bed. He is still asleep; I hope the cold does not get into him.

His place is huge and neat; one side of his room is made up of transparent glass, imparting a cozy feel. At first, I found it spine-chilling to get near, but I've gotten used to it quickly.

As I observe the city from up here, I realize how dangerous it could be.

A lot of people must be living here—thousands? Millions, maybe.

I know what I'm capable of, and I must not let it go to waste.

Was the divine blessing bestowed upon me meant for this particular cause?

Is this the redemption I had been seeking?

"Seraphine. It's cold. I'm getting rock hard down here."

I felt the temperature intensify on both of my cheeks.


"You better take responsibility for this."

My eyes twitched as he winked at me.

That perverted jerk!

We've always been doing this kind of thing, but with him talking in such manner now, it feels so embarrassing!